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March against racial injustice being planned for VI

- event slated for Saturday, June 20, 2020
As demonstrations against racial injustice spread across the globe following the death of George P. Floyd Jr after a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, kneeled on his neck for over 8 minutes on May 25, 2020, a group of young persons in the Virgin Islands has decided to organise a march to allow persons in the Territory to support the movement. Photo: Provided
Virgin Islander Ms Via C. Donovan Hodge, a student of Marymount Manhattan College in New York, said a demonstration is necessary in the Virgin Islands (VI) not only for George P. Floyd Jr but against racial injustices ‘in America, our home, and the world moreover.’ Photo: Provided
Virgin Islander Ms Via C. Donovan Hodge, a student of Marymount Manhattan College in New York, said a demonstration is necessary in the Virgin Islands (VI) not only for George P. Floyd Jr but against racial injustices ‘in America, our home, and the world moreover.’ Photo: Provided
The march against racial injustice is slated for Saturday, June 20, 2020, beginning at 3:00pm at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park in Road Town and ending at Queen Elizabeth II Park where there will be a closing ceremony with speeches, testimonials and poetry. Photo: Provided
The march against racial injustice is slated for Saturday, June 20, 2020, beginning at 3:00pm at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park in Road Town and ending at Queen Elizabeth II Park where there will be a closing ceremony with speeches, testimonials and poetry. Photo: Provided
African American George P. Floyd Jr died after a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes on May 25, 2020. Photo: Internet Source
African American George P. Floyd Jr died after a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes on May 25, 2020. Photo: Internet Source
Peaceful demonstrations against racial injustice have also been held in the US Virgin Islands. Photo: VIC
Peaceful demonstrations against racial injustice have also been held in the US Virgin Islands. Photo: VIC
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As demonstrations against racial injustice spread across the globe following the death of African American George P. Floyd Jr after a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, knelt on his neck for over 8 minutes on May 25, 2020, a group of young persons in the Virgin Islands has decided to organise a march to allow persons in the Territory to support the movement.

March route

The march against racial injustice is slated for Saturday, June 20, 2020, beginning at 2:30pm at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park in Road Town and ending at Queen Elizabeth II Park where there will be a closing ceremony with speeches, testimonials and poetry.

The peaceful demonstration, according to one of the persons involved, Ms Via C. Donovan-Hodge, is coming together as a result of “various groups of likeminded people joining forces to achieve one goal.”

The main persons spearheading the initiative include Ms Donovan-Hodge, AmberLee Crabbe and former Mrs BVI Angelle A. Cameron, who is the Co-Founder of Kneel With Me Not On Me.

‘Confrontation the only true catalyst for change’

In an exclusive interview with Virgin Islands News Online, Ms Donovan Hodge, a student of Marymount Manhattan College in New York, said a demonstration is necessary in the Virgin Islands (VI) not only for George P. Floyd Jr but against racial injustices “in America, our home, and the world moreover.”

She said although slavery was abolished in the late 1800s people of the African diaspora have been fighting to be treated as more than subhuman for generations “and I think it is time we put that fight to an end.

“I don’t want to live in a world where these stories of hate are stories told by my grandparents, parents, myself and my children after me. We as a Territory are not immune to the effects of racism and have silently allowed it to fester within our waters. I want to bring this fight to the forefront because I believe that confrontation is the only true catalyst for change.”

Peaceful protest

Ms Donovan-Hodge said the event will be a peaceful protest by way of a march and everyone in the community is invited and encouraged to join.

She said the expectations are for participants to demonstrate a willingness to be open and receive information. “This is the most important thing to me.”

She also said participation includes not only marching but making a sign of some sort to bring the demonstration to life and further get the message across.

Wear masks

Participants are also encouraged to wear their masks in order to respect the current public health and safety concerns in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Donovan-Hodge also shared that the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) has been contacted regarding the demonstration and to request their support.

Ask what has been the feedback from persons on the planned march against racial injustice; Ms Donovan-Hodge said the responses have generally been positive.

