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Man missing on St Croix since Sept. 19, 2019

The missing man, 68-year-old Joseph Michael Ryan, was reported missing by his daughter and other family members. Photo: VIPD

FREDERIKSTED, St Croix, USVI— A man who on September 18, 2019 returned to St Croix from Massachusetts to be with his family, on September 19, 2019 went missing and hasn’t been seen since, [US] Virgin Islands Police Department (VIPD) Public Information Officer Glen Dratte has announced.

The missing man, 68-year-old Joseph Michael Ryan, was reported missing by his daughter and other family members.

Mr Ryan is a black male weighing 180 pounds. His height was not provided. However he has gray hair, brown eyes and is dark in complexion.

Mr Ryan also has dreadlocks that reaches his knee, as well as grey beard.

The VIPD is asking anyone with information about Mr Ryan’s whereabouts to call 340-778-2211, or contact Crime Stoppers USVI with an anonymous tip.

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