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MarineMax launches new catamaran on 1st anniversary

- boasts of making use of employment register
The brand new custom designed MarineMax 484 boat gets a champagne bath as Premier Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith and MarineMax President & CEO McGill christen the vessel prior to it being toured by government officals and guests. Photo: VINO
"If you don't say wow when you walk on the boat then I'll be surprised" said President and CEO MarineMax Rex McGill (2nd front from left). Photo: VINO
Chief Executive Officer of MarineMax Vacations, Lex Raas (left). Photo: VINO
Chief Executive Officer of MarineMax Vacations, Lex Raas (left). Photo: VINO
Some of the guests at the christening and anniversary celebration of MarineMax Vacations. Photo: VINO
Some of the guests at the christening and anniversary celebration of MarineMax Vacations. Photo: VINO
MarineMax showed its appreciation for the sterling support given by the Government of the Virgin Islands by making a presentation to Premier Smith. Photo: VINO
MarineMax showed its appreciation for the sterling support given by the Government of the Virgin Islands by making a presentation to Premier Smith. Photo: VINO
HODGE'S CREEK, Tortola, VI -"If you don't say wow when you walk on the boat then I'll be surprised," commented the management of MarineMax at the introduction and christening of a brand new vessel, the 484 Power Catamaran, on April 9, 2013.

The company boasts of having the newest and most luxurious fleet in the charter industry with each MarineMax Vacations sailing monohull and power catamaran designed according to their set standard, including additional luxury upgrades to provide a superior level of comfort, all of which are encapsulated in their new boat which was christened on the entity's first anniversary.

On hand to witness the christening and participate in the celebration was Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith along with Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool,  Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering and Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn and other members of Government.

During his brief remarks, Hon. Smith stressed the need for the Virgin Islands to be more flexible to responding to the different trends shaping and blending the consumers' decision making progress.

He was loud in his compliments to the management of MarineMax Vacations worldwide charter vacations for making use of the government's Youth Employment Register, which has reportedly seen the company benefiting from the employment of one person from that list.  

From the onset, Chief Executive Officer Lex Raas said the company had met with Hon. Pickering and Hon. Walwyn to discuss the way forward and partnering. "We looked at the trips and the people and how we set ourselves up for success in the long term. We got a lot of pointers and I can tell you that we got on track with everything we discussed there and I just want to thank them for their guidance and supporting us," said Mr Raas.

He stressed that the company is committed to maintaining maximum partnership with the Virgin Islands to the extent, despite being just one year old, that it has positioned itself as a premier travel company. "We are attracting a new kind of clientele with the Marine Max connections that we have. I don't know if everybody is aware that in the US as far as the boating population is concerned, about 15% is sail and 85% is power. So this gives us a little bit of idea of what we have lying ahead of us," Raas added.

According to the main man behind the company, President and Chief Executive Officer MarineMax Inc. Bill McGill, they have now listed the Virgin Islands as one of their 'Getaway' destinations. "I think we have sold three weeks out already on every power boat that we have and we're going continue to do that. So if you look at our 55 locations we have in the United States we can bring a lot of people to your wonderful country," he noted.

Guests attending the christening and anniversary celebrations were afforded the opportunity of touring the new custom designed boat, take pictures and introduced to the team of workers who have been credited for their role in seeing the company to where it is today.

The management also spoke of its pride in having a greater number of its staff from the Virgin Islands.

23 Responses to “MarineMax launches new catamaran on 1st anniversary”

  • Vance (10/04/2013, 10:20) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    govt at work. keep um coming.
  • ... (10/04/2013, 10:40) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Congrats Marinemax!
  • pat (10/04/2013, 10:48) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    so 85% of the boat world is power and 15% is sail? I would think with that in mind, consideration of the sail would be important BVI is the sailing capitol of the caribbean. the more power boats, the more problem with infrastructure, marinas, charting for anchorage over coral, pollution, etc. Volume is going to be a problem unless a study has been made. the more marine invitations, the more potential problems.

    The premier wants to make VG the Monte Carlo of the caribbean while Tortola becomes the cruise ship ghetto. All that hand-shaking. glamour glamour.... wow!
    • MAN (10/04/2013, 11:24) Like (5) Dislike (20) Reply

      Jesus Christ here we go again with the alarming jack@$$! Majority of the charter boats are equipped with sails and motor. There are also the Cats now that are motorised and popular with the charter guests. What is wrong with that? Every single thing NDP does is a problem for you, pete and others, ever since the Beef Island debacle and you guys cannot get over that. I have never seen anywhere you congratulating govt. on anything that they do. even when you give a positive comment, it's preceded with 'but' 'however' then right back negative. you all just want bvi for yourselves and how you want it. You are one person and you are not qualified to speak of tourism. just because you are a white expat doesn't mean you speak for all tourists and i think that's what have you very confused. you already made your money and living nice in your little enclave down on the west. it doesn't matter to you what happen to bvi because you already have yours. you don't need anything further to happen here because you already have yours. so now taht you have yours, you want bvi to remain your little baby despite many young people can't find opportunities for employment. this is a step in the right direction. new companies are setting up in bvi, it's good. they are also targetting the same guests that you guys say we should. charter guest who have money and will spend money. yet you still talking horse $h1t about monte carlo etc. is it somethign bad to want to be like that? we are the sailing capital of the world. it's not about you. get over yourself and your ndp bitter battle with beef island years ago.