“Most of the people I have spoken to about the event have been very excited that we are taking these steps to stand up for our brothers and sisters in the United States of America and have been willing to contribute and help get this moving in any way possible.”

Peaceful demonstrations against racial injustice have also been held in the US Virgin Islands.

91 Responses to “March against racial injustice being planned for VI”

  • what a thing (12/06/2020, 10:55) Like (12) Dislike (81) Reply
    we need to march to get rid of the white governor
    • Hmm (12/06/2020, 11:32) Like (56) Dislike (6) Reply
      All the bvi do is follow. Any cops the kills blacks in the bvii only one white cop in the bvi
      • @ Hmm (12/06/2020, 11:59) Like (36) Dislike (4) Reply
        Same thing I'm saying. The other injustices we should be fighting for, we look the other way.
      • To hmm (12/06/2020, 12:59) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
        Yep. Why didn't they march when our citizens were being gunned down and murdered left ,right and centre? I saw a video from the USA,where protesters were tearing down a statue and it fell and cracked open one of the protesters head......
        • @To hmmm (17/06/2020, 06:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
          Why didn’t you organize one! All some of us like to do is sit back and criticize what others are doing but have you ever stopped and asked yourselves what are you doing to make a better BVI besides being a complainer? Do better, be better!
      • the rock (12/06/2020, 21:07) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        Your mind is shallow, how many virgin islanders we got living abroad, black life matters, and of story!
    • GG (12/06/2020, 11:34) Like (14) Dislike (67) Reply
      Send them island people Back down the island let’s March for that
      • don (12/06/2020, 12:10) Like (58) Dislike (4) Reply
        Wow you sound so stupid, people like you make things worst for our race, why you didn't say send back the white people who have the best jobs in the bvi and sending their money back home? But you only have strength for your own black people, stupid A_ _
      • Right way (12/06/2020, 12:43) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        You is thus a fool joker a big one to, but then again I am not surprised there is always one in card pack very uneducated about this ,struupz
      • wise up (12/06/2020, 23:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Was planning o participate but since there will be stupid people like u involved I might as well stay home
    • LMAOO (12/06/2020, 12:38) Like (16) Dislike (16) Reply
      Them need to go sit down but March, March to church
    • student (12/06/2020, 14:28) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      Wow! got to see this. We are marching against our self. I guarantee the D7 Member will be there. Hope to see the faces in that March then see how they treat me Sunday Morning.
    • Black&White (12/06/2020, 14:41) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
      Are we going to change our slave names or remove some of the Tourist sites here, like the dungeon the remnant of Sugar Mills where or ancestors slaved? Are you going to take down the slave church at Kingston? Are we going to change the name Tortola which was given to us by Columbus? Nah! I guess not. Come next Tourist season we need them to proudly show our past? Finally, are we going to treat our Island brother and sisters any better? Again I guess not. Lets see come Monday morning.
      • Man they ya (12/06/2020, 20:31) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
        That church was for Free
        black people. Read your history .
      • the rock (12/06/2020, 21:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I. Love your post, very interesting, you now add fuel to the fire, please come out to the march
    • Hmm (12/06/2020, 14:46) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
      March for Myron and the gang going jail over the wall and plane
  • Well (12/06/2020, 10:58) Like (72) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sweetheart untill we deal with the prejudice and hate in our island. Some of us here fight against person from other the islands.. I dont see the sense of a protest. We need to love each other first..
  • H (12/06/2020, 11:03) Like (32) Dislike (21) Reply
    Girl sit down your young self. What you know about racial. You dont even know the history of the bvi.
    • watching (12/06/2020, 11:25) Like (29) Dislike (10) Reply
      How do you know that? And why is the history of the BVI necessary? Can you agree we need to stamp out racism and racial injustice? Can you agree the BVI is not spared of racism, that our families and friends can be affected here or while overseas? can you agree racial injustice is evil? Just wear your mask and come to the march please.
    • neutral (12/06/2020, 11:26) Like (16) Dislike (6) Reply
      A child shall lead them
  • tola (12/06/2020, 11:09) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
