Min. Walwyn pulled up in HOA for “unparliamentary” conduct

The Hon. Speaker had intervened following a question posed by Representative for the 3rd District Hon. Julian Fraser to which Hon. Walwyn told the Opposition Member to consult himself (Fraser) to get his answer.
The Minister had claimed that since the second half of 2009 and 2011, the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College’s Tuition Assistance Programme had not been paid any money by Government and that some $2, 747, 947 was owed to the College.
Hon. Fraser then asked why the money was not paid. Hon. Walwyn replied that Hon. Fraser should consult himself to answer the question. Hon. Fraser then stated that he found the Minister’s answer to be “over the top”.
Minister Walwyn then corrected himself by saying the monies were not paid because the “government at that time did not pay the money”.
This was not enough to appease Hon. Fraser, however, as he stated that he took strong offence to the behavior of the Minister in response to the question and said that “something needs to be done”.
According to Hon. Fraser, as a member it is his duty to ask questions in the House and that Ministers have an obligation to respond in a proper manner.
Hon. Walwyn then stated that members were not allowed to make a mockery of the court but said there was no way he could have answered the question when he was not in office during the period in question.
There was then some muttering at which time Hon. Moses-Scatliffe pounded her gavel to restore order. She then stated that it was a responsibility and an obligation for Ministers to answer questions in keeping with standing orders and that Members were to also ensure that their questions fit into the context of the Standing Order.
She also noted that the first response by Minister Walwyn was out of context and “not Parliamentary”.
Hon. Fraser then concluded that he did not mean to be facetious but for the Minister to answer the question in the way he did was unbecoming of the House. He also added that he was always going to raise issues that he found to be offensive.

47 Responses to “Min. Walwyn pulled up in HOA for “unparliamentary” conduct”
How can Fraser ask Myron why money wasn't sent in 2009 when Fraser was in Cabinet at the time and HLSCC fell under the Premier, Ralph, who was right next to him, was incharge? Myron's answer was right. When they were over there with 11 on their side, they laughed their a$$e$ off at the 2 Doctors for 4yrs. Laughed at them, talked them down etc. Karma is a b@#%h and this time around she's cramping! DEAL WID IT!
commonsense would have told u this was the proper answer to give! I would have asked the member of the 3rd what kind of tea he had to drink this morning!
Now I did not tune in on time to hear the question and answer made by Fraser and Walwyn but I must say that after reading this statement and giving Walwyn some earlier props on another new media site, it is quite disturbing to see such. Walwyn is reminding me of Lloyd Black who was also former Minister of Education and when he said that another member was not an honorable man. Now here comes this other son of a itch in the bu++ with "None Parliamentary" conduct. First Ronnie and now him. This is becoming out of control and we have to get rid of these pompous lunatics in the House. Put them back on the street like a regular person and see how they behave. Like my mother use to say, "They are smelling their piss and don't believe it is as rank as the regular person."
Walwyn and Ronnie be very careful because we are coming for you. We put you in and we will take you out.
I hope our legislators on both sides soon realize that they have to lead this Territory by example and begin to set a proper tone and standard of behaviour in the HOA.
VIP was in power between those years and he want Myron to tell him why monies was not paid ??????????
Myron was running his Restaurants at that time dude!!
Frazer if you want to know that answer then ask Fahie! That was the Minister in charge then!!!
"consult himself to answer the question" lol
“government at that time did not pay the money”. Who was the Gov't of that day ? VIP !!!!!
Fraser next question: How much it cost to install lights at the round-a-about?
How much it cost to build the wall down Sea Cow's Bay?
How much money we send to Biwater to pay for their Generator?
myron just not able to help himself full of $h1t and behave like he in a zoo i do not even watch the house anymore
why is he going against his own ppl. How is he going to ask why ANDREW aint pay the college does that make sense
VIP was in power between those years and he want Myron to tell him why monies was not paid ??????????
soooo funny! Like really fraser! Myron shoulda tell him more bout himself! strupess If Frazer want to know that answer then need to ask Fahie! That was the Minister in charge then!!!