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Malone-Smith & Lettsome were not investigated– BVIHSA Chairman

- Moleto A. Smith dodges questions on why Malone-Smith returned & not Mr Lettsome
Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Moleto A. Smith has indicated that no investigations were carried out on former Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith nor its former Human Resources Manager Mr Levor A. H. Lettsome, rather they were sent home as part of a comprehensive review at the BVIHSA. Photo: Internet Source/VINO/File
BVIHSA Chairman Mr Smith speaking to the press during a November 24, 2022, press conference however said the two were never sent on leave for an investigation at the directive of former Premier Andrew A. Fahie following questions from the press, but instead as part of a comprehensive review. Photo: Facebook/File
BVIHSA Chairman Mr Smith speaking to the press during a November 24, 2022, press conference however said the two were never sent on leave for an investigation at the directive of former Premier Andrew A. Fahie following questions from the press, but instead as part of a comprehensive review. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Chairman of the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) Moleto A. Smith has indicated that investigations were neither carried out on former Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mrs Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith nor its former Human Resources Manager Mr Levor A. H. Lettsome, rather they were sent home as part of a comprehensive review at the BVIHSA.

Mrs Malone-Smith and Mr Lettsome were both sent home on non-disciplinary leave in December 2021 following allegations of “fraud and gross misconduct” at BVISHA.

However, while Mrs Cedorene Patricia Malone-Smith is back at the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) in some capacity, the Human Resources Manager Mr Levor A. H. Lettsome did not return to the job.

BVIHSA Chairman Mr Smith speaking to the press during a November 24, 2022, press conference, said the two were never sent on leave for an investigation at the directive of former Premier Andrew A. Fahie following questions from the press, but instead as part of a comprehensive review.

“As a matter of factual representation, just to ensure that the record is reflected accurately. The Board received no directive from the Premier…. the board is an independent statutory body that does not receive direction from any particular entity, in accordance with the BIHSA Act 2004.”

No investigations were carried out - BHIHSA Chairman 

“There is no release and have been no release. There is no information that the Board has put out in the press indicating that we are doing any investigation. The board had embarked on a comprehensive review of which at that time, the areas under review required two staff persons in those areas to be on non-disciplinary leave to ensure the integrity of those reviews,” he added. 

Mr Smith said the audit has been completed and the board through the Ministry has engaged persons, as part of a phased comprehensive assessment of some 700 employees across multiple divisions. 

“So in order to accommodate the first phase, the board through the ministry engaged the services of the government department of internal audit. That internal audit has been completed earlier a few months ago, and it is currently under review internally by the Board,” Smith added.

Mr Smith could not say why after the review, Malone-Smith returned to the job and not Lettsome. He further declined to delve into what he termed ‘employment history’ and a legal caution to not publicly disclose any information on employment out of fear that it could open up the BVIHSA to litigation.

23 Responses to “Malone-Smith & Lettsome were not investigated– BVIHSA Chairman”

  • jack (02/12/2022, 11:06) Like (28) Dislike (0) Reply
    Pure lies
  • ... (02/12/2022, 11:06) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    the plot thickens
  • smh (02/12/2022, 11:52) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    So if no investigations were carried out why were they getting paid to stay at home and live their best life. What was the point of the leave? And also Stop wasting money!!
  • Incompetence (02/12/2022, 13:21) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thrives in the BVI and you get promoted for it as well..
  • Pull up (02/12/2022, 15:11) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    what about the minister
  • hmm (02/12/2022, 15:13) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Where is the BVIHSA Internal Auditor who did the first Audit?
  • fishy (02/12/2022, 16:01) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Things are not adding up here at all! Internal audit, requested by whom? Two senior staff sent on leave for months - for what reason? What was the outcome of the internal audit? One staff returns months later. Other senior staff…? Central government internal audit called in. Audit completed months ago. Why were they called to re-audit? Why no external (outside government) audit requested?