    March for wa ayo to follow follow. WBIT
  • question (12/06/2020, 11:19) Like (10) Dislike (24) Reply
    Noble initiative, just worried about the virus spreading
  • Martial Law (12/06/2020, 11:22) Like (34) Dislike (10) Reply
    So we going March “black lives matter” when it’s funded by George Soros who invest millions of dollars into these groups and agendas but we not gonna March against local injustice that happens here everyday, when ayo marching to get rid of this curfew yall let me know so lol have fun out there, buh March smh
    • fact check (12/06/2020, 11:33) Like (3) Dislike (26) Reply
      Martial Law, stop being a blind mice and gulp down every conspiracy you hear on social media, regardless how it popular.
      Your statement about Sorros is FALSE. See link
  • The Rabbit Hole (12/06/2020, 11:29) Like (45) Dislike (14) Reply
    Y’all a bunch of sheeps smh... y’all really can’t see when there’s an agenda in front of y’all... you think these protest gonna change anything ? You think these places where looting and burning happened organically ? You think these big business don’t have money to hire thousands of security ? If George Floyd and the cop they said killed him was co workers why never call him by name when he was on his last breath, if someone’s killing me by putting a foot on my neck I would be wiggling out like a mfer this man just laid there and took death lol do some research guys it’s a lot you don’t know about this situation
    • What? (12/06/2020, 20:19) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      How you gon' wiggle out when the weight of three officers on you? There were two others kneeling on his body, and the one on his neck. Plus he was handcuffed. I'm not commenting on the march, but to say that George just "took death" is egregiously ignorant.
  • hmm (12/06/2020, 11:31) Like (22) Dislike (11) Reply
    Tortola like to be in thing sah
  • Black governor NOW (12/06/2020, 11:35) Like (6) Dislike (15) Reply
    this is a good move I commend the young people
  • True (12/06/2020, 11:36) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    racial injustice in the BVI show me where and I willshow you xenophobia or the difference between haves and have nots this is a USA matter not a BVI matter and ifany problemsoccur the people who organised this event must be held liable.
    • voter (13/06/2020, 04:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is bigger than the VI. Who have eyes to see ket them see!!Open your eyes !!
  • hey (12/06/2020, 11:36) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
    Waste of time.
  • No (12/06/2020, 11:39) Like (24) Dislike (4) Reply
    this is all about me me me look at me i am important. This does not equate to the BVI their is little racial injustice there is xenophobia topeople from other islands. There is also the wealth divide, yet it is people from this very divison who are organising a march so they can highlight themselves.
  • Ghost (12/06/2020, 11:43) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    The March is a good thing to say that we are standing up against racial injustice.. not just against Blacks but all races that are treated unfairly because of the color of their skin..all persons marching should in fact wear a mask to prevent the spread of the virus and to avoid touching your face and removing the mask properly.. Blacks have been enslaved for over 400 yrs and they’re still trying to enslave us.. why I keep saying we need to stop all the hatred and ugly remarks against our Caribbean brothers and sisters and they against us for we are all one race and as it relates to whites not all of them are racists or bigots for we can see they are marching with us as well for the cause .. “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”.. our island is small but if we give some a chance they to will try to keep us enslaved thinking that they are somehow better than us when God made us all.. No Race is better than any other .. what we need moreso to do is to pray and ask God to put Love in our hearts one for another (For All mankind) stopping all the bigotry and racism.. we ought to Love one another as God Loves us. STOP THE HATE!..God’s Word said that God is Love, and Any man that doesn’t Love isn’t of God... yes it’s hard to love those that wrong us but We are not to hate; God forgives us repeatedly And continue to “Love” us When we do wrongs against Him.. God is Ruler of All and “He” shall repay all of the injustices..
  • March or get lead (12/06/2020, 11:52) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply

    You better learn how to pull shit together and stand for something so u dont fall for nothing..u all think ayo bvi people will be forever in a bed of Rose's ..dont wait till that type of behavior from them people reach ur shore before ayo get consciously not no easy fight out and around that usa for black people...
    Rabbits hole u taking pissssss. Trying be relevant u think george floyd is the first and the last ....
    U and many remind me of the house slave mentality...u is the ###$%& sheep need ur master to feel free..

