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More than 10 Puerto Ricans nabbed for alleged illegal entry

- allegedly failed to present themselves to immigration officials & proceeded to a party on another vessel @ Norman Island
The vessel and some of the passengers detained by police and customs officers last night, September 3, 2016. Photo: Team of Reporters
Commissioner of Her Majesty’s Customs, Mr Wade N. Smith said his department will continue its operations to protect the territory. Photo: VINO/File
Commissioner of Her Majesty’s Customs, Mr Wade N. Smith said his department will continue its operations to protect the territory. Photo: VINO/File
NORMAN ISLAND, VI – A joint operation between Her Majesty’s Customs and marine officers of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) resulted in some 10 persons held for allegedly entering the territory illegally last night, September 3, 2016.

The vessel transporting the persons is said to be overseas based and owned by a US citizen.

According to reports, more than ten persons, believed to be Puerto Ricans, entered the territory illegally sometime after 9:00 P.M.

The group was said to have headed to a party in the Bight at Norman Island.

According to our information, the restaurants at Norman Island are closed for the season and the group was not on land but was believed to be patrons of a water restaurant and bar that has no connections with Norman Island.

Up to late last night it was reported that police were “dealing with the perpetrators” and when contacted Commissioner of Customs Mr Wade N. Smith said he was alerted to a detention but was not in a position to provide details as it had occurred moments prior to being contacted by this news site.

He, however, commented, “We keep putting it out there that we are having this operation going on and if persons are taking us for granted they will face the penalties. We will not stop, we are doing our job, we are doing our best to protect these Virgin Islands and we will continue to be transparent and let the people know what we are doing and if some people fail to heed the warning well…”

Efforts to reach Mr Smith this morning, September 4, 2016, for further details on the detention of the boat and the passengers proved unsuccessful.

26 Responses to “More than 10 Puerto Ricans nabbed for alleged illegal entry”

  • dog (04/09/2016, 10:12) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Home land security in effect
  • wize up (04/09/2016, 10:13) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    some of us will have some levels of dumb conversation but it is nice to see border protection at work.....
  • shark (04/09/2016, 10:25) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    The law is the law.they came to go to a party in Norman Island.we all know that many persons with power boats travel to the pirates bight,so why could u not have an immigration officer on board and have their passports stamped.if were claiming to be one virgin islands there should not be any restriction.
    • Come on (04/09/2016, 17:53) Like (29) Dislike (1) Reply
      You think for one minute you can get on a boat from BVI and go Vieques or Culebra for a party and don't go through immigration? Try it and see if they going have mercy on you. For some reason people feel the BVI must not enforce it's laws for anything a day everybody should do as they please. It's not their first but it's just that they luck run out. They bring in dope we must not prosecute them. They enter illegally- oh they come to a popular hang out spot so let them go. Hold all ah dem Wade
  • No (04/09/2016, 10:26) Like (11) Dislike (43) Reply
    This is excessive. Biting the hands that feed you. Border protection yes. But don't make this a witch hunt now for every vessel that comes in late night. Damaging relations with Puerto Ricans and USVI over pettiness. A regulation was broken but no crime was committed. Let common sense prevail. Get their information and let them continue having a good time as tourists in Nature Little Secret. Customs and Immigration are being overzealous now.
    • Concerned (04/09/2016, 12:46) Like (32) Dislike (2) Reply
      It is thoughts and comments like this that really bother me. Of course laws were broken (both Customs and Immigratipn laws, as a matter of fact. We need not condone this te of action in the name of Tourism.
    • wize up (04/09/2016, 13:55) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ no: put your money where you mouth is....get a group of your best friends then enter Puerto Rico without authorization by the relevant authorities(just do it) is the downfall of some of us(we must contravene the territory's law for 500.00)....this place fill of guns and bvi dont manufacturer you not running for 2019 elections because you will have this place upside down(keep the faith)
    • Bohannon (04/09/2016, 16:23) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      Immigration was not involved in that operation. Get your dam facts straight.
    • @No (04/09/2016, 17:36) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply

