The Virgin Islands best understand that World is in a dangerous place. The doomsday clock has moved closer to midnight. The reason is that the election of Donald Trump has moved USA to the right politically and socially. However, the rise of China and BRICS has been checkmating for the USA’s power dreams. China will take Taiwan shortly and the USA may miscalculate and make a military move in the Pacific. It will be a terrible mistake.
Yes! War may be on the horizon. Preceding World War 2 was the rise of right wing fascism in Europe. The rightward shift in US politics has emboldened reactionaries in Europe, right wing populists, and more extreme types such as racists and xenophobes. Fascists, imperialists and strongmen have driven war and conflict for decades.
Donald Trump is mercurial and unpredictable. Fascist leaders share that prototype. The world may have entered an era of strongman impunity with the election of Trump. Impunity and fascism are dangerous political cultures that have led to war in past centuries. Autocracy, impunity, and great power competition, led to World Wars 1 and 2.
In spite the talk of a China that wants to dominate the world, nothing is further from the truth. Apart from its rightful claim to Taiwan, China appears uninterested in great power rivalry and it is willing to play a secondary role to an extent. China has not been in a war for over 40 years.
China is a relatively cautious and peaceful country. Unlike the west, the Chinese Confucian Culture prioritizes peace and wisdom. China has been the victim of aggression more than it has been an aggressor. China is more interested in maintaining a good standard of living for its vast population through technological and industrial progress, than war and geographic expansion.
The USA with Donald Trump appears to be the polar opposite with claims on Panama, Greenland and even Canada.

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