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More shake ups in HoA seating; Attorney General tossed in back row!

The seating arrangements in the House of Assembly (HoA) Chambers were shaken up on Friday October 25, 2024, with the removal of Hon Dawn J. Smith, Attorney General, from sitting next to Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) and placed in the back row with the two Junior Ministers. Photo: YouTube
Deputy Premier and Minister for Environment, Natural Resources, Climate Change, Labour and Immigration Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) now seats next to Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in the House of Assembly Chambers. Photo: YouTube
Deputy Premier and Minister for Environment, Natural Resources, Climate Change, Labour and Immigration Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) now seats next to Premier Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in the House of Assembly Chambers. Photo: YouTube
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- It is now old news that Premier and Minister of Finance and Chairman of the ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Dr the Honourable Natalio D Wheatley (R7) made the bombshell move earlier this week and fired his Deputy Premier Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL).

Hon Smith who now sits on the Opposition benches was replaced by Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) who was appointed Deputy Premier and Minister for Environment, Natural Resources, Climate Change, Labour and Immigration.

Another shake up was the seating arrangements in the House of Assembly (HoA) Chambers with the removal of Hon Dawn J. Smith, Attorney General, from sitting next to the Premier and placed in the back row with the two Junior Ministers.

Not a rule more like tradition-Willock

In an invited comment, former Speaker of the HoA Julian Willock when asked about the seating arrangements of the Attorney General noted, “Usually where the Attorney General sits is up to the Premier, for example late Chief Minister Mr. Stoutt had the Attorney General in the back however it was late Mr. O’Neal of blessed memory I believed in 1995 who moved the AG to the front sitting next to him. Then both Dr Smith and Mr. Fahie kept the tradition, however, there is no rule or policy saying the AG has to sit next to the Premier; it was more like tradition not a rule.”

Mr. Willock opined that it was good to see the front bench made up of all the elected legislators who are Ministers like is practiced in the UK.

Meanwhile, Hon Smith took her seat on the opposition side of the isle as a Member of the HoA.

During her press conference on October 23, 2024, in response to a question from the media said she would lend her expertise in Financial Services if called upon to do so.

“I will have to, I remain a member of the House of Assembly and all of us are elected to represent the best interest of the people, so yes I would support to the extent that I can in the best interests of the people of the Territory,” Hon. Smith said in her response.

Small civil servants changes coming

According to a senior source familiar with the Wheatley administration there will be no more major shake-ups coming short of Hon Fraser’s portfolio being finalized and a handful of senior civil servants being reassigned to provide the best fit and support to Ministers. It was also rumoured that a senior officer in the Ministry of Financial Services had tendered her resignation following the ousting of Hon Smith, however talks are ongoing for a retraction of that resignation, according to sources in the Deputy Governor’s Office.

Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Financial Services Ms. Petrona N. Davis (before Hon Smith was sacked) retired which had nothing to do with the removal of the former subject minister.

23 Responses to “More shake ups in HoA seating; Attorney General tossed in back row! ”

  • At this point (26/10/2024, 11:32) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    who cares, the Premier is doing what he feels he needs to do. Just run the country right for God and Heaven's sake.
  • Premier made a decision.. (26/10/2024, 11:43) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    This Prepare ain't playing, all the incompetence failures are put on notice...No more rewarding of non performers...
  • Sowande again (26/10/2024, 11:50) Like (17) Dislike (12) Reply
    This is my Premier. I am wondering why Frazer as deputy? Kye was forced out, or made the sacrifice for the Premier and the Party to put Lorna as deputy. I think this was an opportunity to reinstate him as Deputy. I am sure Frazer would have been happy with been the Minister ot works, and Labour, those are his love. Give Kye deputy Ports and Immigration...Its an indirect slap of no confidence in Kye face, or maybe they just don't have a good working relationship..Kye can't be happy. So this is far from over..
    • @ SOWANDE AGAIN (26/10/2024, 18:48) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
      Kye can't get the ministry of communication and works in order. Much less fix the roads and sewerage issues. What made yiu think he will be a good deputy?
      • @@Sowande again. (26/10/2024, 20:55) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
        Thats why Frazer should have gotten works and Labour and give back Kye his deputy position, he is young, he is the future, he will learn, he did it before, he made the sacrifice to get Lorna to keep the Govt and Sowande jn Power and most importantly, he is a People's Person.
  • Guest (26/10/2024, 12:32) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    It makes no difference, Sowande don't listen to her anyways.
  • Bad Idea (26/10/2024, 12:44) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is ususally a bad business practice if someone tenders their resignation to persuaded them back. Their first reaction is uually the most sincere. They are obviously loyal to Hon. Smith. This is an invitation to give someone the access the undermine and obstruct? there is already enough of that in Government. While you are at it get rid or move the one in Health blocking all progress trying to make the Minister look bad. Premier you have shown you can make the tough calls ,but begging someone back is weak.
  • 2024 (26/10/2024, 13:09) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Does it really matters some persons sits during House of Assembly once the assigned duties are executed

    we have persons among us over staying
    We have persons among us No work permit

    And every man mout shut
  • The Watcher (26/10/2024, 13:12) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    so big deal she is where she belong!
  • Yes (26/10/2024, 13:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only time wil tell
  • lodger (26/10/2024, 15:03) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love the new sitting arrangements end of story
  • c (26/10/2024, 15:30) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
    Premier thinks he’s Trump.
  • Quiet Warrior (26/10/2024, 15:53) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    A storm in a tea cup! Yawn….. Big egos.
  • hmm (26/10/2024, 18:40) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

    Fix the $&# roads!!!

  • HM customs (26/10/2024, 18:56) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please please please please please remove the heads of the department of customs and all the acting commissioners they’re killing officers in their having personal issues with officers their only their to make sure they get big salaries and promoting friends alone and holding back the growth of the department and running it like their personal business and micromanaging everybody please please please help us
  • The BIG youth (26/10/2024, 21:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    flexing ???? off heself / hope it doesn't backfire
  • House of cards (26/10/2024, 21:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The house of cards is slowlyyyyyy falling apart. There is a lot of drama is going on in the House of Cards.
  • Likeeee? (26/10/2024, 21:36) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    What the hell difference it makes who is sitting where. All of you is in the same damn room during meetings or whatever the hell you all be doing
  • !!!!!!!!! (26/10/2024, 21:47) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Y’all need to stop acting like 3rd graders in the classroom worrying about who should sit next to who. Who the hell cares about the seating arrangement, it sure is not that important or that serious. What is who sit here or there doing to benefit the Territory or the people of the Territory.
  • Rat Bait (26/10/2024, 23:16) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fahie still looking down on the House from the wall, now watching all the other rats fighting for survival !
  • My be loved SK. (27/10/2024, 04:34) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
    Hope PM Drew is paying attention of what real leadership is.. SK needs s shuffle bad, The agriculture Minister, the Tourism Minister and worse of all the Foreign Minister not performing and undermining. I will move the Foreign Minister to health, if he refused Fire him. I will give back Mark the position of Foreign Minister, Give both Marsha and Samal a serious warning to step up and start performing, We need more and better results, or further switches will have to be made..Things can't continúe the same, it's on a decline...I fully support the BVI leader. Making tough decisions is a Mark of a good leader.
  • hmm (27/10/2024, 10:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tell me there is political instability without telling me there is political instability.
  • Misogyny Much? (27/10/2024, 12:20) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Does this Premier have a problem with highly educated, intelligent, powerful and sophisticated women in powerful places, by his side?
    How disrespectful to the Honorable Lorna Smith and, now, the Honorable Dawn Smith. Shame, shame, shame.

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