Man found dead in Carrot Bay in suspected suicide
Unconfirmed reports are that police are suspecting suicide.
The man, whose identity is known to our newsroom, was found with gunshot wounds.
The discovery comes as the body of a prominent Sea Cows Bay businessman was found this morning, February 5, 2021.
It is believed, according to police sources, that the shootings are linked.
Commissioner of Police, Michael B. Matthews told VINO police are investigating a double shooting but said he could not provide any details at this stage since it is "a live investigation."
Virgin Islands News Online will bring you more details at a later stage.

52 Responses to “Man found dead in Carrot Bay in suspected suicide”
Y'all quick to say where people from. But since you so think you know, she is from here. Her people might be guyanese but she is from here.
That is for ALL of them.
Had need to **** her bad a** too
Check out Matthew 24: 36 also. If he was God when he was on earth, he would have known the day and the hour.
All of the YOLO’ing claiming you only have one life to live so do whatever; don’t be fooled by the devil.
Do you believe that if your time were to come your name would be written in the Book of Life?
Revelation 20:15: Anyone who does not have their name in the book of life during the End Days will end up in the lake of fire.
Let’s do better purposefully each day to ensure we truly have Life after this earthly life.
Each day spent being more concerned about not getting on someone’s wrong-side rather than pleasing God is a day closer to hell.
Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone who says to Me, (‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
Christianity is a road map to guide you to live a life pleasing to God in other words GO(O)D and not (D)evil. If you read the book of proverbs it explains what the proverbs and the words of the wise are intended for. It says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom but fools despise knowledge and understanding. It also says in all thy getting get understanding which is the ability to apply the concepts to your life thereby to attain eternal life. Don't get it twisted. Each person is responsible for working out their own salvation (with fear and trembling). It is a gift but there is a race that must be run before the prize is achieved. Try not to get lost along the way. This is where the Armour of God comes into play but again there must be understanding of these concepts. These are the doctrines and teachings that should be imparted to the people but the leaders are too eager for material gain and have wandered from the faith teaching all sorts of old wives' tales. In the book of revelations where the spirit is speaking to the churches they are being chastised for corrupting the the words of truth and for leading creation to the point of destruction where we find ourselves to day. Babylon the great has fallen....come out of her my people. Throw down your arms and come.
The local men are just ATM's
Some leave good home and then get discarded for young boys
The love of money versus the love of flesh.