‘Monkey pox’ infection on the horizon as COVID pandemic dwindles

WHO warned that more cases are likely to be reported and that infections have been confirmed in nine European countries, as well as the US, Canada, and Australia.
Monkeypox is most common in remote parts of Central and West Africa and It is a rare viral infection which is usually mild and from which most people recover in a few weeks, according to the UK's National Health Service.
The BBC reports that the virus does not spread easily between people and the risk to the wider public is said to be very low. There is no specific vaccine for monkeypox, but a smallpox jab offers 85% protection since the two viruses are quite similar.
Cases confirmed in Europe
So far, public health agencies in Europe have confirmed cases in the UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Italy, and Sweden.
In a statement on Friday, the WHO said that the recent outbreaks "are atypical, as they are occurring in non-endemic countries". It said it was "working with the affected countries and others to expand disease surveillance to find and support people who may be affected".
It is not yet clear why this unusual outbreak is happening now. One possibility is that the virus has changed in some way, although currently there is little evidence to suggest this is a new variant.
Another explanation is that the virus has found itself in the right place at the right time to thrive. Monkeypox may also spread more easily than it did in the past, when the smallpox vaccine was widely used.
WHO's Europe regional director Hans Kluge warned that "as we enter the summer season... with mass gatherings, festivals and parties, I am concerned that transmission could accelerate".
He added that all but one of the recent cases had no relevant travel history to areas where monkeypox was endemic.

48 Responses to “‘Monkey pox’ infection on the horizon as COVID pandemic dwindles”
I did some research and see how doctors and governments cash in. Now that they've implemented their new Pandemic surveillance called GERM-Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team. Backed by the WHO(UN) this will give them power over the local health services to come in and contain and do whatever it takes to suppress any spread. This whole thing is very fishy, they already have a vaccsin ready to go. We should stop buying into what these people are selling, this is more money in the banks for these Billionaires and more injuries to our bodies and economy.
The WHO To Discuss Global Pandemic Treaty At World Health Assembly May 22-28
Do you know how slavery began with the Kazarian-Zionists, and the first Financial Wall Street Market? Do you know why? And who made great profit selling the race out? Do you know that the genocide of black people began as the root races of humanity evolved? Not a mere 400 years ago, but for over a 1000 years, using advanced mind control techniques that infect the entire world with this disingenuous plan.
Or …do we listen to some radio show filled with the same divisive propaganda, deliberately designed to program all minds…., also used way back then. The same people over a thousand years ago were not dumb illiterate cave men. You may want to start your research there because simply reading headlines and scrambling them all together is exactly what is embedded in their design
wat does this have to do with anything??
FYI there was a monkey box outbreak in 2013...ain't nobody want your f*ckin quaccines...moving right along
They create another one a more stink one
Soo ppl can run go get the stabby jabby clot shot.
Plz don’t even reply bout MP out here
Jus like the Rona was out years ago but suddenly is a pandemic all the years then
Had ppl traveling in and out of Africa but 2 years in d scamdemic
Omricon nobody ent dying as much although it spreading here we go again
Btw the news like they forget to add gays bisexual and then is who infected in this outbreak
A pandemic of the gays yuk....
Is bananas going to be scarce now?
These mind controlled people willingly injected themselves with jabs that they have no clue what is inside of them.
Now looking at the ingredients list, it has the monkeypox listed as one the ingredients.
No surprise there are outbreaks now.
But its more n most common in West Africa. Hmm
Every news feed now is monkeypox
Is anyone experiencing side effects?
Do you believe that there is an Agenda behind the jabs?
Do you know anyone that mysteriously died maybe after taking the jab?
Do you know anyone that died in their home of COVID?
Did anyone test positive for covid after receiving all 20 doses?
Do the vaccines make sense over natural immunity?
Would you agree to a vaccine passport?
Will you agree to be digitally tagged for the greater good of an early warning pandemic outbreak system?
Will you hand over your rights to be a test subject of any future experimental vaxxsins?
Will you let your children take any future untested mRNA vaxxsin that may cause myocarditis, Brain Tumors, Cancers, abnormal bleeding, hepatitis, and a long list of what we don't know about?
Will you let the constitution be changed to allow forced vaxxsinations even against religious rights and over your own bodily autonomy? Your body your choice right?
Maybe I should end there the list can keep going, I think some of the seriousness of what's plaguing society right now are uncertainty and unanswered questions about everything concerning the jabs, sudden deaths in the community and clear cover ups converning these matters. When someone is jabbed and gets sick seems they get a pass and once your unvaxxed the situation is not the same. Example surgery seems to be denied to some people who are unvaxxed vs vaxxed, there are proven examples of this where a family member of mine was coerced into taking the vaxx right after died. Maybe was a coincidence but another friend of a family member samething and there are other stories like that. Why aren't these things in the news? I don't know. In Jamaican 8 teachers or so sudden deaths in less than a week. Coincidence is left to be seen but these are all questionable and If we hold some discussions around the subject we can get a better understanding of what's going on. Don't get aggressive because you made your decision and someone asks a valid question. How can any debate be so one-sided, one can only imagine this was the case in any court sitting, the accused have no say.