      • ahe the cat mother (10/04/2013, 14:01) Like (4) Dislike (13) Reply
        This Gov't has no policy except to pamper those who pay no taxes while stressing out those who do
      • pat (11/04/2013, 13:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        you have made so many wrong assumptions I don't know where to begin, so maybe I should just ignore your rant. How dare you!? anyone who lives here and has half a brain and has followed history is qualified to speak of tourism. they are invested in first impressions, but are also responsible enough to understand that it is all interrelated- tourism, environment, business, sustainable economy, forward planning to anticipate the inevitable problems in volume, infrastructure, burning trash, poor engineering, etc.
        Just look at the article today about land rights and access being cut off because of poor planning. That has been talked about for decades and doesn't need a 2011 report to say so...

        don't you think everyone wants WIFI and reliable electricity, water, sewage, cable, phone service? this goes for everyone living ANYWHERE in the BVI. West End is no different than East End in wanting reliable resources. I am educated but how do you know I am white or where I live? and who cares?
        The point is that these companies promise great opportunities when they are looking for tax write-offs, and are self-interested. Monte carlo is traditionally for the rich and famous. you see no integration of locals. Money is sent back home and rarely trickles where it should. glamour is dazzling, but not necessarily realistic. And NDP keeps adding to the inventory while real problems are ignored on other islands. And don't forget about tax dodges and tax loop holes... who is winning?

        I commend those who, in the midst of all these growing pains to compete with dubai and southern france, recognize that the basic environment, culture and tradition are being lost and Beef island represents the protection of all of these right down to the local fishing industry, and mangroves. I wish more would step up and protect historical sites and coast line.

  • ausar (10/04/2013, 12:04) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    SO "Pat" , you're saying Monte Carlo doesn't get cruises?

    So, you've been there that's why you're an authority as to the tourism product there, right?

    Last time I checked, they turned away no one as tourists unless they were not dressed properly!

    Check your facts correctly before posting!
    • one eye (10/04/2013, 14:12) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The middle class are carrying the tax burden which funds programs for the lower income folks, who pay no taxes. The upper class and big business owners evades paying taxes via various tax loop holes, business incentives, skullduggery, money laundering etc (some, not all).
      • links (10/04/2013, 16:56) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        One eye, who pays the middle class to allow them in turn to pay taxes. Idiot! HAHAHA!!!
      • ATAIL WIND (11/04/2013, 08:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • ooooo (10/04/2013, 13:43) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    i'm willing to bet that tallboy is a shareholder...maybe thats why he cant be seen in the photos
  • MAN (10/04/2013, 14:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Ausar dem people so does make me sick mehson. Is like everything too good for the BVI. Just because they come from abroad they think they know everything about Tourism. The people in Hospitality telling you one thing and these moo moo on the side telling you pure ..... Who should we really be listening to when it comes to moving forward? People in the know or a set of wannabees with loud mouths and their own agenda. Since NDP were elected we have a set of self-appointed cruise experts, pier engineers, airport consultants, water executives and forensic accountants. Not one qualified or experienced in neither of these but their mouths are the loudest talking as if they know anything. Not a drop of sense. No wonder the Govt can't get anything done.

    • pat (11/04/2013, 12:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      you have missed the point again... the people who are speaking up have experience in the areas of cruise ships, engineering, urban BVI. So why not listen to some of them? if you see someone heading towards a cliff, do you warn them or do you just let them go towards their demise?. the smarter people listen, then do their own homework studying on line or getting different opinions. Don't just blindly follow because that is what the government says... THEY have their own agendas.
      • vince (11/04/2013, 15:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        pat why does everything have to be a conspiracy for u? why everybody must have an agenda?
  • tola (10/04/2013, 14:16) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look how silly Archie look trying 2b in thing
  • tola (10/04/2013, 14:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look how silly Archie look trying 2b in thing
  • Fisherman (12/04/2013, 19:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Guys, you need to move with the times, no matter which party in power, they would all welcome new employment in BVI. This all good.
    BVI is tourist destination and finance. Tourism employ all folks, important is to hire BVIslander.
    Lets see if MarineMax have BVIslander as manager one day. I think dey committed and will do what right, very good company in USA, check dem out at

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