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'Majority of people do not want to bear cost of quarantine'- Premier Fahie

- said paying for tests is another issue
August 10th, 2020 | Tags: quarantine costs tests expatriates Andrew A. Fahie
As persons continue to voice their opinion on the recent decision by Government to put a hold on work permit and work permit exemption holders returning the Virgin Islands, Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said a large percent of such persons trapped outside the Territory due to the existing ban was not willing to pay for the two-week quarantine. Photo: Facebook
The Virgin Islands is faced with the reality that the majority of people do not want to bear the cost of quarantine. Photo: Internet Source
The Virgin Islands is faced with the reality that the majority of people do not want to bear the cost of quarantine. Photo: Internet Source
Persons are also unwilling to pay for rapid tests for COVID-19 on entering the Virgin Islands, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has stated. Photo: Internet Source
Persons are also unwilling to pay for rapid tests for COVID-19 on entering the Virgin Islands, Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) has stated. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As persons continue to voice their opinion on the recent decision by Government to put a hold on work permit and work permit exemption holders returning the Virgin Islands, Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Premier Andrew A. Fahie (R1) said a large percent of such persons trapped outside the Territory due to the existing ban was not willing to pay for the two-week quarantine.

The Premier also unveiled a few more reasons why his administration decided to restrict the re-entry of expatriate workers to the Territory during a public statement on Sunday, August 9, 2020.

He said: “We are faced with the reality that the majority of people do not want to bear the cost of quarantine. In addition, the misbehaviour of some individuals who were allowed to return – and not just in the BVI, but in many other countries – where they were refusing to self-isolate once they landed, means that measures became necessary to prevent arriving persons from going around and risking everyone else’s life.”

No reliable rapid tests

Premier Fahie said his government has seen representation by a few persons who are calling for the immediate reopening of the borders, and their argument is to let visitors and persons that are not belongers in with testing and other protocols.

However, this is not as easy as it sounds, he explained.

“Firstly, there are no reliable rapid tests available to date. None! The only reliable tests are the lab tests, which are not instant. A person can go into a lab and not be confirmed as positive for COVID-19 up to the moment of taking the test. And the second they walk out of the lab, they can be exposed to someone who has the virus. So, they will have a certificate saying they have tested negative, but they will be carrying the virus – and some of these persons can land on our doorstep,” he said.

“If you look around the Caribbean region, and other countries, many countries that rushed to reopen their borders or who have been taking in large volumes of returning nationals are presently experiencing second waves and spikes. Some are experiencing significant community spread,” the premier added.

No one wants to pay for tests

Even with that measure, he said paying for the tests is another issue.

“No one wants to bear these costs. In fact, they are saying that the BVI taxpayers must bear these costs. Do you think BV Islanders should bear all of these costs? So one must ask out loud, is this what we want for the BVI? Is this what we want for ourselves and for our loved ones?” he asked.

In the meantime, Premier Fahie said the matter of available jobs for these persons trapped outside must be scrutinised.

“Does the employer have any work for those who they have on work permit and are desirous of them returning at this time? Are the employers willing to pay the cost of quarantining their employees who want to return to the BVI? Or are the employees prepared to bear these costs?” he asked.

Hon Fahie insisted that the Territory’s borders will be open eventually and they are working on the dates and protocols for it to happen; however, the health and safety of the people of the Territory are at the forefront of the decision making.