  • To rabbits hole (12/06/2020, 11:57) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
    You worst than sheep u is a enemy to the movement and the sacrifice of ur ancestors them that figth for the bigg freedom wat we have now compare to the plantation...but this figth is not for the week and faint hearted..sorry ...many are call few will be chosen
    • The Rabbit Hole @To rabbit hole (12/06/2020, 13:45) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
      Big man my ancestors use to fight blood, sweat and tears ! What peaceful protest you talking about ! Years and years y’all protesting and ain’t getting sht change so miss me with all that charming soft bull, if ain’t war count me out that’s what my ancestors was about, not singing and this marching bullsht, same cycle over and over ! To do something over and over expecting a different result is insanity ! Go pick up a book and see how they got America and these other countries then come back and talk to me
  • to LOL (12/06/2020, 12:00) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am going to continue laugh..but at u not because u one of those that born blind but because u so ignorant with ur stupidity
  • Don't Fall for It (12/06/2020, 12:03) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    US has seen a spike in the number of Coronavirus cases since protests.

    We don't need a copycat march and spike in active cases.
  • mad max (12/06/2020, 12:10) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I know it’s not a laughing matter but “kneel with me not on me”. FFS that’s just amazing.
  • Bvilande (12/06/2020, 12:11) Like (2) Dislike (36) Reply
  • okay (12/06/2020, 12:26) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Racism is a serious problem and YES we feel the pain this and many of the resent racial deaths that have happened in the US. We can continue our support on social media as we have been doing. When social distancing is lifted in the BVI, and more than 50 persons gather let us march against; Domestic Violence, child abuse, white collar crime, discrimination against employees, let us march agains corruption in government and let us march for the 7.2 million and I can go on and on. It is important to support various causes but you MUST ensure your fight against wrong at home first. Don’t rock our boat with racism to invoke feeling of hate in people.
  • American (12/06/2020, 12:39) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Thanks BVI for supporting the USA. The question we should all ask ourselves" is there not a cause?". The whole Caribbean should rally around this cause, for over 400 years the sons and daughters of Ham have suffered. There is a cause, let us do it peacefully and be optimistic. Your kids and relatives, whether in the USA or wherever need to live as long as the Lord the One who give lives says it's over. Praying for your beautiful country. Please do the same for us. Love you.
    • reality (12/06/2020, 14:16) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      I find it laughable that you mention slavery then quote the lord, which your slave masters taught you by beating you whipping you yet it is you who need to shake off that shackle to be free fromopression as it is from the church,think about it...
  • Just for show (12/06/2020, 13:26) Like (19) Dislike (3) Reply
    You guys make me laugh. You don’t even love the neighbor in your own place, yet as usual you want to be in things. Show love at home first. Some folks just like the spotlight or to say I did that. No problem, but my thing is start at home first. March for your own! Treat people with love and equality.
    They already bury the man, but now you’ll want to jump on the bandwagon.
  • Remember (12/06/2020, 13:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There sell the best of us for less was not till there bury thst old fella there call noel lloyd who figth for us all is wen and after there give him his Rose's and repeat rigth after all the humiliation
  • Sigh (12/06/2020, 13:27) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @wow I guess you are one off the minority dumb dumb you need to cool out.
  • @okay (12/06/2020, 13:31) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes let just March against ignorance...and stupidity of u okay..u had need to be left in a condom
  • @AMERICA (12/06/2020, 13:37) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yes .thank u for that cause ....u see alot of us forgot where there came from ....
  • March.. hmmm (12/06/2020, 14:29) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Immigration and labour just need to do the right thing...They r the one who cn stop it...Its right here in our face...When Bwlongers and Nationals are sent home and white workpermit holders still on the Job....Its not like the people that got sent home cannot do the work.. in most case them trained the whites...Until labour and immigration do something...March is useless....
  • Hmmm (12/06/2020, 14:38) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    We need to plan a march against those local bad minding expatriates especially being bad mind against those they're calling down island people. Against our own black brothers and sisters at that.
  • Well (12/06/2020, 15:04) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Who want to march could do so but remember what u are marching for its right in your back yard so wast of time and energy
  • E. Leonard (12/06/2020, 15:06) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Ride or die! Frederick Douglass says,
    “If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.” The March is starting at national hero Noel Lloyd Park. Incidentally, were it not for the strong agitation of Noel Lloyd and Positive Action Movement (PAM) Wickhams Cay and 1/2 of Anegada would be under the control of Kenneth Bates-Hill and there would be no Noel Lloyd Park. Led by Dolf Faulkner and others, the Great March of 24 November 1949 resulted in a new constitution, Legislative Council being reinstated qnd start of direct voting for some council members. Ms. Donovan-Hodge:”She said although slavery was abolished in the late 1800s people of the African diaspora have been fighting to be treated as more than subhuman for generations “and I think it is time we put that fight to an end.” Tru dat!

