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Maduro supports Russia’s stand against a US military strike on Syria

- Says the United Nations not the USA should be leading any intervention against Syria
Talk show host of BVI Forum Mr Edmund Maduro has added his take on the issue of the USA’s intention of taking a military strike on Syria implying that the USA should not be sticking its nose were it should not be and the United Nations should take the leading hand in dealing the issue. Photo: VINO/File/CBC.CA
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis. He wrote in the New York Times that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism. Photo: Indian Express
Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis. He wrote in the New York Times that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism. Photo: Indian Express
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Talk show host of BVI Forum Mr Edmund Maduro has added his take on the issue of the USA’s intended military strike on Syria implying that the USA should not be sticking its nose were it should not be and the United Nations should take the leading role in dealing with the issue.

The US had threatened strikes, accusing the Syrian regime of killing hundreds in a poison-gas attack on August 21, 2013. However, Russia, an ally of Damascus, proposed that Syria hand over its chemical arsenal. The US and Russia are due to meet later to discuss that plan.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has since made a direct personal appeal to the American people over the Syrian crisis. He wrote in the New York Times that a US military strike against Syria could unleash a new wave of terrorism.

Several sections of the Virgin Islands society, including the Arab population, have been expressing their views on the issue and the USA’s intention. Mr Maduro, during his talk show aired on CBN Channel 51 on Saturday September 7, 2013 added his voice and had issued a call for the UN to position itself not to let the USA have the upper hand of things.

“Right now you have the USA wanting to move in on Syria but a number of other countries in the world are telling her not yet, not under what terms they are thinking about,” noted Maduro. He argued that Syria was not the first country to have ever used chemicals in warfare.

“Which was the first country in the world to use chemical warfare? What was used in Vietnam? Agent Orange! A lot of people died as a result of it. Which was the first country in this world to use nuclear bombs? Same country!”

He said the United Nations is supposed to stand up and help countries to solve their problems and it should not be there to allow countries to bully other countries to suit their wants and wishes. “What should be happening right now in Syria is that all countries in the world should be coming together to see how they can help Syria solve its problems, not to go to war with Syria. Every country has the right to rule itself and so does Syria,” contended Mr Maduro.

On Wednesday, envoys of the five permanent UN Security Council members met in New York to discuss Russia’s proposal. One criticism of the plan was that the UN envoys' talks were largely symbolic and that the serious questions would be left for Geneva.

Diplomats predict that talks at the UN Security Council will continue for several days after the Geneva meeting before any resolution can be put to a vote.

France has already been working on a draft resolution that would be enforced by Chapter VII of the UN charter, which would in effect sanction the use of force if Syria failed in its obligations.

However, Russia has already indicated that this would be unacceptable, as would any resolution blaming the Syrian government for chemical attacks. Russia, supported by China, has blocked three draft resolutions condemning the Assad government.

“No country should be allowed to do things like to go into another country and take out its leader, carry them home and try them unfairly,” Mr Maduro further stated. “I have always spoken about this and I will continue to speak about it even if it costs my life.”

The local talk show host pointed to instances where he alleged the Government of the USA had gone into other countries taking back non-Americans to the USA and trying them unfairly. “The United Nations should not be allowing these things to continue in the world otherwise it is not a good thing.”

Mr Maduro said he supports the stand that Russia is taking in the issue as he noted that for the USA to go ahead with its plans would be ‘catastrophic’. He said there is a peaceful way in which the matter can be and should be dealt with and it is the UN that has to lead the way. “These are the things ladies and gentlemen that are important to us and we are not mindful,” he said.

Efforts to get the position of the Virgin Islands Government on the US/Syria issue have been unsuccessful.


14 Responses to “Maduro supports Russia’s stand against a US military strike on Syria”

  • b**** hodge (12/09/2013, 08:41) Like (8) Dislike (17) Reply
    lets have some real stories--- who cares what maduros take on Syria is.......... im sure Obama is re considering all his plans now
    • Agree (12/09/2013, 09:54) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply

      correct. I agree with you 100%. Who cares what this lunatic thinks.

    • True (12/09/2013, 12:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are so correct
    • Poncheezy (12/09/2013, 14:20) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      If u don't care about what's happening in syria then.. Why did you even click on the article in the first place?? Was it just so you can have an excuse to post a negitive comment?? Smh, Ya'll bvi people does really make me sick most of the time. Ya'll never have nothing good to say bout nothing
  • sally (12/09/2013, 09:20) Like (6) Dislike (13) Reply
    Edmond you sticking your nose in the US business, the US ain't got business with you, so go and sit down
  • Sherry (12/09/2013, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    too bad Russia has such a track record of being obstructionist and lying. They are unreliable but now they have to save face after making such an offer. No one wants a war. NO ONE! but Obama's stance is principle. that if one country thinks they can get away with behavior condemned by the Geneva convention, them more will do it.

    On a smaller scale, when BVI gov or police let people get away with white collar crime, corruption or even car violations, it gets harder to enforce because "everyone does it". BVI is a far cry from Syria but the principle is the same. Let's hope for a peaceful solution. At least Obama isn't too proud (like Bush) to re-consider things.
  • think (12/09/2013, 11:32) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    This is one of the best demonstration by Mr. Obama's presidency. Women and Children are been gas to death, and no one would take a stand. What would have happened if the U.S didn't threatened to strike ? Would Russia be asking Syria to hand over its chemical weapons ? NO!! It is my view that the United Nations is useless in trying to resolve this conflict. However, taking away chemical weapons or striking Syria would not bring this conflict to an end. The U.k,China, U.S,France and Russia should set together and come up with something to stop the blood shed.. But Only the great creator can stop this ...
  • Jay (12/09/2013, 12:23) Like (6) Dislike (15) Reply
    Who cares about the opinion of some guy? Where's the real news???
  • The (12/09/2013, 12:48) Like (8) Dislike (12) Reply
    Mr. Maduro, I am sure the world will rest more easily and the Syrians breath a sigh of relief knowing that your opinion has been expressed. (PS. Do you even know where Syria is?)
  • virgin gorda (12/09/2013, 17:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hope this does not mean the price of gas is going go up and the surcharge will kill we
  • Migoman (12/09/2013, 20:08) Like (2) Dislike (11) Reply
    I'd like to give it a shot at Captioning Vladimir Putin's photograph. Here goes; '''HEY, YOU!!, [Who the heck is Edmund Maduro??]
  • Blah Blah Blah (12/09/2013, 21:07) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
    the usa and russia even aint know the BVI excist
  • Real (13/09/2013, 00:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Obama stands on this was correct, every other country is putting their head in the sand acting like nothing didn't happen, from since when is it ok to gas ur own people? Maduro them just looking attention, Russia have a stake in Syria by supplying them with weapons so who wouldn't kick up against that if ur making money.

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