    Too many questions and just vague ambiguities by those in the know (board). Sounds like pure politricks and confusion. Why…?
  • DEDE (02/12/2022, 19:29) Like (39) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr. Chairman and All Board Members

    We’re all adults here, no need to lie to us. If we expect children to do better, we adults must set good examples for them to follow. If they weren’t investigated for their actions then why were they sent home. Is this part of the settlement that is currently being worked on. The staff need honest answer. By the way when the Finance lady leaving. You know she the master mind behind this.
    The reason why Mrs. Malone-Smith is back is she was place back in her position as Director of Hospital. Mr. Lettsome on the other hand was given a lower position. One was beneath his level of qualification. By admission from the Chairman, why was he not place back as Ag. HR Manager? Inquiring minds want to know.
    • Just crazy (03/12/2022, 13:20) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply

      That chairman moved Lettsome and put a woman there who caused a mess in HR. That ****** bring the entire *** Department down and it is now like the department doesn't even exist, and now so many of us are suffering because of this. Lettsome was easy to talk to and had a vision and a plan and the department was moving forward things were happening, now look at where we are. It was all a plot to get the man out of his position. The Chairman is a liar and he and his board is the reason why the hospital is in such a mess.

      • No Vision (04/12/2022, 11:59) Like (7) Dislike (7) Reply
        She can’t be blamed for that. Where’s there is no vision, the people perish. HR was already hitting rock bottom after the employees with the history left.

        What plans did he have? Because I’m aware of someone who was victimize severely by his hands.
        • Hmmmmm (04/12/2022, 13:41) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
          Help me out here. What do you mean she is not to be blamed for that? Shouldn't the person who took over from Mr. Lettsome when he was sent home be supposed to come up with a plan and have the vision to keep the department going? After all, this lady was chosen by the Chairman and his board, and the rumor is she didn't even have the qualifications to be in the post. The lady doesn't even know how to turn on a computer and in every response to an email no matter the content her response would always be "duly noted". It is people like you in the hospital who can't get to run it like it is your home or own personal business, who have all kinds of negative things to say. You all don't surprise me with the idiotic statements. I for sure know that man did a lot to bring that department up to standard. You are the one who doesn't have any vision because you can't see. I bet if he had allowed people like you to have the hospital like it is your home then your story would be different.
    • @DeDe (04/12/2022, 11:50) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      I guess you’re one of the highly paid actors. Wasn’t both of them acting? Wasn’t both of them offered the position they once held before they were acting?
      • Truth (04/12/2022, 13:51) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        When the truth comes out, some of you will be biting your lips, you just wait and see. All behind the scene lies will soon be revealed.
  • Guest (02/12/2022, 20:27) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is best Moleto had keep quiet.
  • wellsa (03/12/2022, 02:10) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    corruption at the fullest thatis why the hospital so
    .mess up the blind leading the blind none can't see that ]place needs help staff bearly getting by and money wasting manger don't care about nothing mr minster what a shame
  • musa (03/12/2022, 07:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    2 thifes make god laught
    • Hmmmm (03/12/2022, 13:22) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      All I see is you all making Malone-Smith and Lettsome rich with these types of comments.
  • dots (03/12/2022, 13:48) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    The sad tale of health care supposed progress. Long run for meager horse.
    In the mean-time. we have failed our people. The auditor reach to the head of the fountain and sound the alarm. No healthcare. The ship is sinking. (NHI) probability of a scam. We cannot negotiate decent care for the patients. Board and crew have no spine and possible morally bankrupt. Moleto admit to the financial deficit they had a long time to revamp and clean up the real healthcare system. The auditor did her job. Healthcare is a muck. Follow last week discharge of our former Education officer. The complete lack of customer service and superior ignorance never fail to surprise me. Investigate instigate, promulgate reach for the broom.
  • dots (03/12/2022, 13:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    Thanks to the media for keeping the press on their a**es. Where there is smoke there is fire. A nation that does not invest in the education and health of its people cannot thrive.

  • boy (03/12/2022, 16:48) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply

    The C***** is tripping up himself. It is good to see the truth of how they victimize these two people coming out. I hope they both get some legal support on this because it is serious.

  • Oh Noooooo (04/12/2022, 05:53) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why do these people think they can just come and yell bareback lies like Trump. Having review of 700 employees. I hope they get sued. That place is in dire need of a forensic audit with no cover up. There is no accountability in this place. We need a COI for that place.
  • dots (04/12/2022, 12:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the two are morally bankrupt, they could sue. Every old person blood is on your hand for delivering very poor care. Be a part of the solution. Staff complain loud and clear. Stop and listen. The budget: "Unable to meet payroll", unable to have enough nurses they rather quit than tolerate the leadership. Keep giving increment top down =0 in 10 out keep adding.

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