47 Responses to “'Majority of people do not want to bear cost of quarantine'- Premier Fahie”

  • Jack Sparrow (10/08/2020, 09:00) Like (41) Dislike (3) Reply
    But Sir, BVIslanders are not the only ones paying taxes. Last time I checked, expats are not exempted from paying taxes to the BVI government. I am not sure that I followed that part of your argument.
    • @Jack Sparrow (10/08/2020, 10:24) Like (34) Dislike (2) Reply
      You are so right!!!So all our tax money should pay for returning BVI Islanders to get tested, quarantined? When most of them returning have not contributed one cent to your economy because they have lived outside this territory forever!!
      • BVIslander (10/08/2020, 17:25) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
        @@Jack Sparrow: Do you have a list of names of those BVI Islanders you claim have lived outside the territory forever? If you do I would like a copy. As far as I am aware, most BVIslanders who returned home between June and now were stuck due to the closure of the borders while they were travelling abroad for various reasons. Also, many of them were students studying abroad and either finished their studies completely or were returning home for summer vacation.
      • Phil (10/08/2020, 17:28) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
        That is a choice made when you go to a country on a work permit. Live with it.
      • captain flint (11/08/2020, 15:25) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Most of the work permit holders who want to return are the ones that actually pay tax but some of them cannot afford $2,800 for a 2 week stay in Paradise Hotel.
    • tretretrete (10/08/2020, 11:37) Like (6) Dislike (24) Reply
      Them island people don’t like to pay
  • East Side (10/08/2020, 09:02) Like (51) Dislike (4) Reply

    U can see the d**** in this man these people pay taxes social security and nhi also some of those belongers not even working what goes around comes around

    • Dan (10/08/2020, 17:29) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Good point. "Those belongers who are not even working" should be working, so you and your friends will come back once they get jobs.
  • True (10/08/2020, 09:07) Like (54) Dislike (0) Reply
    I understand this but it was a teacher a BVIslander who started all this because she needed wood but she didn't get fined $5000 even though she signed a document making her liable. So to use this as an excuse doesn't hold water
    • Premier needs to listen sometimes (10/08/2020, 10:18) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
      When we leaving.qurantine, its not the same 2 days we have to get results back....So test them.upom arrival and let.them quarantine at a hotel or guest house for the 2 days at their own exprnse... Charge visitors for the test and tax payers test for Free..
    • hmm (10/08/2020, 11:21) Like (47) Dislike (0) Reply
      What do you mean she needed
  • Lucifer (10/08/2020, 09:09) Like (37) Dislike (1) Reply
    When he talks about those that have returned misbehaving I think more clarity is needed as my understanding was that it was only belongers and permanent residents that were allowed to return. It then seems discriminatory to put restrictions on work permit holders only rather than those that have been causing problems. In any case I would be more concerned about where the people are travelling to the BVI from rather than whether they are a belonger or expat. Why is it a greater risk for a work permit holder to travel here say from the the US for example than it is for a belonger travelling from the same place? The point about expecting BVI taxpayers to foot the bill is interesting. Unless I am very much mistaken, are work permit holders not taxpayers here? I suspect the majority of taxes recovered by the government are paid by work permit holders through their employment and so surely they are as entitled as anyone to benefit from the taxes they pay
    • The St. Vincent Model. Try it (10/08/2020, 10:03) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      Borders open. Visitors up on arrival get tested go to a hotel or guest house must get a taxi for 2 days until test results return they get that call to freedom of other wise,. No one with a negative test will.spend no more than 2. 3. Days in Quarantine. This Model all most everyone in the industry benefits, Taxis, hotels, Guest houses,. Restaurants, Food only can be ordered and be delivered.. Service charge must be added, Family cAn provide food....We can even add a token to cover testing, 30. To. 40 dollars per passenger.... Simple as ABC..of course mask is musk..
  • bvi (10/08/2020, 09:22) Like (33) Dislike (18) Reply
  • Not true (10/08/2020, 09:49) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
