Minimum Wage Committee meets empty chairs
But while there were hundreds of empty chairs and reporters outnumbering members of the public, the meeting did go on and heard from those present that they strongly feel the minimum wages review has been long overdue and the amount should be doubled.
According to the committee chairman, Mr Potter, he strongly feels that the current minimum wage is a sorry cry to match the current cost of living.
$4.00 inadequate
“We do realise that at four dollars, what we come up with as a cost of living, four dollars in fact is inadequate and the truth is we were given a simple mandate to come up with a minimum wage, right now we could make recommendations…. The truth is my good friend here said eight dollars, ok, eight dollars is where we would want to go but could we go there one time? Mr [Donald E.] DeCastro said we should go there in steps.”
Mr Potter also said that the last increase of the minimum wages was done back in 1999 when it was increased from $3.00 to $4.00 and back then that committee that spearheaded the review had recommended that a review be done, however, it took 16 years for that to be done again, something that those who rose to speak cried shame on.
While all and sundry at the meeting agreed that the cost of living in the Virgin Islands has steadily risen over the years and persons’ salaries haven’t, there was the concern about businesses that tend to take advantage of the situation whenever there is a salary increase.
According to a member of the audience, it is a common trend of societies that businesses are oftentimes guilty of “jacking up their prices” whenever government makes a wage increase for public servants, which in return causes a situation where those who were given the increase actually ends up spending it back in the supermarkets and other businesses. She made an appeal for this to be something that is given serious consideration by the Department of Trade and Consumer Affairs.
Residents also asked the Minimum Wage Committee if it had a figure to recommend to government but, according to Mr Potter, the committee does not want to hold on to any figure but rather hear the recommendations of the general public. He said, however, that when the committee is to submit its report to government it would recommend a figure. This it anticipates will be done towards the end of April or early May 2015.
Shame on some employers
Among the persons making recommendations to the committee was former legislator Mr Keith L. Flax who cried shame on a number of “big employers” who he said for many years have been paying workers at minimum wage but also said that while he did not want to give a figure, “I feel that it should be a figure whereby people can live comfortably,” as he noted that a lot of people are suffering because of low wages.
It was noted that there are about 2711 persons, based on Social Security records, making less than $6.00 per hour.
And as aptly put by one resident, “This country has been making over a billion dollars per year…..and as a country grows the people should grow.” He also said government should not wait until elections are coming around to talk about raising salaries.
According to Mr Potter, the highest population earning income body is VIslanders, accounting for 5256 persons of a total population of 18, 771. Next, in terms of volume, is St Vincent 1554 or 8.3%, Guyanese 1522 or 8.2% and Jamaicans 5131 or 8.2%.
Members of the Minimum Wage Committee include Chairman Mr Simon Potter, Vice Chairman Mrs Benedicta Samuals-Richardson, Mr Roger Mathavious Jr, Louse Potter, Mario Smith, Roxanne Ritter-Herbert, Jeanette Black, Wilbert Fahie, Anne Lennard, Aaron Parillon, Bevin Geroge, Raymond Phillips and Financial Secretary Mr Neil M. Smith.
Labour Commissioner Mrs Janice I. F. Rhymer sits as the advisor to the committee and was present at last night's meeting.

24 Responses to “Minimum Wage Committee meets empty chairs”
Mr. DeCastro's point about "TIPS" which literally means "To Insure Promt Service", is right on!
It is disgusting that some restaurant employers not only pay minimum wage, but they also take about 40% to 50% of the so called tips and then make wait staff pay a percentage of what is left over to kitchen and bar staff. Are you kidding me? Such practices should be illegal! It is nothing less than theft in my opinion.
When I go to a restaurant, I want to tip THE PERSON THAT WAITS ON ME, and NOT not the kitchen staff! Who the heck is the employer to tell me who I may or may not tip? The employer should pay proper wages to their kitchen staff and bartenders should earn their tips at the bar. If the bartender is also providing drinks to the wait staff, then sure, the wait staff should share a percentage of their tips, but it shouldn't be a huge percentage.
Another problem encountered throughout the BVI is the practice of adding a service charge in the area of the bill that says "TAX". I don't care if these are the types of bills the restaurants are buying at some local stationary shop or not. The fact of the matter is that they are trying to make people think that there is no "tip" included in the bill when there in fact is.
Some restaurants call it a "service charge" and actually use this fee to pay their staff the sorrowful minimum wage they offer. It's ridiculous! Either pay your staff a proper base wage or get out of business. TIPS are for the "wait staff" and the employer has no right to put their greedy hands on it.
If the employers would realize that wait staff live for tips, their service would improve vastly. There would be far fewer surly waiters and waitresses and other service people if they knew they had a fighting chance to earn decent tips if they just improve their attitude!
The BVI has one of the worst reputations in the Caribbean for "service". Is it any wonder why? I'd be surly too if I were paid $4.00 per hour and my employer took a huge cut of the tips as well!
The government really needs to weigh in on these practices and put an end to slave labour.
I guess this what they meant when they said Hon Pickering is irrelevant
paying someone $ 4.- per hour is filth!
Bobbies, Bolos, 1Mart, saloons, bakeries, gas stations, all the Syrians and other clothing stores and many more....