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Man arrested following WE drug bust remanded to prison

- Olicity M. Lanns to return to court May 11, 2021
The man who was arrested following a high-speed boat chase and drug bust at West End, Tortola on Sunday, April 11, 2021, has been remanded to Her Majesty's Prison by Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards. Photo: VINO/File
According to the prosecution, Mr Olicity M. Lanns was in a boat that was pursued by law enforcement authorities and was subsequently beached; however, Mr Lans allegedly joined a Tacoma vehicle and attempted to evade authorities but was pursued by a helicopter and police on the ground. Photo: Team of Reporters
According to the prosecution, Mr Olicity M. Lanns was in a boat that was pursued by law enforcement authorities and was subsequently beached; however, Mr Lans allegedly joined a Tacoma vehicle and attempted to evade authorities but was pursued by a helicopter and police on the ground. Photo: Team of Reporters
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The man who was arrested following a high-speed boat chase and drug bust at West End, Tortola on Sunday, April 11, 2021, has been denied bail by Senior Magistrate Tamia N. Richards.

Olicity M. Lanns, 24, a US national with Belonger status, made his first appearance in court today, April 13, 2021, via Zoom. He is charged with Importation of Drugs, Being Concerned in the Supply of Drugs and Possession of a Controlled Drug.

According to Crown Counsel Patrice Hickson, Mr Lanns was in a boat that was pursued by law enforcement authorities and was subsequently beached; however, Mr Lanns allegedly joined a Tacoma vehicle and attempted to evade authorities but was pursued by a helicopter and police on the ground. It was said that the vehicle being chased crashed in Carrot Bay and Mr Lans attempted to flee in bushes but was pursued and caught.

Cocaine, which was allegedly tossed from the vessel, was recovered from the water by authorities. 

The Prosecution also noted that other persons remain at large.

Bail arguments

Mr Lanns was represented by Attorney E. Leroy Jones, who stated that his client has a 7-month-old child and takes care of his elderly grandparents.

Mr Jones also told the court that Mr Lanns has lived in the VI practically all his life, owns a trucking business, and was not a flight risk. 

He also shared a number of cases where persons accused of similar offences and serious crimes were granted bail, either in the Magistrates Court or the High Court.

Crown Counsel Hickson argued that the offence was a serious one and that Mr Lanns had access to boats which could make it easy for him to flee the jurisdiction.

Further, the Prosecution said there were other persons at large and Mr Lanns could interfere with the continuing investigations.

The matter has been set for May 11, 2021, for report.

More details to follow.

