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More ‘modern’ roads for the VI- Hon Rymer

December 21st, 2024 | Tags: Virgin Islands Kye M. Rymer road infrastructure modern
Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), Minister for Communications and Works, has revealed a more modern road infrastructure is coming for the Virgin Islands (VI). Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
A section along Windy Hill, Tortola blocked to vehicular traffic on November 19, 2024, due to road works in that area. Photo: Team of Reporters
A section along Windy Hill, Tortola blocked to vehicular traffic on November 19, 2024, due to road works in that area. Photo: Team of Reporters
Road Works in the Manchester Area in early December 2024. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
Road Works in the Manchester Area in early December 2024. Photo: Government of the Virgin Islands
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), Minister for Communications and Works, has revealed a more modern road infrastructure is coming for the Virgin Islands (VI).

Hon Rymer was speaking on Christmas in the Virgin Islands presented by the Government of the Virgin Islands hosted by Acting Director of Communications Mrs Karia J. Christopher.

“The reality is our infrastructure is failing. You mentioned the storms of 2017 hence persons are a bit tired of hearing about that, they want to see action on the ground, they want to see good roads within our Territory,” he told Mrs Christopher.

According to Hon Rymer, 2024 has been a “trying year” as the VI has seen excessive rainfall that has in turn caused continuous deterioration to the road network.

Remedial works before comprehensive works

“It’s just about a few weeks ago we really started doing remedial works on some of the most deplorable areas...we’re doing this throughout the Territory as a means of our initial stage of rehabilitation, we will do the comprehensive stage of rehabilitation in 2025,” Hon Rymer explained.

He added a “more modern” and “more comfortable” road structure is being looked forward to.

The Communication and Works Minister went on to apologise to the motoring public.

“We have been faced with these road works and persons are tired hearing about it and want to see something on the road and I’m happy and I’m pleased with what is allocated in the budget so that we can get those works done in 2025,” he said.

Hon Rymer also said he is excited to see what is to come in 2025.

“My ministry would have seen some of the most money ever budgeted for road infrastructure, for some of the works that we intend to do. So, I’m quite excited looking into 2025,” he said.

19 Responses to “More ‘modern’ roads for the VI- Hon Rymer”

  • Really (21/12/2024, 10:07) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    Pure crap going on with these roads. A big mountain sea cows bay. What is that? No road are modern just patches all over . The government have robots building roads in other countries so not that is probably who's going to build those modern roads because these people working on the roads have no clue
  • west (21/12/2024, 10:57) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    we need to see more work on the gound bosssie
  • Digital road (21/12/2024, 12:17) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
  • smh (21/12/2024, 14:42) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Clueless to this day!!!
  • Lb (21/12/2024, 15:36) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Kye trying but he does not have the support in his ministry too many people blocking him
  • Concerned (21/12/2024, 15:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    As in modern can you confirm that you are planning a well constructed road with drainage, Plus the electricity, Water, Sewage internet/phone. All constructed under same project to prevent the loss of power in the island as were in the hurricane belt. If your going to do it right and do it once please plan ahead. We will soon need 5G for the self driving cars. I welcome a response to this as roads alone falls short of the bigger picture.
  • Stealth (21/12/2024, 19:15) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Jean-Jacques Rosseau in the Social Contract wrote:.” If I were a prince or a legislator I would not waste my time saying what ought to be done ; I should do it or keep silent. “ What does the Hon Kye Rymer, MCW, means by a more modern road network? To borrow a line from fellow blogger E. Leonard, ie, words in action speaks louder and greater than words in print or speech or in a softball interview. What does the minister mean, for road users are tired of the poorly constructed, maintained,,deteriorated roads? The operating cost of their vehicles are through the roof. The vehicles themselves are tired of traversing the bad roads;,they are screaming for help.

    Moreover, does the Minister mean fewer or better design horizontal and vertical curves? Does the minister mean better drain roads? Does the minister mean roads with a proper crown and cross slope? Does the minister mean roads with a longer lifecycle? Does the minister mean more effectively constructed and maintained roads, ie., less pot holes? Does the minister mean roads which does not fail with the first frequent rain? Does the minister mean roads with better signage? Does the minister mean better interconnection between road segments? Does the minister mean that taxpayers,,road users will get value for money from road investment?
    • E.Leonard (22/12/2024, 09:28) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Stealth, good read with relevant probing questions. Indeed, words in action is more powerful, speaks louder and greater than words in print or nice, impressive sounding speeches. The only further I will is that a) the VI needs a rolling notional/territorial development plan, b) road/transportation master plan, and c) Westminister system needs adjusting to more effectively meet local needs.
      • UK Taxpayer (23/12/2024, 10:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        @ E. Leonard, I got you on the a) National Development Plan, and b) road/transportation master plan but c) Westminister adjusting?? Needs some illumination..It has work for the UK for centuries and has been adopted and adapted by some former colonies. It along with a) democracy , b) rule of law are major contributions of UK to former colonies, save for the US which adopted a presidential system which is no match for the Westminster system
        Not a penny of UK taxpayer money for OT experimentation. they can do it with their own money.
  • See (21/12/2024, 21:30) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Morons in suits with endless bs. Nothing changes for decades
  • think (21/12/2024, 22:33) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    You think the people of this territory will forget the pain of the roads with their vehicles. Everywhere close, you forcing them to take alternate roads you didn't use wisdom to fix them first. Oh the pain in the people pockets while you all drive around in government vehicles and you have no overhead. You all better find a way to lessen the financial burden on the people. Pure pressure and pain.
  • 4WD (21/12/2024, 23:03) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    SCB getting fixed nicely but who on earth designed a speed bump by the community center that you need a 4WD to climb up. All those fancy very low cars will hit when they get on top
  • BVI/UK (22/12/2024, 05:43) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It would be better since the road digging and closed, best y'all did put some concrete down on the road than just left it like a mess potholes.
    Rhymer get a concrete truck let them pave back the road one time been that it's already closed rather than leaving it like that to cause a mess potholes when the rain fall. Put y'all common sense to work. And the director of PWD.
  • @4WD (22/12/2024, 09:00) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    yest I checked with the dude holding the stop/go sign and asked why they were building a ski jump. he said the road was going to be raised on either side. Anyone want to bet they are still working on this next Summer?
  • FMC (22/12/2024, 10:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    He also called the Frenchman’s Cay bridge “modern” and “world class”. Drive there and be the judge. I’m so embarrassed by what we are being given by this government. The bridge on FMC is a huge embarrassment, it’s not finished but they have since wrapped up and opened it with much fanfare. If this is what we will be getting elsewhere as “modern”, please step aside.
  • FACIAL EXPRESSION (22/12/2024, 13:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Observer (22/12/2024, 13:56) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Kyle please stop bs the people.
    Why can’t you bring in the Chinese to build the roads and have our people work along with them to get some experience.
    The Chinese will work all night while we sleeping and the road will finish according to budget. Why you people so stubborn thinking that you can handle the job. St. Kitts and Nevis don’t have the money like the BVI but they have good roads all around the country.
  • BUSY BEE (23/12/2024, 10:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Five + years of words... Hon. Minister Rymer, show us DEEDS!!!

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