Magistrate to Eric Casey: 'This is your lucky day!'
Casey previously pleaded guilty to common assault and threatening language following a disagreement he had with his father at Long Bush on February 15, 2013.
Crown Counsel Leslie Ann Faulkner told the court today that the Crown would not be offering any evidence against Casey in a matter where he pleaded not guilty to the offence of threatening language and unlawful assault committed against a woman.
One incident allegedly took place between February 1 and May 22, 2012 at Long Bush where Casey allegedly told a girl, "You and your boyfriend are dead.”
On May 28, 2012, he and the same woman got into an argument in the vicinity of the popular Club Diplomat night club in Long Bush where Casey then allegedly assaulted the woman and told her "I am going for my gun, this isn't over.”
In a separate incident involving his father, Casey pleaded guilty to common assault and threatening language.
The court heard that Casey successfully completed anger management counselling with Dr Sylvia Simmons and was now in a position where he understands how to manage his anger issues.
His attorney, Stephen R. Daniels urged the Magistrate not to record a conviction against Casey as this may account in him losing his job as a government employee.
Daniels said his client has come a far way since the incident and recalled an emotional scene reminiscent the movie, the Lion King, where Casey hugged his father when the two last appeared in court.
According to the allegations, Casey’s father, the Virtual Complainant (VC) was at a beauty salon in Lower Estate with his wife when the defendant arrived and informed his father that he had the keys to the car and no one could take them from him.
His father warned him that he does not have a driver’s licence and repeatedly asked him to hand over the keys but the defendant refused and got into the car and drove off. His father then contacted the police.
The police responded and met the defendant in Long Bush next to the vehicle where he was spoken to in the presence of the father and issued a warning after admitting to the offence.
When the police left, the defendant went to the father and told him he was ‘soft’ and that he was going to ‘mash up the same car’. He also threatened to shoot the father but the father walked away and was followed by the defendant.
While at a nearby park in the area, the defendant swung an iron gate and struck his father on the leg and continued cursing the father and saying he would shoot him.
The father called the police again and they responded. When confronted the defendant said, “I ain’t touch nobody, I cool man I cool.” He was later charged with the offences.
Magistrate John said many opportunities such as travelling and employment could have been closed to the defendant by virtue of his guilty plea, but the court took into account his remorse and the counselling he undertook as well as his apology to his father before deciding to accede to the attorney’s request of having no conviction recorded against him.
“Your life is now in your hands, you can make something of it,” Magistrate John told Casey while urging him to capitalise on the opportunity to make his father proud and secure his blessings. “Many are without a father,” he added.

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