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Major catastrophe predicted for Hannah’s Estate road

- Residents complain of being neglected
A section of the constantly eroding Hannah's Estate road fueled by the incomplete retaining wall that had fallen more than a year ago. Photo: VINO
Evidence of active earth slides taking place beneath the road. Photo: VINO
Evidence of active earth slides taking place beneath the road. Photo: VINO
The cracks developed along the road over time are visible and the streaming water from the broken pipe or pipes seen on the right side of the photograph. Photo: VINO
The cracks developed along the road over time are visible and the streaming water from the broken pipe or pipes seen on the right side of the photograph. Photo: VINO
Public Works Department had started the reconstruction of the wall after it had fallen and in the process reportedly damaged properties of persons living in close proximity. The work was then left incomplete. Photo: VINO
Public Works Department had started the reconstruction of the wall after it had fallen and in the process reportedly damaged properties of persons living in close proximity. The work was then left incomplete. Photo: VINO
Traffic along the road has been restricted to one lane and even that one lane is being compromised as the condition of the road gets worse. Photo: VINO
Traffic along the road has been restricted to one lane and even that one lane is being compromised as the condition of the road gets worse. Photo: VINO
The erosion has extended beyond the point where the construction of the wall had stopped. Photo: VINO
The erosion has extended beyond the point where the construction of the wall had stopped. Photo: VINO
SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI – Sometimes when it matters the most, those responsible to be alerted to the need of a proactive move to avert a major incident, or even worse, a catastrophe, can never be reached. The very persons turn back to say “Why didn’t someone just call” or something to that effect.

This is a scenario that can be allegedly applied to a looming serious problem along the Hannah’s Estate road in Sea Cows Bay. The road in the area, according to residents, stands poised to collapse any day as it is being affected by serious erosion.

The problems were brought to the attention of Virgin Islands News Online by a concerned resident and since then several others have also expressed fear over the situation. The situation is that a retaining wall along the road, which had collapsed over a year ago, has reportedly been neglected and erosion is constantly taking place.

The relevant authorities had started the reconstruction of the wall after it had fallen and in the process allegedly damaged the properties of persons living in close proximity. The work was then left incomplete.

Following the call by the resident, this news site did not delay to visit the scene. The first presenting issue was a long stream of heavy flowing water thumbling down the road. “Water is like gold dust on this island and yet they are allowing it to be wasted like this,” said a concerned resident. The resident explained that the water was coming from two points along the steep road where it is believed that a pipe or pipes have been broken.

The resident claimed she had personally filed several complaints to the Water and Sewerage Department but there has allegedly been no evident response. The leakage is now over two weeks old. What is most frightening is that the road is currently being undermined by erosion that persons say stems from the incomplete retaining wall and further compromised by the streams of water flowing down hill.

The situation in the area is severe to the extent that some owners of heavy vehicles have indicated to residents that they may no longer be able to traverse the road as the erosion has significantly narrowed the road in some sections. “The water truck said that soon they would not be able to bring water to us up the hill because the can see that the road going to cave in anytime and right now it get too narrow in that part (pointing to the spot),” complained one resident.

Right before the our eyes, the during the visit, there were at least two slides of the soil from beneath the asphalt road and there was evidence of larger recent slides.

Several areas along the road have multiple visible cracks, which give testimony that someday soon if not immediately addressed, the road could give-way. “This situation is very serious and we have been complaining, calling, going to people’s offices and still no one is taking this thing serious, they really out to spite this Third District or what man," said a resident.

Persons in the area said that they are disgust with being given the backs of Government and said that it is time that dirty politics be put aside and the interest of the people be addressed. “They will doubt that they not out to spite the Third District but if they do things differently we wouldn’t have to feel this way. Set priorities, that is the thing, set priorities.”

Several efforts were made to contact Third District Representative Hon. Julian Fraser R.A. and Director of Water and Sewerage Department Mrs Perline Scatliffe-Leonard but were unsuccessful. Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool was reached but indicated that he was in Cabinet meeting at the time.

41 Responses to “Major catastrophe predicted for Hannah’s Estate road”

  • home run (14/03/2013, 09:01) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    How can a government just set one to spit one district because they hate Mr. Fraser? Did they remember that people in the third district also voted for OJ and some NDP at large?

