Man tells court he went to commit theft but changed mind!
“Something is missing,” Magistrate Richards told Leslie McKenzie, “It must be, that your life is on this bad track?”
McKenzie, 26, of Huntums Ghut pleaded guilty before the Magistrate’s Court on September 12, 2013 to going equipped to steal after being found at Hodge’s Creek marina with a bag containing a number of items including a pair of latex gloves, knife, a ratchet handle and a number of other tools.
“I had intention of theft but changed my mind. I have on and off jobs and had a part time job and I’m sorry,” McKenzie told Magistrate Richards in mitigation before his sentencing when asked if he had anything to say.
The defendant further related that he had family issues with his parents and was thrown out and has been on the street for nearly three years. He told the court that his parents have since left the territory and he has remained and is now on work permit exemption.
When asked if he has no other relatives to stay with, McKenzie told the court that his aunt didn’t allow him to stay at her place because of the situation he had with his parents.
McKenzie was also asked what he did for a living previously and he told the court that he did construction and landscaping work. “You can wash cars, you can cut grass. You don’t see a lot of grass need cutting, why you going equipped to steal?” the Magistrate asked McKenzie.
Magistrate Richards further told McKenzie that not having a steady job was no excuse for being on the street.
The defendant told the court that he was frustrated and had bills to pay and also had to feed himself. He also told the court that he studied computer repair at the local technical school.
The Magistrate suggested that the defendant was perhaps not motivated and recommended a stint at the Sandy Lane Centre where he would receive drug testing, counselling and treatment. He was also offered $5,000 signed bail with one surety and told to return to court on November 1, 2013.
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