Malfunctioning AC unit forces adjournment of Magistrate's Court
At around 11:00am, Court Manager Eunice Crawford came into the room and addressed persons there including defence lawyers, Crown Prosecutors, persons with court matters and others that all matters were being adjourned for the day because of the issue with the air conditioning system.
While in the courtroom this news site’s staff experienced the stuffy and uncomfortable feel of the atmosphere and it was clear that it was impossible to work under such conditions.
“Unfortunately we have technical issues with the air conditioning. As a result we will have to adjourn all matters,” she said.
Crawford told the persons in the courtroom that she will see to it that persons are duly informed and noted that it was not fair to have persons sit through matters in those conditions.
The Court Manager, along with other staff of the court, then went through each of the names due to appear today for various matters and ensured that they were reassigned court dates by which both defence lawyers and the prosecution could be comfortable with. Most of the new dates appear in July and September 2015.

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