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Majority of VI would vote against independence- Carvin Malone

- said there is a lack of confidence in current leaders taking the territory to independence
According to former long-time president of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Mr Carvin Malone (left) the majority of the Virgin Islands would vote against independence from the United Kingdom (UK) if the matter was allowed to go to a referendum. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Carvin Malone believes also that the Virgin Islands populace does not have the confidence in its current leaders to go independence as there has been a breach of trust. Photo: VINO/File
Mr Carvin Malone believes also that the Virgin Islands populace does not have the confidence in its current leaders to go independence as there has been a breach of trust. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- While many elected members and even some of their supporters continue to sound the trumpet of independence, former long-time president of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Mr Carvin Malone has suggested that they are wasting their time since if it was allowed to go to a referendum, the majority of the Virgin Islands would vote against it.

Mr Malone believes this is so since the VI populace does not have the confidence in its current leaders as there has been a breach of trust.

The question of independence was one of several topics discussed when Mr Malone appeared as a guest on the CBN Channel 51 talk show, Honestly Speaking, with host Claude O. Skleton-Cline on August 29, 2017.

Lack of trust

“I’m saying that if you put it to the vote, I don’t believe you’re going to get the majority.”

Asked by the host Mr Skelton-Cline whether it is the view that current leadership is blocking the VI’s ability for constitutional advancement, Mr Malone said while much progress has been made on constitutional advancement over the years, there is still that lack of trust when it comes to transparency, accountability and good governance.

“They don’t feel that leadership, I’m not just saying current, I’m not saying what the indictment is, I’m saying that the residents don’t feel that you have the proper level of transparency. They don’t feel that you have the proper level of accountability and the governance is wanting. At the end of the day the indictment always is in the seat holder, but we have had a number of advancements done in other years, easier advancements and so forth and the invitation is out there. The British have always said, if you want to take the next step well take it to the people and let’s get on with it.”

Among those elected members who have been pushing the envelope of independence are Minister for Communications and Works Hon Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) and Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL).

Recently, NDP supporter and Pastor Dr Melvin A. Turnbull compared the growth of the Virgin Islands to that of a child that refuses to leave his mother’s house.

He said, “If you have a child that is a grown man and won’t leave your house, you will find some way to get him out. I would rather walk out than to be pushed out because if I walk out, I walk out intentionally… However, if I am pushed out that would be premature.”

Transparency, accountability & good governance

Meanwhile, Mr Malone, while on the show, reiterated that he did not think the majority of Virgin Islanders are prepared to go down the path of independence.

“My feeling is that if you put it to a vote today, as to whether or not, what advancement we should have, and the two things are on the table stay as you are or go, different forms that are on the table one of them is actually independence; you would not get a majority of people saying that we should go independent.”

And speaking on the importance of transparency, accountability and good governance, Mr Malone said those should be standards set by government not just to please the United Kingdom but “it should be done so that the residents and voters of and people of the Virgin Islands feel that we have reached to a stage where we want to be accountable to the people. We want to be transparent in all of our particular actions, and we want to be sure that we are going to be fair and square down the line, matters of policy not just for the few.”

15 Responses to “Majority of VI would vote against independence- Carvin Malone”

  • E. Leonard (04/09/2017, 12:24) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    Agree, with Carvin that trust, high level of confidence, transparency, responsibility, accountability.....etc must be the bedrock of good governance. Nonetheless, in regards to independence, only until a referendum is held, Virgin Islanders voted and votes counted would Virgin Islanders preference be known. Virgin Islanders have the right to self determination under UN Charter and should be afforded the opportunity to vote on their preference.

    The question is, should the decision be based on a majority or plurality of the vote? If it were to be based on majority, what percent should be the threshold be, i.e., 50, 60, 70%……etc. The decision whether to go independent should not be based on a plurality of the vote, i.e. Brexit. For or Against, it will be democracy at work.

    Moreover, from my vantage point, at this time, the VI still has some work, lots of work, to do before becoming one of the smallest independent country in the world. It would join Maldives, St. Kitts & Nevis, Monaco, San Marino…..etc as the smallest countries in the world.

    The VI is a small locale that comes with many disadvantages and challenges. It needs to work through these disadvantages and challenges, i.e., economic expansion and diversification, infrastructure development, institutions development, social developments, public safety enhancements, investing in and developing its local/human capital …..etc before forging ahead with concept of independence.

    Further, Jamaica started the regional independence parade on 06 August 1962 followed closely by Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Guyana………etc. The BVI needs to look at the successes and failures of its sister regional independence countries in the process of charting a course for independence.

    Independence is a giant leap forward and the public must be actively engaged before moving forward. The government should/must embark on a listening tour of town hall meetings in each district among other residents engagements. Independence, if it occurs, should be based on the approval of a sizeable majority of Virgin Islanders, not a mere plurality of the Vote.

  • The (04/09/2017, 12:31) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
    majority of VIsalnders are locked in psychological and lack of confidence slavery. They have never believed that they themselves can propel themselves forward and be successful at doing so.

    It is the same old tale being relived today of the "house versus the field negro." And unfortunately, we still have to many house Negroes running around. It maybe time for a cultural cleansing.