    The African diaspora in the West, including the VI, has suffered social injustice, inequality, abuse, inferiority, subhuman treatment.......etc for almost 500 years. Though the VI may pretend that racism is very remote from its shores, well, it is on shore and alive. And silence and looking the other way is not going to make it magically vanished. It is going to take strong but peaceful agitation to arrest it. Derek Chauvin lynching of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis, Mn, was a shameful and despicable act. Chauvin casually but forcefully knelt on George Floyd’s neck for a long 8 minutes and 46 seconds and on scene observers noticed George breathing his last breath. However, George’s lynching is not an anomaly, for it has been occurring for 100 of years. Thousands of VI residents should march on June 20( the day after Juneteenth holiday in the US) in solidarity with Blacks, White, Asians and Hispanics who protested across the globe for change. Protest safely and be part of the movement. Be safe and stay safe.
    • Quiet Warrior (12/06/2020, 19:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Nice my brother. Like the Fredrick Douglass quote.
    • Diaspora (12/06/2020, 22:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Indeed, if there is no struggle, there is no progress. Without ANC struggle, Apartheid would still rule in South Africa. Without struggle, limited civil and voting rights would not have been attained in the US. Without struggle, former President Barack Obama would not be the first Black to lead a G-7 country. Without struggle, as noted above, Wickhams Cay would not be in the hands of locals. The world is interconnected and racial discrimination and prejudice, inequality, injustice.......etc anywhere is applicable everywhere. What happens in Washington, DC, New York, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, London, Cape Town, Canberra......etc is applicable in Road Town. March. When the roll is called , the VI must be in that number. Though the VI has a majority population, can anyone honestly say that racism is absent from the VI? Is the VI race nie trap? No.
  • T (12/06/2020, 15:12) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    The same problem is right here so what sense those it makes
  • y (12/06/2020, 15:38) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    ? Who are marching for is it of what went on in America or what is going on in torla which one I need a made up mind so I can get my T shirt print
    • both (12/06/2020, 23:46) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The march is in SOLIDARITY with the fight in America but also to point out that we suffered from these same biases and injustices right where at home
  • @@rabbits hole (12/06/2020, 16:33) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    WAR.....we think we no wt it is ...war is wat wein now battle hmmm is different ....that wat we figth not to in counter with the beast ..battle ..that ur stand yet it is prep to fall for it ...BATTLE..think this movement is about u or I alone in flesh this the rigth to life after death ..for the cause is great brother.... battle is easy jus jump on the van wagon lead the battle and be overcome by followers .u think it about u...u see shit yet
  • People march (12/06/2020, 16:44) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    People march for ur self and country
  • tola (12/06/2020, 16:51) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply

