More bad grammar from Education Minister even on Facebook!
The poor grammar appears to be dominant in statements in the House of Assembly from his office, letters sent to the public and recently a document laid on the Table of the House of Assembly in regards to the National Youth Policy.
However, it seems like it has not stopped there. Social Media had a laughing frenzy when Hon Walwyn posted on February 21, 2015 at 8:06 AM on his Facebook page what we noted to be a highly valuable and commendable effort to honour local heroes in recognition of February being Black History Month celebrated in the United States of America.
Hon. Walwyn the Education and Culture Minister posted a tribute on Facebook in celebration of Dr. Pearl L. Varlack, one of Anegada’s famous daughters of the soil.
Laughing stock but excellent effort
However, instead of Social Media looking at the value in the post many Whatsapp chats, Instagram, Facebook chats and pool talk were focused on the poor grammar and many errors in such a short post.
In the post the Minister wrote ‘three year’ instead of ‘three years’, the plural usage. The author also referred to Dr. Varlack as ‘Dr. Penn’ in a post less than 50 words.
The short post also referred to Girls as ‘Gil’ and misspelled the surname of Dr Norwel Harrigan, with whom Dr Varlack had co-authored books, as ‘Hariigan’. Up to publication time today February 21, 2015 no corrections had been made despite persons postings asking the Education Minister to recheck his post.
Hon Walwyn since taking office as Minister for Education and Culture has hired a Public Relations Firm, Barnes PR owned and operated by Sachkia Barnes to write speeches. The firm raked in close to $100,000 on its first two-year consultancy contract from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013.
Please see a previous story on poor grammar from his Ministry at this link:
67 Responses to “More bad grammar from Education Minister even on Facebook! ”
The Moron Minister strikes again. Minister of Education my ...s!
When you think of the likes of at large people like; Orlando, Vernon, Elmore, Myron and Archie you will cry for the country if we go to an all at large system….they are useless they have not done anything they cannot match up with the district builders…
Myron is not perfect and although he comes across as a bully, he is allowed to make a few public grammatical errors.
N- Natural
D- Dumb
P- Person
His one track mind for power is rooted in the belief that I have made it so far so I will soon be the Premier
I don't think there's any way to sugar coat this..Myron needs to take english 101
Use your office for good over evil...That is the message.
M..ON YOU CAN KEEP DREAMING…Denzil Douglas said on the campaign trail ‘he is not going anywhere …others have said that too and the rest is history...M..on you have done nothing for three long years and it is showing. You are incompetent and not ready to be a Minister let alone a minister of education.
You need to return to the college and tat with basic English I am ashamed that you have represented me abroad.
I don't know why these morons of the VIP focus on little dumb issues rather than tell us the people what they can and will do for us. I guess you feel Ra..h who i doubt finished high school can do better. Guess he will have a big dictionary next to him at all time.
What can he tell my child about education?
With people in the house of assembly like moo moo Myron, Alvera, Deloris and Archie who the hell in their right minds will be jealous or feel them….
I am sure the bloggers whoever they are and most of them are NDP paid bloggers can do a better job that most of those fools in there...Who can’t read, can’t write, who can’t write, cant spell, who cant spell, anti and others like to suck TT….
Myron should also consider the possibility of sabotage within his office. There are some loose cannons wanting to challenge his position in the next election.
An aside: The USVI have announced that candidates for their Police Force are not able to pass a seventh grade test. That would be the equivalent of a thirteen year old child .
Policemen from the mainland is now their hiring option.
It will get worse.
Remember that He was crucified.
He was nailed to a cross.
He was cursed at and spat on.
He was betrayed.
You are mere mortal.
Continue to do the right thing. Stay focused.
Many many of us love and appreciate the wonderful work that you are doing.
Doing right for children will never go unrewarded.
Relish the envy and the jealousy from your detractors.
Really, they and their antics do not matter.