    If the newly arrived governor gets up in Parliament tomorrow and states that the "VI can and should go independent," every last man jack who are saying no today will be jumping upon the wagon and waving flags saying yes, yes immediately, because the "white" said it is ok now to say yes. But as long as the Blackman is saying it, they will all be singing no! That is the Undisputed Truth!! Isn't it not??

    Such illustrates the inculcated psychosis of our people. Further, it is sad that he has to read this type of blog about a people by the people, even though he did his studies in preparation for his current position years in advanced, so he knows the psychologies and psychoses of the people he "is governing."

    In fact, he knows more about them than they actually know about themselves, because he had to study them, their past to current history, political affiliations and leanings etc. He even knows who the potential dissenters are.

    He also knows that we are a people still suffering from the effects of the psychological tools used upon our fore-bearers by his ancestors. He knows that we are still a bow down and honor him people. He knows that we are a mentally deformed people who will lift him up and strike down our own.

    He knows the history of divisive psychology, as practiced by his ancestors upon us, and he knows that Willie Lynch Chronicles are still working to this day for his people against us, by us people.

    So he knows that the majority of us will say no to our self ruler-ship until and unless he says yes. He knows that Britain will be welcomed with open arms, take over our financial institutions and all others and the majority of lunatics will go right along singing yes sir and bowing their heads in agreement.
    • @The (04/09/2017, 13:55) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Blah Blah Blah. Bottome line is as E. Lenoard says - agree, with Carvin that trust, high level of confidence, transparency, responsibility, accountability.....etc must be the bedrock of good governance. Our leaders have not demonstrated that we are able to lead ourselves.
      • BoiBoy (04/09/2017, 21:54) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
        As an independent country, we wouldn't have British government resources and navy coming to our rescue after the hurricane. Remember that in our good times.
        • Just Woke (05/09/2017, 05:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
          Independent sounds good but leadership is the Key....its so hard to find good, honest, caring, responsible, and unselfish leadership... Hence Independence becomes a Scarry thought..
    • @The (04/09/2017, 14:47) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Excerpt from President Obama's at Morehouse- historically black college.

      "We’ve got no time for excuses — not because the bitter legacies of slavery and segregation have vanished entirely; they haven’t,” he said. “We’ve got no time for excuses,” Mr. Obama said. “Not because the bitter legacy of slavery and segregation have vanished entirely; they have not. Not because racism and discrimination no longer exist; we know those are still out there. It’s just that in today’s hyperconnected, hypercompetitive world, with millions of young people from China and India and Brazil — many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did — all of them entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned.”
      The president’s speech to the all-male class at Morehouse was unusual in the level of his introspection on race, and his bluntness on the responsibilities of black men. He urged the graduates to help the powerless in society.
      And even though he said his job as president is to help Americans of all races, he added, “there are some things, as black men, we can only do for ourselves.”
    • Ajic (04/09/2017, 23:00) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      What utter really don't know BVI people. If the Governor offered independence tomorrow the majority will still be against it. It has nothing to do with a slavery mentality. We are intelligent enough to know that sun, sea and sand and a rocky financial service is not enough. The same way you buy insurance for you car just in case something happens. Remaining under British rule is our insurance just in case something happens
    • bvi gurl (05/09/2017, 01:13) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Eventhough I respect your opinion independence itself does not automatically rid persons of his or her mental slavery or cure roastbreadfruit syndrome / psychosis. Thats a personal journey. There are alot of persons from independent countries who still has have deep rooted self hatred and are unaware of it. #cakesoap
  • Bvigurl (05/09/2017, 01:04) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't rock the boat !!!!. The people of the BVI, that is all the people will have to fight for independence if they want it. Which well be difficult since most of our population are expats with their own agenda and may not have the best interest of the bvi at heart. But are there any real benefits to being independent ????? Esp when so many citizens of independent countries migrate here to live and work. Lets not follow in the misleading footsteps of these other caribbean countries and use the benefits of being british to our advantage.
  • Expat (05/09/2017, 05:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The real issue for the BVI is not really independence.

    It is managing the territory. There is no interference from the UK but to date successive BVI governments have done a very very poor job and wasted millions ...Look at the schools, the roads, building,....the list goes on.....I mean it took nearly 10 years to complete the QE II park on the sea front......that says it all.....
    Bad management is the problem which has nothing to do with independence...
  • Street reporter (05/09/2017, 05:42) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Carvin U maybe right but from the Vybz on the Streets people will do anything if it will get NDP out of power...Thats the Level of frustration and disappountment...This is serious.....Sad.
  • Billfargo (07/09/2017, 03:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you couldn't get up into a coconut tree with the help of a ladder, a rope, and someone pulling you up with a crane! Tell me how you are going to get up there without any help, by yourself? (use Common Sense!)
  • Welsah (15/09/2017, 11:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    ARE U SERIOUS !!! if this place turns INDEPENDENT , only the FAVORED would live good , or even cope !
  • Billfargo (27/09/2017, 09:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The People of the BVI is like a man on the hill with a great big house without running water and a good toilet! If you can't take of yourself what is the foolishness they are talking about independence?

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