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Media barred from streaming or recording CoI briefing @ Governor’s Office today

- Journalists question need for such protocol & some plan to boycott event
The ‘Private Meeting’ with the media is slated for 11:00 AM at the Governor’s Office Conference Room and will be led by Director for Strategy in the Governor’s Office, Charlotte Biswas. Photo: LinkedIn
Local media personnel in the [British] Virgin Islands have been perplexed as to why they have been invited to a media briefing on the background to the Commission of Inquiry CoI) by the Governor’s Office but are not allowed to stream or record the event. Photo: Office of the Governor/File
Local media personnel in the [British] Virgin Islands have been perplexed as to why they have been invited to a media briefing on the background to the Commission of Inquiry CoI) by the Governor’s Office but are not allowed to stream or record the event. Photo: Office of the Governor/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Local media personnel in the [British] Virgin Islands have been perplexed as to why they have been invited to a media briefing on the background to the Commission of Inquiry CoI) by the Governor’s Office but are not allowed to stream or record the event.

The ‘Private Meeting’ is slated for 11:00 AM at the Governor’s Office Conference Room and will be led by Director for Strategy in the Governor’s Office, Charlotte Biswas.

No new info to be presented!

According to the invitation sent out to media houses by Mr Eusa Z. Adams, Assistant Information Officer in the Office of the Deputy Governor, journalists will be provided with an overview of the recent number of CoI related publications, including the Quarterly Reviews, reviews completed as part of the CoI recommendations and various audits.

Journalists were also told there would be “no new information” presented at the session, however it will be an opportunity to hear summaries of reports and ask questions about the findings from reviews and audits and how they are being taken forward.

No streaming or recording allowed!

“Discussion should not be streamed or recorded,” the invitation stated.

Some journalists questioned the need to prevent streaming and recording, while others wanted to know why even have the session when no new information would be presented and Governor John J. Rankin, CMG is not listed as attending.

“This is a routine background briefing, offered to media outlets if they think it would be useful. There have been a number of publications as a result of the CoI, and this will be an opportunity to ask questions and better understand the content of those reports (Quarterly Reviews, Reviews and Audits). Background briefings, sometimes called ‘backgrounders’, are off-the-record briefings for members of the news media. Reporters are free to report on what they learn, but are normally restricted as to how they cite their sources,” the Governor’s Office replied, according to Mr Adams.

Our newsroom was told that some journalists are contemplating boycotting the event.

40 Responses to “Media barred from streaming or recording CoI briefing @ Governor’s Office today”

  • Xxx (12/12/2023, 10:10) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    The media needs to boycott
    • @xxx (12/12/2023, 11:12) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      I agree because they did it and walked out of the press conference when they felt the Premier was not being fair to Cindy. It seems like there is an element of fear of the Governor and Commissioner of Police.
  • Youth (12/12/2023, 10:18) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Governor pushes transparency but clearly it is only for locals and Caribbean people. We are being hoodwinked.
  • WOW (12/12/2023, 10:23) Like (16) Dislike (4) Reply
    The Governor's office has two sets of staff --- The UK staff who are in the inner circle with the Governor and UK to ensure their strategy for the wicked take over attempt do not get out or be opposed. Then the local & Caribbean staff --- who do all the other regular work. We are slaves in our own country. This is clear when the Governor's Office brought in a person from the UK and not from GIS to be his public relations officer. Global Britan ay work in an amended form.
    • hmm (12/12/2023, 11:08) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
      When is the takeover? enquiring minds want to know
    • @wow (12/12/2023, 12:32) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
      The Governor has his personal staff members who are UK Nationals and then there the local staff members working for BVI Government. Then he should have brought his own Government House(Residence) employees. Master still in control of the plantation.
  • Just saying (12/12/2023, 10:42) Like (21) Dislike (11) Reply
    What can we expect from a man who pushes to lock up blacks but gives Collins a pass?
    • @Just Saying (12/12/2023, 11:15) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      Well said.
    • To Just Saying (12/12/2023, 11:17) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
      The Governor and UK are amazing. When they hear gossip and allegations about the blacks in the public service or BVI in general it is true and they act on it. But when it is on their UK Commissioner of Police and others, they always quickly dismiss it as nonsense.
    • @Just Saying (12/12/2023, 12:34) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      The handwriting is on the wall, but he'll will break loose if they think a take over is going to go well.
  • To the media (12/12/2023, 10:47) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please get to the bottom of the COI from the inception. Please ask the Governor and press him for answers as to:

