Man accused of beating girlfriend in head with cricket bat
The matter was heard by Magistrate Tamia N. Richards who remanded the accused to prison until July 10, 2015 after the prosecution laid the allegations down.
Bailey is charged with common assault occasioning actual bodily harm and use of threatening language. He pleaded guilty to the common assault charge but not guilty to the latter.
The court heard that the incident allegedly occurred sometime around 8:50 am on June 8, 2015. It was reported that the virtual complainant (VC) was about to microwave some food when her boyfriend, Bailey, started to question her about the food, and allegedly accusing her of getting it from some other man’s home. This followed by him allegedly threatening to spit in the food.
The alleged abuse escalated, according to Crown Prosecutor Anjel Flax-Solomon, when the woman asked Bailey if he was crazy. The woman, she said, then thought it best to get out of the house but before she could have, the accused grabbed a cricket bat and allegedly hit her in the head with it.
The court was further told that the VC tried to run but fell to the floor and Bailey stood over her and allegedly said to her, “I am going to kill you today,” and continued to aggressively beat her with the bat, however, she managed to run inside the bathroom and lock herself in.
It was alleged that after some time had elapsed, the VC saw a friend and she tried to make a dash to safety but Bailey was right there and allegedly unleashed more blows to her head, forearm and right arm. She, however, made good her escaped by running out of the apartment and into that of a friend’s who shielded her.
The matter was reported to police and the woman was taken to Peebles Hospital. The prosecution said the virtual complaint received 23 stitches to the head.
Bailey was subsequently arrested and charged.

18 Responses to “Man accused of beating girlfriend in head with cricket bat”
How about giving him a dose of his own medicine & bust his r@$$ with that same cricket bat. Nonsense! Man like he so do those kinds of things to make themselves feel good, like some big bad macho man who nobody could touch
What? Remand in Prison--OMG----You should had just put the damn ungr***ul and b*d girl out of your house--men know who you buying ticket to send for----Jail he sleeping now