      Since it is so simple, you try doing the same thing over in St. John and see if the US Customs and Immigration will greet you with a smile and a stamp for entering the Territory without proper clearance to do so.. Remember, the USVI depend on us as tourists too!
      • wize up (05/09/2016, 02:51) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
        Some of us should be proud to know the laws of the territory are being executed....the people of these British Virgin Islands spends well over 30 Million dollars per years in the USVI and not one of us have to nerve to violate any laws in the USVI, sometimes those USVI guys hog you off simply because your customs card not completed: just a point of information; the people of this territory spends millions of dollars in other countries for medical reasons; building supplies; electronics; cars; boats; drugs, food and that list goes on but let us violate the laws of any country and see how fast your a&& end up in thier jail....some of us on here chatting f*ck about money; our people and our government spend millions and millions of dollars all over this world because we have to import evry thing that we need(does that give us the right to brake laws)...the people of this territory also support the economy of other countries(now U know)
    • Big Ears (06/09/2016, 13:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      "A regulation was broken but no crime was committed."

      YES! a crime WAS committed.
    • Prescott (06/09/2016, 21:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are the one with no sense my man. How are we supposed to lower our immigration laws for a handful? Late at night you say? That is the time illegal activities are happening in the cover of darkness. Customs and the RVIP did a good job keeping out unwanted guns and drugs and keeping us safe. If they wanted to party so bad, they should have cleared customs the way we have to do when entering the U.S.A. and they don't play that shit no time for no one. For a few extra dollars you think we must lower our standards and laws. You must be mad!
  • same shite different day (04/09/2016, 11:08) Like (12) Dislike (24) Reply
    This is the same kind of thing that killed Bomba's full moon parties because the USVI boaters were harassed every time they came until they've stop coming. We are constantly chasing away our tourists. We will soon be like Puerto Rico begging them to comeback. These people were at Norman to party, not like they came to the mainland Tortola? BVI boaters are welcomed with open arms during the St.John festivities, absolutely no harassment from the authorities......GO AHEAD BVI AND SEE WHERE IT TAKES US
    • @same shite different day (04/09/2016, 17:40) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
      You sound so silly! We ask only that visitors respect our laws! If USVI visitors want to come to Bomba's, let them enter the Territory legally and enjoy the festivities! Are you suggesting that we throw open our borders and entertain a free for all with no Immigration and Customs requirements for entry??
  • PR (04/09/2016, 11:36) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    Puerto rican dont have no need to want to come to the bvi to stay or nothing that a joke for them to ge deport from bvi to were to the usa lol
    • wize up (04/09/2016, 18:10) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ PR....learn this new word("Kilos")if you dont know you better ask somebody; them PR folks truly love these BVI waters BUT them got surprised last evening::: one individual been come to this territory over 10 years and had no clue marijuana was prohibited because they also got surprised a few days ago....
  • v (04/09/2016, 12:09) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    So ndp plans to raise revenue on the backs of these boaters?
  • wow (04/09/2016, 13:42) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
    leave the Porto ricans those are the ones with money and they spend a lot
    • Puerto Rico (04/09/2016, 16:31) Like (7) Dislike (14) Reply
      There is no need for us to want to come to your Country illegally. We just come over to have a night of fun, spend money and leave.So get it straight.
    • *** (05/09/2016, 18:24) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      They do not spend alot. They bring there own food & drinks so they dont have to spend money then leave their mess for us to clean up.
      Plenty are anchoring on our reefs, littering and not respecting our laws.
      Well done to the customs dept, great work.
  • wize up (04/09/2016, 17:13) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nothing personal but if you have a fist full of dollars and the right skin tone come to BVI and do what you desire because the law of the land will be waved in the name of tourism...i personally challenge some of us to enter another man's country and violate any law of that country without paying a penalty for being a dumb a$$(just do it then come on here and blog the results)
  • dog (04/09/2016, 17:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    more money
  • Serpico (04/09/2016, 21:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dont under estimate the power and authority of Customs and Immigration in the Virgin Islands and the world over. Seize the time.
  • Tourist (05/09/2016, 07:56) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    The BVI govt is finding new ways to discourage tourism. When Cuba is fully open the BVI economy will crumble and Mr. Smith will be begging on the streets.
    • chad (05/09/2016, 13:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply


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