    1) Was the position for the Commissioner of the COI advertised and tendered? If not, why not? If yes, please inform where it was tendered so it can be researched and the ad analyzed and made public? ALSO, How much was he paid?
    2) How much did the UK pay to have the COI done inclusive of salary to the Commissioner, office hours of the UK staff and other officers that were assigned or used by the UK to assist with the COI, travel and other accommodation cost and all other direct and indirect costs?
    3) Who paid for all the above costs and was it done in accordance with the BVI Commission of Inquiry Act?
    4) Did the Commissioner lie to authorities when he landed at the airport about the purpose of his trip as to do so is a criminal offense?
    5) Was the process to select the Commissioner a transparent one? If so, explain? If not, why not?
    6) Was the COI independent seeing the Governor apparently hand picked the Commissioner and staff, the Governor wrote the terms of reference, the Governor steered the Commissioner what to look into, the Governor apparently paid the Commissioner, the staff that worked with the Commissioner was persons from the same UK office as the Governor, among other concerns of the apparent lack of transparency and good governance?
    7) How could a UK judge solely write recommendations to run a country when he has no experience in doing so and then the Governor & UK accept them wholesale and force them all to be implemented by using an order of council to suspend the constitution if they are not done? Is it the UK influenced the recommendations?
    8) State clearly what will it take to remove the Order of council to suspend the constitution and be precise as it seems to be a permanent fixture to act as a control mechanism?
    9) Do the Governor or UK see an order of council to suspend any country's constitution in the 21st century unless the country do as they say and how they say and when they say, as a modern form of slavery and a slavery whip and therefore should be abolished immediately?
    10) Why has recommendations not being made in the report or requested of the Governor to ammend the Commission of Inquiry Act seeing it was done in 1880 only 46yrs after slavery was abolished in the BVI and therefore was still geared towards preserving slavery mentality?
    11) What is in place for the BVI to hold the Governor and UK accountable as good governance requires all sides to be accountable with measures in place to ensure such?
    12) Why has the Governor and his UK staff working locally refused to adhere or be put to respect and adhere to the new register of interest act while working in BVI?
    13) Do the Governor see the time frames for implementation of all 48 recommendations to be attainable, rational and reasonable? If so explain?
    14) Did the lawyers who assisted the COI practice law in the BVI legally? What will be done to find this out once and for all and if they did, what will be the penalty?
    15) Clearly some of the recommendations are not conducive to the culture of the BVI and its people so what recourse do the people have against these acts of apparent dictatorship?