    First im hearing about that. I will be willing to pay for my Husband Quarantine, if the cost is reasonable just to get him here.He ison ecemption, I will cook and carry his meals everyday where ever he was staying... .. Mr Premier, I never heard or knew that i had such option to get my Husband here.....Sonething is wrong..
  • vi (10/08/2020, 10:31) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    When you hold we hostage that doesn’t mean you governing good you putting to much pressure on we poor people man
  • that make sense (10/08/2020, 11:23) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    He want people go sell them body with them fees.... then he talk about securing construction like we goin eat concrete he need secure food for the people agriculture needs to start
  • Bullies (10/08/2020, 11:39) Like (12) Dislike (30) Reply
    How can outsiders bully others (BVI nationals and their country) for what is not theirs. They kick up and carry on for something that is not theirs.
  • Outsider (10/08/2020, 12:09) Like (21) Dislike (0) Reply
    Because YOU THE GOVERNMENT said to quarantine in hotels. And for a vote you settled for individual home quarantine. Just so you could offer Tom, Dick and Harry jobs again for votes. In the mean while, hotel contracts fall through, hotels closed and jobs loss. Do the maths degree holder. BS!!
  • L**s (10/08/2020, 12:30) Like (34) Dislike (0) Reply
    I was never asked to pay fees if i want to returned. I am locked out and no one ever contacted me or tell me anything about the quarantine fees. How can he say we dont want to pay. It all lies.
  • If 6k (10/08/2020, 12:40) Like (33) Dislike (0) Reply
    If 6k is the fees its too much for me i can use that to buy food for my children and pay bills too for 5 to 6 months.
  • Jay (10/08/2020, 12:50) Like (4) Dislike (11) Reply
    mr premier the virus is a problem and money is an issue but donot let the burden of people have to pay for their own medical be a problem they dont have any money but they up and down looking stimulis money thet should be gave to bvi landers first and then aby thing after when they get the money down the island they gone with it Mr premier use your heas help who you can help but you have to be causious if Tortola BVI people was in a caribbean island snd have to pay for their medical test or what they had to do it or else they have to leave the country I think that it very unreasonable for the BVI government has to pay bills and then the same people turn around and call down the people and the country boy it is hard to please people but premier be careful watchful and concern about what is happening in this country may God continue to bless you
  • trrefdrfds (10/08/2020, 12:58) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Jack sparrow you have some valid point where citizen who live aboard for years they should pay to be quarantined and as for the returning expats do an investigation whether they can pay for quarantine or if they have a job to come back to before allowing them back into the country. The country done loose enough with this unemployment pay out which should of never happened in the first place.
  • Vision (10/08/2020, 13:33) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    I done see a major hurricane is going to hit us. Cause God is angry. The unfair game the government is doing. We need to humble and treat everyone fair no time to be unfair and divide family. We seem to forget everyone from here marry expats and if thats how u will treat expats then u all don't love them plain talk. We need to humble ourselves before the rot of God take over the bvi. Prayer warrior pray for month of august september.
  • Paying Capt. (10/08/2020, 13:35) Like (60) Dislike (0) Reply
    Trapped outside the BVI and unable to return? Time to stop paying taxes, Social Security, and National Health.
    For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.
  • Well Well (10/08/2020, 14:04) Like (4) Dislike (8) Reply
    SO wait what tax is being paid from an expats?? payroll and NHI tax that is removed monthly from their salaries? Are Expats then to not considered BVI taxpayers since they are indeed paying the same tax that we are?? if they are landholders they have to pay a landholder fee and tax... so on and so on....Would this not make them BVI Taxpayers too? I mean yes there is a hefty cost for quartining and these things need to be considered for sure but flip-flopping on what the reason it won't help anyone. And this latest reason seems just a hard-pressed as the last one., since anyone who lives and works in the BVI pays tax......
  • Transparency (10/08/2020, 14:15) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