    Just a bunch of &*%$ slave mentality

  • peace (12/06/2020, 16:56) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    We will be marching for what is going on in America as well as what is going on in the Virgin Islands. There is prejudice in our local system too. Black own property is valued lower than white's. Locals are being overlooked for jobs while outsiders are being employed because they accept lower wages and inhumane conditions. This is causing a rift between locals and black expats. Lately a culture is being created by the police department to taser locals and military type actions are taken against locals eg. (Elton). And the list goes on. We should stand with America on this because if it does not stop it will spread. Let us stamp it out. United we stand devided we fall.
  • Nice (12/06/2020, 19:08) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am not from here but I am here a long time and I can say that I inherited a lot from tola in spite of what is been said about island this and island that that would not make me think differently some body have to live some where I know there Ono to say I found no fault in them
    • Thankfull (12/06/2020, 22:24) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      @j Myself I am not from the Virgin Islands and have been living here for many years and have achieved a lot living here. I have no problem with the locals and whoever is spewing all this hatred against Virgin Islanders should stop. Everybody have to born some place. Nobody should be mad at any body for identifying where they were born. Some of us are mad when a Virgin Islander tell the truth and say they born here. Everybody else can wave their country's flag and feel proud but if a local wave their flag everbody vex. Let us stop beating up on people in their own country. That in itself is injustice.
  • wake up (12/06/2020, 19:12) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
    No "Down Island" people should go on this march! We have our own issues parallel to the reasons for that Black Live Matter march. Stay home and show how much you suffer from prejudice in the BVI. Can you imagine marching with your haters against hate??? That makes no sense!
  • Quiet Rebel (12/06/2020, 19:42) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    No justice, no peace!!!
  • Prejudice (12/06/2020, 19:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    March against hate and prejudice right here in the BVI, black against black
  • CAN'T LOOSE (12/06/2020, 20:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Immigration (12/06/2020, 21:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The most racism you have in yhe bvi is in immigration office.if them know you personal you good to go,if not known your axxzzss is grasss.
  • Guest (12/06/2020, 23:04) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Amazing BVIslanders marching against hate. I guess you will let ”dem downisland” people in this one.....
  • Hmm (12/06/2020, 23:15) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    For years companies here advertise high position jobs only after they have already filled them with white expats from abroad. Some of them are here looking for homes before the jobs are even advertised because the company and their human resource managers have already cooked the system against young black BVIslanders. The labor department knows this practice and yet nothing is done. One company here alone is single handedly making all their people in managerial positions white expats in the space of a few months creating fake titles to supercede locals while giving crumbs to the mindless to keep them complacent. You want to march for something, march for that. That is a practice that has to stop in the BVI.
    • @hmm (13/06/2020, 11:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Funny that you never name names. Probably because it’s not true. Name names.
    • @hmm (13/06/2020, 13:29) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      Until they march for injustice like this I aint going nowhere. My heart goes out to the Floyd family and I hope justice is serve but we need to deal with our own injustice here too. Our locals are suffering at the hands of massa and a corrupt system.
    • nonsense (14/06/2020, 15:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Hmm Perhaps you might want to comment on youR British Virgin Islands government’s
  • Seriously (13/06/2020, 00:56) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Half of y’all from America! You people are selfish. Run to America to have kids but don’t want to support the cause. How many of your kids go to college in America? Selfish! selfish! When the white people finish buying up all the land in the BVI then kick y’all out, I hope y’all protest then. Racism is alive and well right here in the BVI
  • Sad (13/06/2020, 04:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Racism is a part of life .no matter wa we as black ppl do to try change it will never ppl in the world is not the only race facing this .our ancestors figth for years and not much has been done .we that live in the caribbean r the most bless ppl.and we need to give thanks for that .not because america going throw there stuff we need to get involved and follow .yes it is a sad thing thats going on but its not going to stop .hundreds of ppl out there getting hurt by the same ppl they figthing aginst .costing there cities millions with protesting and vandalizing there own country which still comes out tax payers pocket.we dont need that here. the world is run by a group of ppl with money.and our government is a part of that group.we need the same white ppl to bring money in to our land.and the government need to employ ppl for there police force.these r two main things we need in the bvi rite us following america with whats going on can cause damage we dont need.the world is a mess up place and we cannot change it.the queen will always send a white man to controll us. 2 a matter of fact.a govener and a commissioner we cant change that. Racism is a part of life for every body .all lives matter not only black ppl.
  • hypocrites (13/06/2020, 09:52) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Before we start Marching we need to Answer when someone say Good Morning and don’t discriminate because everyone does it.
  • bvi (13/06/2020, 14:37) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    As a BVIslander the thing that breaks my heart over and over again is the way he look down on and refer to out black brothers and sisters from the Caribbean as island people when in fact many is not most of them are our blood given that their forefathers were kidnapped and brought To the Caribbean from Africa just like our forefathers. It’s is likely that many of our forefathers and their were taken from the same tribes, the same families and like us were given the last names of the plantation owners. Black people, we are one and should act as one people whether were born in the BVIs, Antigua, St. Vincent, Trinidad, Guyana, St. Lucia, Dominica. We need to stop this Island man and Island woman thing and love and care for each other. The white community together, the Arab Community together so why can we blacks unify and come together as one and live the same ways other races live. This division makes us weak, fighting against each other makes us weak. Together we stand divided we fall.
  • Troll @ bvi (13/06/2020, 21:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ahhhhh same sentiment I've been saying....let's deal with the internal issues here than wanting to "be in things" as most ppl say here. I can guarantee if something happen here you won't see the US marching because of what's happening here. Though I do understand the cause but it makes sense to make a stand and fix the issues here than doing so elsewhere
  • Negus (13/06/2020, 22:48) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    When you go against anything you give it more power. Going against racism will only create more racism.

