More bad weather expected today into the weekend
Recent forecast from Antigua & Barbuda Meteorological Services indicted that a tropical wave, with strong winds, is expected to affect the territory today and Thursday August 17, 2017 and possibly into the weekend. The tropical wave may create an unstable environment resulting in cloudy skies, showers and thunderstorms.
Following the tropical weather that is approaching the territory, DDM stated that a second system is expected to cause similar unstable weather by Friday August 18, 2017 and extend into Saturday.
DDM further announced that two other disturbances that are forming in the Atlantic are currently being monitored as they are producing disorganised showers and thunderstorms.
It was reported that the two disturbances have a 30 percent chance of developing over the next seven days. As a result, the department is urging residents to monitor the weather closely as they have a high chance of affecting the territory.
The DDM said it will continue to monitor these weather systems and provide updates when they become available. Persons can monitor the weather on local media stations, DDM’s website ( and Facebook at BVIDDM for regular updates.

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