    I think there needs to be proper transparency on who is actually receiving the payments that returning people are being asked to make. Are the people providing the quarantine facilities and services related to the people that are in power and if so, what kind of process was done to show that the service providers are competent to carry out what they are contracted to do? I worry that the government just looking to line the pockets of their connections, and the expats are the easy target to squeeze money out of. If we going to sling allegations over the previous government and the BVI Airways fiasco, this government need to tell us which locals are profiting from the covid situation and if they are related to the people in power.

  • Jose (10/08/2020, 14:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Moderation not censorship! VINO!?!
  • Standards (10/08/2020, 15:48) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    If you pick up a starving dog and feed him, he will not try to bite you. This is the difference between some work permit holders and a dog. Please examine your behaviour and comments online and see if this is a good reflection of your birth country. Are you being an good ambassador for your country? For years you all abused and exploited the system, now you are here out in these internet streets throwing tandrums and displaying bad behaviour. If you all took 2 percent of that energy and put that to the government of your country, there would be no need to come to the BVI fighting natives for their work resources and calling them lazy. But you are cowards in your country.
  • NHI (10/08/2020, 16:10) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Expat can co pay for the test, why do they have to pay the full price? What were they paying NHI every month for???
  • what's new (10/08/2020, 16:19) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    • Liza (10/08/2020, 17:50) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
      Good article. I am glad you shared it. People come to the BVI expecting what they cannot even get at home. Government has no call footing no bills for any work permit holders regardless of what taxes they pay. Paying taxes gives then no damn entitlement. They know that they would have to pay taxes when they migrate to the BVI. I just cannot understand why a migrant would think that he is entitled to the same things a citizen of a country is entitled to, when that is not the case in their country.
      • Azrael (11/08/2020, 07:30) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        But the premier himself refers to BVI taxpayers footing the bill. BVI taxpayer means everyone who pay tax here not just locals although that would require locals to pay tax in the first place
  • Meh son (10/08/2020, 17:38) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Those few people who got locked out really get it coming for them. Wow. Some went for nedical purposes i wonder if they get $6000. To pay. Where is the tax man. Check to see please if the 500 belingers that applied to come in if they all were paying taxes in the BVI. Thank you.
  • Wilamae (10/08/2020, 17:43) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I do not understand what paying taxes has to do with anything. Is the BVI now giving tax rebates, because there are some tax payers who are not getting anything, stimulus food packages, stimulus financial packages, quarantine or nothing.. If Government is giving tax rebates then everyone in a certain bracket should be rewarded. This cannot be one sided. I just cannot understand what tax payment has to do with who pays for quarantine. Everyone who travels to the BVI and has to go in quarantine should be paying, if not all, then a percentage of the cost. The BVI is fast becoming a welfare state because of greed and selfishness.
  • Real Talk (10/08/2020, 17:52) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    These people will soon want government to take tax payers money to pay for their tickets home annually because they pay taxes.
  • Rubber Duck (10/08/2020, 21:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It would be good if we knew the size of the problem. How many work permits holders and exempts are trying to come back. Then a better decision could be made.
  • Bob (10/08/2020, 21:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Apparently 10,000 tests and at least two test machines were donated by the British Goverment, plus a lot of PPE. What is the cost of testing for? GPS ankle bracelets are available on the market. There problem solved.
    • captain flint (11/08/2020, 15:40) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      In Hong Kong they wear wrist or ankle tracker bracelets which record the whereabouts of the wearer and the police check they are complying with quarantine and can tell if they have moved out of their apartment or house. But in Hong Kong no-one breaks the quarantine law! Here the people cant even comply with wearing masks. I thought the masks were compulsory in public from 1 August but many people in Road Town are not wearing them. Why arent the police enforcing mask wearing? This is not a game folks its our lives! The only prize is illness and possibly death.
  • HEAR IT (11/08/2020, 03:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • All God's children (11/08/2020, 15:33) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is so much hate against expats but all they contribute to economy of the BVI including paying taxes, high rents, buy cars, buy services and goods. We should all be grateful that Covid 19 is being kept at bay because that is the real enemy. Jealousy and hate are two very destructive forces. We are all just trying to stay alive and we should all work together to make sure that happens. We are all God's children and he loves us all. Its a shame we can't love or at least not hate each other! Maybe Covid 19 was sent as a reminder to us all that life is precious and fragile and it can be taken away in a moment.
  • captain flint (11/08/2020, 15:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Also the Government should be saying to the people they should focus on getting healthy. Many people here are obese including some children. It has been shown in other countries that the heavier you are the worse the outcome can be from catching Covid 19. This virus can wipe out many of the population if it gets a hold in these islands with those who more healthier surviving. Lose weight people.
  • down2earth (11/08/2020, 16:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    My taxes and your taxes pay for maintenance of roads, education, garbage collection, NHI, etc ... I wouldn't want them to pay for my quarantine too. It is unconscionable!
  • Lucky (11/08/2020, 22:16) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I never know that paying for test and quarantine was a choice. What is the cost of a test and the cost of quarantine. This should not be an expensive fee. All the authorities are doing is sitting and watching the building where the people are being quarantined. I am willing to pay for my family to come and be with me. I am the bread dinner and due to an emergency I am in this situation.
    Please can someone tell me what are the fees please.

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