    The correct thing to do is to be for peace , love and unity.
  • Thunder (14/06/2020, 10:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    It seems to me it’s only when a White Policeman kills a black man that black lives matters. What about the hundreds of black people who have been gunned down by their own black people? Check out the census in Atlanta, Alabama, Chicago, Jamaica and Trinidad why not March for our black brothers and even Sisters who are brutally murdered on a daily basis.

    How about the Genicides that are taken place in Africa? Ask yourself if those black lives matter. This slang is a coverup for hidden agendas not that the organizers care about black people
    • @Thunder (14/06/2020, 21:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is so true. Never looked at it like that. Not saying what the white policemen do is ok, but Black on Black crime is way outta control.
  • Programmed Black People (14/06/2020, 13:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    What a Programmed set of people Black People are. So easy to manipulate. Marching for so long begging for other people to give them something that they cannot do. White People cannot give Black People Freedom. Freedom is something that is earned through maturity and the acceptance of responsibility. Marching is exactly what these people want Black People to do rather then Evolve.
    • Darwin? (18/06/2020, 14:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Wait, so you think the problem is that black people are less evolved than white people?
      Like, lower down the evolutionary scale? Closer to chimpanzees, or apes, perhaps?
      Much of what you wrote might contain truths but that last clause is pure eugenics-based racist bullish*t.
  • Buzz (14/06/2020, 15:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Hmm - maybe it’s time to comment on your government’s complete lack of respect for education? Resurrecting the Little A Racetrack is a higher priority than the High School. Neither of the parties involved in the last 20 years of territorial government have addressed education. Instead they’ve defunded it. They want BVIslander managers in the trust companies, but place ZERO emphasis on BVIslanders becoming attorneys and chartered accountants- ZERO!
    Start with the folks asking for your vote to propel them into a cushy, high-paid, elective position. What have they done, in the past 23 years to advance the welfare of BVIslanders in utilizing their own birthright and to take command of the local economy?
  • D (15/06/2020, 17:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is no such thing as recess in tola it's some idotict person looking for a h tension always writing those useless comments that all
  • Jane (15/06/2020, 21:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I swear ppl so stupid cops killing blacks here in the bvi it doesnt matter if its happening here or not it cld b any one of us in this situation at any time its not call following or like to be in thing come on blacks sis and bro we fighting for peace for each other

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