    This is nothing but wickedness and mélange neglect...But wait there is another election coming
    • Cherry guth (14/03/2013, 09:25) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Sneaking under the radar eh come dem can’t reach you?...Can't hide from the people though!
    • GoonSquad (14/03/2013, 11:31) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      Why dont you ask the contractor who got the contract why he aint fix the road? The contract was given to someone in the 3rd district by the rep. Oh, but they playing cat and mouse games. He cant afford to fix it but the rep would not take back the contract and give it to someone else who has the money up front and the capability to fix it.
  • george w. touch (14/03/2013, 09:03) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I have a nagging feeling that we have just made a turn for the worst in this country. The people will now realize that endorsed and promoted forms of "democratic protest" are not enough to achieve their objectives
  • police officer west end (14/03/2013, 09:12) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
    People from Sea Cows b\Bay do not vote for the NDP and any time they come to your house throw hot piss on um.

    Their supporters has stood back in silence while a district has been singled out for victimization and not one NDP didn't fight for fairness and transparency and things to be done in the district.
    Sweep them all out of office during the next elections and end the madness!
  • mother hen (14/03/2013, 09:19) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is a travesty of justice.
    • kevin (14/03/2013, 10:38) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
      What to expect when at the beginning of this government's reign, the Constitution was ignored by both the cabinet and governor! Didn't that show what was to come...!
  • hog city (14/03/2013, 09:26) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    ndp is trying every trick in the book to sabotage the liberator but its the people who suffering not fraser
  • PaigeSummers (14/03/2013, 09:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It's about time that the government take a serious look at a road project for the islands. Our roads have being damaged from the passing of so many hurricanes and recently we have been fortunate not to get any hurricanes. They should have taken this time to fix the roads because if we get anymore hurricanes it will only get worse. We are driving tourist on these dangerous roads and you know they like to sue. Fix the roads, broaden the ones that need broadening. Make alternative roads, employee more people at PWD to maintain the roads and for God sake don't mismanage the money while doing so.
    • NDP voter (14/03/2013, 11:09) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      What do expect from a "you did not vote for NDP" culture that is incompetant and corrupt.
  • Hannah (14/03/2013, 09:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    All money spent and the concrete poured into slabs on the illegal landfill could have solved this problem since 2010.
  • eyespy (14/03/2013, 09:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    that road could of been completed but public works lazy workers go up there and do little bit of work then sit down and chat for the rest of the day the driver does even go to sleep in the truck not a drop of work they did for a long time. water and sewage is no better this department need weeding out really bad send home the loud mouth one he time over due and he want to control the place and do as he like .
  • links (14/03/2013, 09:37) Like (5) Dislike (13) Reply
    This is what happens when you have rules about giving all contracts to locals. they dont know what the hell they are doing. what a mess and government paid big for it. where is the district representative? the problem occured when he was minister of comms and works but now is mark problem right?
  • wages (14/03/2013, 09:45) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Well just another issue that just sealed the fate of the ruling NDP
  • Shine eye gyal (14/03/2013, 09:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Around the globe sink holes are the "new" phenomenon with persons losing their homes and in some cases their lives. Only when this starts to occur on our shores will therr be more accountability for roads devlopment/design, they way structures are positioned on lots, the cuts of slopes and the typology of soils are considered. Why couldn't this retaining structure have been designed in two sectionss: upper and lower. Or a combination or Gabion baskets with traditional rebars and fibre concrete wall? It seems our designers are limited in their solutions and appear to lack innovation in finding solutions. Also politricks corrupts the process and therefore the solution as well. We need Mayors for the 13 districts and let the HOA be comprised of At-large candidates then myabe then, progress and corruption can be purged to a degree from this ver corrupt place. My prayers are with the tenants living in that area.
    • show time (14/03/2013, 10:01) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
      I don't think anybody in their right mind would suggest that the current government is doing anything to help the little people
    • links (14/03/2013, 10:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Shine eye you are absolutely correct and no party is better than any. I think NDP is a bit better than VIP in terms of vision but continue to play politics to an extent. they know what is needed and should just get on with it and who vex vex. Fix the country. we need engineers to come in and deal with these things. Building walls with no weep holes and failed designs will cause the lost of lives. We have proven engineers right in the Region, Trinidad, Guyana etc. what are we waiting on? Just get people in here to fix the place once and fix it right. local contractors can be subcontracted and supervised by people who know what they're doing. stop the stupid waste man it is sickening. most of these men building road and walls have no clue and worst yet when PWD should be out supervising they taking kick backs or dont show up at alll. business as usual. look at sewage 10yrs later with the same local person making money over and over with no end to the project in sight. and they say they love their country. my goodness.
  • Opinion (14/03/2013, 10:22) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Whilst I agree that the situation with this wall needs to be addressed, I think that as citizens we are ALL WRONG to continuously blame the Government for everything. The home owners of the property who KNOWINGLY undermined the road should also be held accountable. What if persons continue this trend, build without due care and having no regard for the consequences of their carless action. We all continue to expect our Government to foot the bill for this type of negligence. What will happen to our health care, schools and social ills, of course they will be neglected. We all have to be accountable for our OWN actions and STOP blaming the Government for everything. Imagine if every person continues to undermine the roads etc, what will become of this little country??
    • Shine eye gyal (14/03/2013, 13:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      To:Opinion; I agree that develpers (beit residential or commercial) undermine roadways, cut unstable slopes along fault lines etc. but look what happened recently with the property up at Pasea - the Premier over-rode TCP for the individual! So whilst I agree with you that the trend of poor development/building practices is very very prevelant on this shore; Gov has to accept culpability as these ministers whom judging from the lot are not in the slightest technically apt at these things they still ignore "professional" advice for their own political self interest! And yes - the knowck on effect is that limited finances are being thrown literally in holes in the ground whilst health care, schools and ALL basic infrastructure is failing rapidly due to the short-sightedness of the political elitists here. Pushing personal agendas that have exceptionally short "wins/gains" is their MO and boosts egos - which we can see that the EGOS around here have out-grown the physical space available. Many of these dodgy, so-called contractors often are the same ones that built the structures (apartments etc.) knowing that a wall would be needed in the future - fleecing the homeowner one time and then fleecing Gov. the next - lol - what a hustle!
  • rat tail (14/03/2013, 10:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well it's pretty clear we need more sophisticated adults in charge of this country
  • AC 360 (14/03/2013, 11:02) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Only in a banana republic!!

