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Mervin D. Hastings In! Michelle A. V. McLean Out! As she retires from Labour Dept

The outgoing Labour Commissioner Michelle A.V. McLean, right, will reportedly be replaced in the interim by the Deputy Secretary from the Ministry of Environment Natural Resources and Climate Change Mr Mervin D. Hastings, left. Photo: GIS/File
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade Mrs Petrona N. Davis declined to comment on the developments at the Labour Department. Photo: GIS/File
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade Mrs Petrona N. Davis declined to comment on the developments at the Labour Department. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Today, Thursday, February 29, 2024 is Labour Commissioner Mrs Michelle A. V. McLean’s last day on the job as Commissioner of the Department of Labour and Workforce Development.

Mrs McLean has been the Labour Commissioner for some two-plus years and spent 12 years at the Labour Department. She has some 36 years as a public servant and will now be proceeding on retirement leave and then will fully retire from the service.

The outgoing Labour Commissioner will reportedly be replaced in the interim by the Deputy Secretary from the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Mr Mervin D. Hastings. It is unclear how long the appointment will be for; however, it’s our understanding that there are efforts to recruit a permanent Labour Commissioner.

Both Mrs McLean and Mr Hastings hold Bachelors and Masters Degrees. Many persons have noted that the reason work permits take so long to process is because the Department lacks sufficient staff and it is a recipe for any Commissioner to fail.

It is unclear if Mr Hastings will get the staff he needs to efficiently run the Department.

What are his duties?

As Labour Commissioner, Mr Hastings is expected to manage the Department of Labour and Workforce Development to ensure effective administration of the Labour Code, 2010; participate in the preparation, co-ordination and administration of national employment policy; and provide technical advice to the Government as it relates to labour matters and the labour market.

Additionally, the Acting Labour Commissioner Mr Hastings will be responsible for ensuring that workplaces are maintained in a safe and healthy manner through the implementation and promotion of health, safety and welfare policies; as well as through regular workplace inspections. As Labour Commissioner, he will also help to develop the Virgin Islands workforce to ensure that the legitimate employment interests of Virgin Islanders and Belongers remain paramount, among other tasks.

Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Financial Services, Labour and Trade Mrs Petrona N. Davis, when reached for a comment, directed us to the Deputy Governor's Office.

22 Responses to “Mervin D. Hastings In! Michelle A. V. McLean Out! As she retires from Labour Dept”

  • Citizen (29/02/2024, 13:45) Like (18) Dislike (24) Reply
    Lord look how this boy going to give away this country.
  • HE TOO SOFT (29/02/2024, 13:59) Like (15) Dislike (24) Reply
    from bad to worst
  • asura (29/02/2024, 14:16) Like (21) Dislike (22) Reply
    we need Guy Hill in that post
    • Stpk (29/02/2024, 22:13) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
      He doesn't have any management skills. He failed miserably at the prison.
      • resident (01/03/2024, 06:21) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        no he didn't aya prison officers just too corrupt, he had need to fire everyone up there and hire al new staff
  • Fairness (29/02/2024, 14:46) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Labour Department is for locals and Immigrants looking for work in the BVI. He will bring a level playing field and be fair to everyone. Perfect person to assist until they find a permanent person.
  • Congrats Mervin (29/02/2024, 14:58) Like (36) Dislike (3) Reply
    He’s a man of integrity
  • Well saw. (29/02/2024, 15:22) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    These women being failing time to try a man. Hope we get some positive action..Obey the law, respect the and execute the Law.. To me they need a new set of officers done away with that old none productive mindset...A complete fresh mindset, new attitude..New approach..
  • we (29/02/2024, 15:39) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    need some one who will look out for the local, no for every one. When all these foriegners keep filing these pst, who goun look out ffor us?
    • @ we (29/02/2024, 19:12) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mervin from right here so stop talk what you don’t know please and thank you.
  • good (29/02/2024, 16:23) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    Hopefully this is good news. Labour department isn't supposed to be a guessing game or an emotional position, they are supposed to strike a balance between importation of necessary labour and locals being given a fair shot. Businesses are set up to make money, not to make friends. Any business person would tell you that if they could find the ideal candidate locally they would choose them but often times there are barriers to that! You hire a local, train them, pay them big, introduce them to your suppliers, your clients and in 2 years they apply for their own trade license as a local and cut your throat. Do you think that's fair? Technical businesses for example mechanic shops, constructions, ac repair etc. would be very weary of hiring locals for that very reason and it's justifiable. What labour needs is someone who understands how the real world of business and commerce works, not people who make decisions based on emotions or patriotism.
    • @ good (01/03/2024, 19:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I endorse this post..
    • @good (01/03/2024, 20:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is the real world we live in. Locals or expats will do the same. Expats just take a little longer because they have to get married to the locals, wait for their papers or the locals front the businesses for them until they get their necessary papers. Open your eyes and stop bashing the locals. They see their way you think they will stay with you forever to build your brand and they are trying to do the same. People like you who only see self. Reinventing your wheel and brand by offering the locals shares in your business may help them to thrive and stay in your business longer. Create initiatives, training, treat your employees fair. Pay their social security, taxes, nhi money's to the respective agencies that you deduct from their pay then you will see people will stay longer in your businesses. Stop treating people unfairly and conning them all the time. All employees and all employer's are not the same but as you speak for your self and throwing shade on the locals as if every local is the same. You need to meet those with integrity, character and most of all who has morals.
  • ... (29/02/2024, 16:39) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    Lorna in our corner
    • 1 Termer (29/02/2024, 22:01) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      She need go back in her corner. Don't know how to speak to people all about power
  • DOT (29/02/2024, 16:48) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    Congrats Mervin
  • Rubber Duck (29/02/2024, 17:26) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    They cant get the staff because there is a labour shortage.

    There is a labour shortage because of their failure policies and inefficiency.

    You couldnt make this stuff up.

  • Mc clean (29/02/2024, 19:05) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    She needed to go long time years now.
  • Citizen (29/02/2024, 21:13) Like (2) Dislike (7) Reply
    Hope he can stand up to white nationalism in the bvi
  • Chris. (01/03/2024, 15:12) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    They need to sort out the lazy disputes department that does nothing except refer stuff to the Tribunal. They need to start implementing the one BVI policy where sister islands get the same treatment as Tortola .

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