52 Responses to “Man arrested following WE drug bust remanded to prison”

  • tggfdgfdgd (13/04/2021, 17:37) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
  • YAWN (13/04/2021, 17:42) Like (13) Dislike (12) Reply
    He will get bail in high court.
    • Greg (14/04/2021, 10:19) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
      And if he does post bail, he will run. He is definately a flight risk, using his child and parents as a smoke screen. He knew he had family while doing this and didn't care, so why should we?
  • Hmm (13/04/2021, 17:51) Like (56) Dislike (49) Reply
    Free Him pls , he is the only one that lives & take care of his grandparents
    • @ Hmm (13/04/2021, 20:10) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
      If he had murdered someone or molested a child would you have said the same thing...all these drug busts and people still acting untouchable
  • Rasta Lives (13/04/2021, 17:55) Like (76) Dislike (2) Reply
    certain hazards come with certain jobs/dont do the crime if you cant do the time/he will be fine
  • not fair (13/04/2021, 18:05) Like (79) Dislike (5) Reply
    What about the Police officer & his brother that case is going under the mat. No updates on that!!! They got bail so should he.. that’s messed up system.
    • @ not fair (13/04/2021, 20:12) Like (46) Dislike (1) Reply
      That police officer and brother should not have gotten bail either.
      • @@not fair (13/04/2021, 22:31) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
        They are on bail for a reason.......,......don’t worry about them. Everything is for a reason. Time will tell.
    • 007 (13/04/2021, 23:16) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      Everyone gets bail in the drug business. Money talks, the perp walks.
    • wow (14/04/2021, 07:15) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    • @ not fair (15/04/2021, 10:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's such a valid point. But some people would b quick 2 judge & say u bias or against Police/island people.
      These people r the law & suppose 2 no better those r the ones who suppose 2 get beat harder by the law. They made history the biggest burst through the whole Caribbean, west Indies , virgins & in u.k.
  • y (13/04/2021, 18:44) Like (1) Dislike (27) Reply
    Father like son i miss him on that big bike in hannas
  • Well (13/04/2021, 18:51) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    If it is a 45 million price tag for the seized drugs, someone is in serious trouble. This kid is the fall guy. The others that got away they already went ghost.
    • smh (14/04/2021, 07:19) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
      How fast they determine the Value of the substance! Hmmm! Well it takes Drug Dealers to know the Street Value at a Glance!
  • tola (13/04/2021, 19:09) Like (12) Dislike (36) Reply
    Lord I feel for his grandparents sweet people. Please give him bail
    • Lee (13/04/2021, 19:53) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
      Go take care of his grandparents in is absence. For free too.
    • @ tola (13/04/2021, 20:10) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
      The grandparents other family and relatives need to step up and help them now
    • @tola (13/04/2021, 22:18) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      No, the judge make the right call. He is safer not being on bail. We don’t need another chain reaction like the one we had not to long ago.
  • Really ?? (13/04/2021, 19:25) Like (57) Dislike (8) Reply
    24 years old with a trucking company and an expensive boat, He has done well for himself.
  • uh (13/04/2021, 19:30) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    D big in his rocking chair while your a** behind bars iodit
  • gfdfdggfdgfdgfdg (13/04/2021, 19:48) Like (38) Dislike (6) Reply
    If he was on Bail they would kill him. He is better off in police custody. The denied bail is only his blessing.
  • point blank (13/04/2021, 20:18) Like (31) Dislike (7) Reply
    Don't forget about the mansion he has under construction
  • @ WELL (13/04/2021, 20:27) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    • Yep (13/04/2021, 22:28) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
      Just like green light also mean strike the target. So if someone say the green light is on you take heed and stay low. If they say green lighted, the target falls.
  • It comes w a price! (13/04/2021, 21:08) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Fast money, fast jail or fast demise......#prayfortheyoungpplinourcommunity!
  • u (13/04/2021, 21:22) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    This young man no lone ranger take it from me
  • S (13/04/2021, 21:35) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    As a young man that's all u can find to do with your life right now your carector gone through think before you do don't do and think I don't know if you young man see what's going on wasting you all life away for money you can in d world meet money u will die and left money remember money don't die so to all young man out there live a wise life please
  • intel (13/04/2021, 22:11) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    He is safer in police custody and not granted bail. The ones that got away is sweating. How are they going to explain how they mess up the BOSS SHIPMENT. Shipment get toss in the ocean, they will let it go, shipment get seize, you up the creek without a paddle. He is much safer in jail. He on the street, not good.
  • wow (13/04/2021, 23:06) Like (21) Dislike (21) Reply
    His mom died left a shit load of insurance money for him that’s why he have nice stuff y’all to envious
  • Camera 1 (13/04/2021, 23:14) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    More action tonight in Syon Hill, Big Ben’s area. Tooled up cops and searches going on.
    • ... (14/04/2021, 07:29) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Tool up and searching days after the effect. Any evidence most likely done contaminated. What they need to do is carry out Internal Investigation on those Johnny come lately from Outside the Territory who became Cops. Hmmm, they have the best quality merchandise it's alleged.
  • Queen Masa (14/04/2021, 00:14) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
    Some of them goods missing. Perhaps they drifting on the beach. I’ll inform in a heartbeat. Needa find me another rusty, and go find it! Btw dropped the extra ‘s’.
    • Coke Ware house (14/04/2021, 07:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am think, will all these siesures and drugs coming here is there a Big warehouse some where clise by, where they can just go and pick up...
      • Blindman (14/04/2021, 15:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        @ coke ware house look in the cisterns thats where they keeping ir
  • #3 (14/04/2021, 04:34) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    the accused is a national of amercia so in this british jurisdiction the court system sees him as a flight risk. a few years back hodge and the crew were not given bail: take the matter to high court might get bail. when will dirty babylon start going after the suppliers of the drugs the big ones behind these offenses. the transporters ends up arrested but the big white boys who supplying the dope nothing and law enforcement have knowledge who the suppliers are. always the little man who smoking the joint going to prison over and over while the pusher man walking free
    • @#3 (14/04/2021, 08:42) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      The little man gladly and willingly takes the plunge.. was not forednorcoer ed. Been their dream come true.
      This is where home training and example make a difference.
  • chosen (14/04/2021, 07:20) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    And the ministers said they got the big houses, boats, buisnesses from hard working all are in it together thinking some people are stupid.
  • @ #3 & SMH (14/04/2021, 07:31) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Hide im (14/04/2021, 08:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I like how theVI and the US plants the booking photos of these scoundrels big and broad for all to see. This way others memories could be jolted and report thing that they have seen .
  • @ #3 & SMH (14/04/2021, 10:06) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
  • the rock (15/04/2021, 07:10) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Dsmn not my boy!

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