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'Millions in lost revenue @ TB Lettsome airport' - Canya Stoddard

-says new initiatives will be introduced to increase revenue
Director of Finance for BVI Airport Authority (BVIAA), Canya Stoddard stated that the airport has been losing revenue before the hurricanes of September 2017, but indicated that her department will introduce a number of new initiatives to boost revenue. Photo: VINO/File
Managing Director of BVI Airports Authority Limited, Denniston S. Fraser added that his department also plans to impose another revenue initiative that includes the increase in specific fees at the airport. Photo: VINO/File
Managing Director of BVI Airports Authority Limited, Denniston S. Fraser added that his department also plans to impose another revenue initiative that includes the increase in specific fees at the airport. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - During the 2018 Standing Finance Committee, the Director of Finance for BVI Airport Authority (BVIAA), Canya Stoddard stated that the airport has been losing revenue before the hurricanes of September 2017.

She said, “The net loss in 2016 was $1.1 million and $1.2 million in 2017 pre-hurricane Irma and Maria.”

When asked what approaches will be taken to improve the net loss in 2018, the Director of Finance indicated that the BVIAA will introduce a number of initiatives to increase revenues.

“The plan is to introduce new initiatives for new revenue streams, also activities with new carriers entering the market which would mean additional flights,” the finance director said.

According to the report, the new carrier is projected to bring a 25 percent increase in the revenue to the airport.

“There is a prospective aircraft carrier whose projected passenger movement is a hundred thousand which would mean a twenty-five percent increase.”

Fee increase

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of BVI Airports Authority Limited, Denniston S. Fraser plans to impose another revenue initiative that includes the increase in specific fees at the airport, according to the report.

He said, “Administrative fees for simple infractions at the Airport such as security breaches; speeding on the ramps and being on the ramp without a jacket and such.”

According to the Managing Director, the increased fees were approved by Cabinet, but the fees were not gazetted.

“Commercial bank to capture people” - Canya Stoddard

While addressing the Standing Finance Committee, the Director of Finance expressed that her department will introduce a commercial bank at the airport to “capture people” from neighbouring communities and islands.

“Another initiative is to have a Commercial bank to capture people from the neighbouring communities and outer islands which will attract persons to the airport and utilise other products/services.”

She continued, “After American Airlines left the market in 2013 there was a paradigm shift of passengers travelling by boat to St. Thomas to get to the US Mainland. The shift has changed, to travel through St Thomas to Miami and a ticket is about $700 to $800. However, InterCaribbean has changed the dynamics as presently you can get to Miami directly from the Airport for less than $500.”

9 Responses to “'Millions in lost revenue @ TB Lettsome airport' - Canya Stoddard”

  • just asking... (27/05/2018, 13:24) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    so another excuse for the new run way?
  • nonsence (27/05/2018, 15:22) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    100,000 passengers a year is 273 each day. That is like liat adding 6 to 8 flights or inter Caribbean adding 9 to 10 flights each day.

    Not going to happen!

    These people take us for idiots.
  • taxman (27/05/2018, 19:49) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    increase the landing fees on those aircraft carrying heroin and cocaine for the trade here...let them pay
    their fare share. ha ha ha.
  • just wrong (28/05/2018, 06:00) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ummm let's see now. TBL airport one of the only airports in the world that charges for dropping off a passenger now sees revenue down? Daaaa Imagine that.
  • my 2 cents (28/05/2018, 08:36) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    School children say “ too much in-fighting, stepping on toes, preferential treatment and micro management “. This bunch is running around like headless chickens wasting the government resources and taxpayers money to test with their home experiments. An airport main source of revenue generation comes from the movement of passengers via air travel. All other forms of revenue stems from the passengers. All sort of departments and positions are being created except for the vital one ‘Marketing’ whether it be in-house outsourced or co-shared with the tourist board. What happens when the banks improve and expand their electronic banking products and there’s very little need to physically visit a bank. Come on we are thinking 20 years ago. Charging ramp offenders should never be form of revenue but rather a deterrent to improve safe operations. Charge those private jets differently from commercial aircraft; they take up the same space but move very passengers that are fiththy rich. If they can afford to travel in such luxury, landing fee cost shouldn’t be an issue. Is like we are afraid to charge the ‘ Big Fish’ but quick to jump on the little guy. The airlines used the same principle once a child is over 2 years they get charged as an adult, because they are taken up a seat.
  • Rubber Duck (28/05/2018, 14:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Breathtaking incompetence.
  • oh (29/05/2018, 06:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes watch this airport fall into ruin, if the government was competent then so much money would'nt have been spent on hospital, wall, pier and been spent on a sensible airport with links to usa,canada, south america, europe decades ago. St. Vincent, St. Kitts done pass the bvi with links to all the places I listed above except south america. Watch tourism drop because there is nothing to do in the bvi.....incompetence and tribalism breeds corruption and thats what we have here
  • Hmm (29/05/2018, 10:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Going through that Airport is not good. The Screening staff need to travel some more and they need training. That machine at the Airport where you have 1 person to enter the room while others stay outside obviously need to upgrade. That suppose to be an International Airport but doesn't seems like it. please get it together.
  • huh (29/05/2018, 16:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Increase fees? Hmm are you crazy, that's why much people not flying out from there. Keep it up and you will see what will happen.

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