Ministerial portfolios assigned in VIP Gov't

According to documents gazetted today, Friday, April 28, 2023, under section 56(1) of the Virgin Islands Constitution Order, 2007, the Governor, acting in accordance with the advice of the Premier, may by directions in writing assign to any Minister responsible for the conduct of any business, including responsibility for the administration of any department of Government;
As such, Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) with responsibilities as Premier has retained his previous role as Minister of Finance.
Newcomer to the HoA and Deputy Premier, Hon Lorna G. Smith OBE (AL) now has responsibilities as Minister of Financial Services, Labour, and Trade.
Meanwhile, Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) continues under his Ministry for Communications and Works and Honorable Sharie B. De Castro will retain responsibilities as the Minister for Education, Youth Affairs, and Sports.
Hon Vincent O. Wheatley now Minister for Heath & Social Development
District Representative, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9) has now taken on responsibilities as Minister for Health and Social Development.
For the Jr Minister roles, Hon Luce D. Hodge-Smith (R4) has responsibilities for culture and tourism while Dr The Hon Karl Dawson has responsibilities for Agriculture and Fisheries.
As part of his portfolio, Premier Dr Wheatley will also take on additional responsibilities including Administration of Crown Lands (except Wickham’s Cay, including the seabed), Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Culture and Cultural Heritage, Festival and Fairs, Fisheries and Food Security, Land, Immigration, and a range of areas to fall under the purview of the Premier.
The VIP formed the Government with Hon Smith as its 7th seat after the party won six total seats in the 2023 Elections in the Virgin Islands.

60 Responses to “Ministerial portfolios assigned in VIP Gov't”
The Hon. Mr. Wheatley did such a fabulous job at Labour & Immigration, underwhelming really… I believe his administrative style is called “laissez faire", so maybe it won’t go downhill.
She f us up as much
You don’t understand why Andrew didn’t give her Education. !
The world is changing and Technical education (STEAM) is promoted. We have to wake up from our slumber and encourage our young people to develop a skill in addition to whatever other profession they may have pursued. Some professional women in the U.S.A are fixing their own plumbing fixtures in their homes to save money to pay their mortgage. It is time for us in the Territory to make a shift in our focus.
Who you really hate pasty / kye
Ain’t 1 f in minister in any given time work like kye
Pasty don’t need kye
Kye don’t need pasty
Pasty is a businesswoman
Kye is a Minister that serves the people
He’s solid as a rock dst5 can’t be erased
4 more years you will read about his actions
Touch down AA
Yoi see when you digging ďítch please dig foryou may verý well fall intoj it
for instance Hon Dawson....hes a life time educator, he knows the systems, he knows the global network, surely he is the obvious choice for ministry of education....
Sharie to health.
Vincent to fisheries and agriculture ( and could take on some of the Premiers portfolio, which to be honest is ridiculous and unmanageable if hes to run the country).
Kye is where he should be and Lorna yes, apart from Labour ( and could take on some the the Premiers portfolio.
each minister has about 3 "items" on tgeir port folio and premier has about 30...?? just not manageable surely, why not spread the load
my ten cent worth.
a chance to spread their wings and push the country forward. You should be asking the Lord to direct their path.
The Hon. Mr. Rymer certainly shows no concern.
Can’t help but feel the nation deserves better.
Moreover, back from my digressive rant to the current portfolios. Health is the most issue in the BVI and the best qualified person elected should be assigned to lead and manage Health and Social Development. IMO Dr. Hon Karl Dawson is better suited for that ministry than the Hon Vincent Wheatley. This is not a knock on Hon Wheatley but rather based on Dr. Dawson’s life’s and professional experience. Staying under Health and Social Development under which Solid Waste management currently resides, solid waste is a public works function and better placed within public works which falls under the Minister of Communications and Works(better name us Public Works and Utilities) .Further, a ministry of Management Information System is needed.. In regards to Public Works, Public Works should be led preferably by a civil engineer or a related engineer. . Many recent decades ago, it was led by a civil engineers , ie, Clarence Christian, Bennet Smith, etc. Of late, the practice has been putting administrative personnel to lead and manage a technical position in which they have not been trained and then we expects superb results and outcomes, ie, roads,, etc. Nuts!!! That is the definition of insanity. Does the Premier has the Stones to address and correct this misdirected effort. Further, Dr Dawson is assigned agriculture and fisheries but what is glaringly missing is land which dove tails with agriculture and fishery. Food insecurity should also fall under Dr. Dawson, etc. The Premier in addition to finance have a myriad of other responsibilities some of which should be delegated to Junior ministers to promote their growth and development in public affairs management and governing.
Now, in respect to the current BVI government structure recently anounced, it again demonstrates a disrespect of the people of the BVI and lack of understanding of good democratic governance, because;
1. while the premier has the constitutional descretionary powers to assign subject and porfolio areas to ministers you would expect that he or she will not eliminate an entire ministry which has been a part of the BVI system for 50 plus years without consulting the people of the BVI. The Ministry of Natural Resources and labour is no more and moving its subjects will have significant logistical and administrative challenges which should have been properly discussed and organized.
2. Individuals should not be able to influence the Ministerial structures of the Government based on their personal preference forcing the Premier to create Ministries which have not been justified to the people and made up of areas (such as Financial services) which historically had been structured to minimize direct government interference and influence.
3. if such changes are to be made, at minimum the Premier should have proposed these type of major changes during the recent campaign. I havent seen such a major change in the VIP's or the member that joined the Government's manifestos or campaign proposals.
There are more specific concerns but lets stay on these for now!