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Miss BVI Pageant committee bans live streaming of 2023 show

-restricts media attendance to 1 representative per media house
The Miss BVI Pageant Committee which is a Sub-Committee of the Virgin Islands Festival & Fairs Committee (VIF&FC) has released information detailing that it has prohibited live streaming of the 2023 show. Photo: Facebook
The VIF&FC Chairman Mr Walters could not be reached for comments up to publication time. Photo: Facebook/File
The VIF&FC Chairman Mr Walters could not be reached for comments up to publication time. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – The Miss BVI Pageant Committee which is a Sub-Committee of the Virgin Islands Festival & Fairs Committee (VIF&FC) has released information detailing that it has prohibited live streaming of the 2023 show.

The committee in a release said the decision came after much consideration regarding the subject matter. In addition to the strictly prohibited live streaming, video recording of the show for later broadcasts is also prohibited.

However, the committee said radio broadcasting is allowed in addition to Photography for journalism purposes allowed.

“Additionally, one representative from your media house will be allowed to attend the pageant for media coverage. Please provide the name of the individual to us by Monday 31st July, 2023 in order for the press pass to be issued,” the committee said in a notice.

JTV previously 'Kicked out' of Preince & Princess Show 

The VIF&FC came under criticism recently after a local media house, JTV was prevented from streaming the Prince & Princess Show 2023. VIF&FC Chairman, Dirl L. Walters later issues an apology that the decision came due to a misunderstanding from the pageant committee.

Following the last incident of prohibited live streaming by a local media house, Mr Walters had pledged to put measures in place to ensure similar incidents with the media do not occur in the future.

The VIF&FC Chairman Mr Walters could not be reached for comments up to publication time. 

The Miss BVI Show is set for Sunday, August 6, 2023, at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex at 7:00pm. 

19 Responses to “Miss BVI Pageant committee bans live streaming of 2023 show”

  • shantel (29/07/2023, 13:17) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    Also some drama in nature's little secret
    • Ridiculous (30/07/2023, 08:03) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
      It’s the part about media can’t even rebroadcast must less stream Live.

      Who are the control freaks handling the event?

      The Prince and Princess Show barely had anyone in attendance and that’s a show that’s usually packed with attendees.

      The Miss BVI sub-committee may think there may not be many in attendance if streamed Live but the rebroadcasting part that’s ridiculous. Contestants have family overseas and on island that for whatever reason could not attend as well as the public in general who would like to watch the show after and could not attend for various reasons.

  • But (29/07/2023, 13:33) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    I understand the need to generate revenue by selling tickets to the show. Clearly they haven't sold enough however. Perhaps it's time to put aside the petty rivalry with the Miss Universe BVI licensor and re-unite the two? Miss BVI as a concept has been irrelevant for the last two years. You never see or hear from the winners following the first month, save for a regional pageant at the end of the term. I know there is a history there as "Festival Queen", but that role can still be fulfilled by a winner who represents on both a local and global scale.
  • Queen (29/07/2023, 15:50) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    The show doesn’t seem very interesting this year.
  • Real Talk (29/07/2023, 16:09) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    Messie sh*t again

  • The watchdog (29/07/2023, 17:03) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    Come on bvi you have residents studying overseas we need to see the show
  • Bored (29/07/2023, 18:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is anyone really going to watch this? Seriously would you pay $ to see?
  • 2023 (29/07/2023, 19:41) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    In 2023 do we still need the nonsense of beauty pageants???

  • smart (29/07/2023, 19:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Them want make money so when them ain’t stream people got pay to come watch
  • RedStorm (29/07/2023, 20:09) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    I think it’s really silly that there are cultural event you must paid for. Simply because you are not presence at the event. I really do not like those pageant show , because it has lost its meaning and it is more unfairness to it.
  • smh (29/07/2023, 21:46) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dum !
  • WOW (30/07/2023, 02:58) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    What mess is this we live in the uk and keep up with show and stuff back home so how are you going to see the show Bvi you need to get with the time so what happened to people how cannot come home cannot even see nothing and you see other countries show online Bvi really have to much drama for me .
  • .......... (30/07/2023, 07:20) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Unless free, where can you go to a link a watch a pageant for free. Waiting. The government has given away everything for free so much that you all think we should not pay for anything. Ladt week there was a jam up purcell in the heat of the morning and you all paid $100 to stand in the sun. Now you all are complaining.
  • Tolian (30/07/2023, 08:11) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just when u thought tola people couldn't get any dumber, part of promoting an event is to have it televised so the public can see what they are missing out on and want to participate in future events but I guess the cheap shabby events aint nothing to look forward to so the only strategy is to make it almost secretive in hopes people take a gamble and waste their money and buy a ticket
    • I toliaan too (30/07/2023, 10:09) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      But you dumb which paid events are televised unless sold out. No wonder this place in a mess. Too much dummies given advice.
  • Rhythm up.. (30/07/2023, 09:07) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    The media just need to boycott this thing..OMG. The disrespect..Too many control Freeks..The media being blowing up and big -in this show up for free as a matter a fact all festival shows before some of these love power hungry people born. Media houses need to stand up and demand their respect from those just come..
  • Found wanting (30/07/2023, 11:28) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    You don't need to ban the live viewing, what needs to to ban is the show it self. Having these young ladies exploiting themselves just to get money that will not last, a new car or a scholarship. You call that culture, this is not culture. This is spiritual wickedness in high places. Please know all these things God will bring into judgement and how shall we stand in that great day. Shall we be found before God wanting or with our sins all wash away.
  • really?? (03/08/2023, 22:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I still ain’t coming!!

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