  • court (14/03/2013, 12:59) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another Dumb move by this government to ignore a district....
    • mood (15/03/2013, 00:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am not here to pick sides, as a Virgin Islander our politicians drag their feet at anything to help others and corruption throw blame across the political divide while my country is ruin by a handful of heartless crooks.

  • who cares (14/03/2013, 13:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Not only the 3 but they do not care about the 1!!!!
  • vince (14/03/2013, 13:51) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    the representative said he is there for his people 24/7 and a matter which happened under his watch and was left to become worst he cannot be reached? lol...
    • Cr**k (14/03/2013, 18:45) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Why they need the Representative? The minister and the ministry are the ones responsible for getting the job done. The Representative don't pay contractors, and he can't direct their actions, so he is right to leave the matter up to those who are responsible for the work getting completed. I know for a fact that he been involved, calling PWD, speaking to the Minister, speaking to the contractor, but it still come back to the government refusing to settle with the contractor, and that going on for a year now.
  • east end (14/03/2013, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (7) Reply
    You vip keep dreaming your party is dead in the water!!!
  • Liat 521 (14/03/2013, 16:57) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Frazer and the contract tis the real reason why this project is not done!!!
  • Bull (14/03/2013, 18:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If government would pay the contractor for the additional work, they will get the work done. It is over a year they been stonewalling the people. Let the NDP take that.
  • hope hill (14/03/2013, 19:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The damage the NDP and others have done will never go away. Hopefully they will.

  • People... (14/03/2013, 22:43) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is the home owners at fault here.........when are we going to hold people responsible on this %#^ island. Stop blaming Government for every dam thing y'all set of leeches.........
  • wise-up (15/03/2013, 04:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    the NDP finding it hard to deal with the people of this country but finding extra money to spend on projects to attract visitors to the island; listen i am not saying these are bad projects but one should take care of home first; all this fixing for visitors and the we not happy will cause war in this place
  • wise-up (15/03/2013, 04:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    who to blame but the government;them had to give permission to build
  • half bake (17/03/2013, 06:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    We as a people, citizens and residents alike must THINK by reflecting on these type of things before giving a vote to any of these sitting politicians-NDP or VIP, because they ALL are culpable and are equally guilty!!

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