Men reported 'erections & extra energy' after COVID vaccine- VI Epidemiologist

On the Monday, September 27, 2021, episode of Talk with the Health Experts, a social media show presented by the Government Information Service, Brewley-Massiah said the most common side effects recorded across vaccines included fever, headache, muscle aches and chills.
She said others reported pain and tenderness at the injection site coming from evaluations of some 4% of persons who have been vaccinated and reported side effects.
“So, we have a fairly good idea of what is happening at the local level,” the Epidemiologist added.
Harmony Brewley-Messiah said some of the more moderate side effects as a result of the vaccines include dizzy spells and a rare case of body itching.
“Some persons reported erections and extra energy… from the AstraZeneca,” she also revealed.
Public Health Unit has mandate to be transparent - Brewley-Massiah
Regarding the release of information, Harmony Brewley-Massiah said the Public Health Unit has always been transparent regarding collecting and recording data to make appropriate decisions.
“The entire objective of the Unit is the population's health, so we would not want to lure the public into a false sense of security, and we wouldn’t want to push or nudge them in a direction that we think would have a harmful impact on their lives.”
She said if persons do want to record adverse side effects, they can call the Public Health Unit or visit the main website of the Ministry of Health and submit the information via a form.
She said once the effects are really serious and need to be followed up, then the Public Health team will reach out and refer persons to determine whether or not the effect is related to the vaccine.

36 Responses to “Men reported 'erections & extra energy' after COVID vaccine- VI Epidemiologist”
Ayo limp d*** minute men better go take the vaccine
Just by looking at her picture i got ******
Itching is considered an allergic reaction, if experienced following taking a medication or vaccine and should be reported.
Never heard heard of erections being a side effect of a vaccine but, FUN FACT, in addition to the Covid 19 vaccine, Pfizer also makes Viagra.
If it gets more men to take the vaccine, I guess it doesn’t hurt to tell them it’ll make them hardier!
I suggest to us that we should not pay much attention to this unproven, unfounded speculation. Treat it like a dream that fades away after you had woken.
This tells me that if there are adverse effects from the vaccine, once they don't want to attribute your side effects to the vaccine, they will not and claim its something else.
but make sure you monitor your man heart rate.
imagination this number is so negligible - like a drop in the ocean- that it is'nt worth while mentioning - at least not by an epidemiologist. Regarding the"Who are u fooling" post there would be over several million -including presidents, prime ministers, medical scientists among many others- more than idiots like you who lack common sense. Not likely. As for the venom poison you allude to the vaccine, try figuring out, despite how difficult this might be for you, why so many
millions who have the vaccine have not gotten sick or died from it. After all that's what poison is supposed to do - get you terribly sick or kill you.
i never heard of this anywhere . How long does it lost for ... are we need a boosters follow up shot later ..