    Ask these and other critical questions. Stop being afraid of these people and only attack the elected officials, public officers and other residents of the BVI. Let them bring proof of their answers in writing. Accountability MUST BE FOR ALL!
  • Mika Barry (12/12/2023, 10:47) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    We will expose both Jaspert and Mark Collins in our next edition stay tuned
    • @Mika Barry (12/12/2023, 11:10) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      Don't forget who Gov own property on oily bay and who have millions put away in other countries from favors done for the rich and famous while serving in BVI, who involved in the $7mill plane that never fly but our money fly away. As for the Commiss Mika Barry will need 3 editions.
  • Watching on (12/12/2023, 10:49) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    The UK spent roughly $10million on the COI. Then they spent $1million to do a security study. Now they want to play with our hearts and minds and just spend $30k on youth programmes. These people are wolf in sheep clothing. Their intentions are not good for the people of the BVI.
  • no more (12/12/2023, 10:51) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
    I use to support the Governor but I now understand he is carrying out a dictatorship agenda and will be continued with whoever replaces him. They are about the UK agenda and not the agenda of the people of the BVI. This is sad.
  • Not good (12/12/2023, 10:54) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    The Governor is protecting the Commissioner of Police because they are all from the UK with the same agenda. They have no respect for the people of the BVI although they pretend otherwise. Every public officer accused of wrong doing are suspended and investigated but not the UK Commissioner of Police. He is allowed to explain himself everywhere including to the media and get away with it. I hope the people of the BVI wake up and see what is taking place.
  • East End woman (12/12/2023, 10:55) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    The slavery mill is grinding slow but grinding still.
    • ???? (12/12/2023, 11:13) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sure bet!
    • Make us Caymans (12/12/2023, 11:45) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
      Our own have stolen, oppressed, victimized and take us for fools and jokes. We are not progressing. As a matter a fact we are regressive. Britain turned Cayman around to one of prosperous and brightest light in the region. Maybe we need Britain intervention so we can start moving forward...
      • @Make us Caymans (12/12/2023, 16:51) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        You obviously did not do any research. They marginalized the Cayman Islands people to the point you have the hell to find anyone in Cayman who is a Caymanian. The UK destroy their culture and broke down their financial services industry where they have taken it over so all their pass concerns are now no more as they are over it and protecting their UK people investments. We have to fight as one BVi people to make sure the BVI never allows them to do this to us as clearly this is their intent.
  • Where ever (12/12/2023, 10:59) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    streaming or recording is barred, there is highhandedness, manipulation, controlled opposition, lack of transparency, and breathes of blatant practice of corruption. Do not participate. Embrace your collective rights as journalists.
  • hypocrites (12/12/2023, 11:02) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    Could you imagine if any of our 13 elected officials had done this with the media. Some of you would have already been on every news site blogging against them all day. But these people magic have the people of the BVI sleep when it comes to their slavery behavior.
  • Why (12/12/2023, 11:05) Like (9) Dislike (5) Reply
    Why is the Governor pushing an anti democratic act such as the way the police act is written and this modern day slavery whip to have an order of council to suspend our constitution if the BVI does not have public registry for financial services companies and also of all their high handed 48 recommendations from their non transparent COI are not implemented?
  • Judiciary (12/12/2023, 11:12) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is a deceitful practice used to gather information, feedback, and identify loopholes in order to strengthen their bias and one sided COI recommendations and applications.
  • The TRUTH (12/12/2023, 11:28) Like (6) Dislike (9) Reply
    White UK is some of yall saviour. Bunch of idiots.
  • Neither Brits or VIP serious. (12/12/2023, 11:39) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    The Govt knows Britain just a barking Dog with no Teeth. The Government ain taking them serious...This is all a show.. .More of lot more talking...
  • Welsah (12/12/2023, 11:41) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    These people good and concealing and justifying their unlawful actions.
    • Yes, (12/12/2023, 11:56) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      @welsah. You can say that again. They are masterminds in manipulation, cover ups, concealing and controlling public narratives, and yes, justifying their unlawful practices at the same time. Remember, they write the play book when it comes to this.
  • Ah boy (12/12/2023, 11:49) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    We the tax payers paying for this man to shack up with his sweet thing and no one sees a problem with this. What kind of conduct is this for someone representing the King.
  • It was said repeatedly, (12/12/2023, 12:02) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    They’re not to be trusted.
  • Rubber Duck (12/12/2023, 12:04) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    We support the governor ban the media next time they not fair remember Zbvi and bvi news have a campaign against the police chief
  • Lb (12/12/2023, 12:23) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    They are white they care nothing about law and order that is for others
  • GateKeeper (12/12/2023, 13:08) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is transparency dead in the VI? Where is the transparency? Is the media being treated as an enemy of the people? Is there no confidence in the information or it is make believe to suit their post? Why is the people business a secret? Does John Rankin and the Governor’s of the mindset that Virgin Islanders have no rights worthy of being honored and respected, for they are the governed? Are the FCO, Governor’s office, CoP, and the Crown a cabal which needs to be exposed?
    • The Frig…, (12/12/2023, 15:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      To GateKeeper, you are a damn useful Frig…. Putting the Guv, and Guv’s office on a deserving blast. Check this out, I love it:” Does John Rankin and the Governor’s of the mindset that Virgin Islanders have no rights worthy of being honored and respected.” Powerful stuff!!!! And there is this: “ Are the FCO, Governor’s office, CoP, and the Crown a cabal which needs to be exposed?” Undeniable truth,, truth, truth.
    • @GateKeeper (12/12/2023, 16:53) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Good questions. The Governor and UK feel the only rights the people of the BVI have are the ones they allow them to have. Here lies the problem.
  • I’m just waiting (12/12/2023, 16:53) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Josiahsbay (13/12/2023, 09:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The COI is an inquiring and investigative body with resulting recommendations. It can't enforce compliance with those recommendations. It's a toothless tiger so the recommendation can be implemented at our time and pace.
  • El Demonio Negro (13/12/2023, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know she educated but stupid looking pic

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