Losing a country & turning bread into stone
The Promises & Projections of Politics:
Thanks for your comments about the Broadcasts and Articles... It is good to know that you read and listen, even if you disagree... The subjects are always open for debate, and it’s always good to spread the Word and hear the opinions of others... For Centuries, those in Power replaced Truth with Lies and we suffered for it... Perhaps Today will be a brand-new beginning, and a time to finally release our Chains.
There’s much to be said because there is still so much to be done, and the more we get done, the less will remain to be said, and that would be great... We are told that Silence is Golden, but in this case, it would bring us no more relief than it would to a Toothache… This may be the final chance to save ourselves, but we will never do so by being the Lap Dogs and Puppets for the Wicked and Corrupt.
Real Progress requires that we move quickly in order to keep pace with the God of Nature and Laws of Balance, and it is counterproductive when we fail to acknowledge that the era of lame excuses and shallow thinking is over… Today, as Descendants of Slaves, we will take a brief look at how we interact with Religion, Labour, Immigration, Health, Roads, Education, Taxation and other Social Issues.
If we hope to determine our destiny, then we must plan how best to get there, and, when Systems and Leaders fail to meet the needs of the People, there must be the option to repair or replace them, before it’s too late or too long... It should be no surprise when UK fails us, since our best interest was never her best interest, and when there is nothing left for her to gain, we become more a burden than a pleasure.
On the other hand, our local Leaders begged and promised that our interests would be their only interests, and while it is no secret that I never believed them, others did, so they have the obligation to deliver as promised, or voluntarily vacate the positions... Of course, many think that it’s okay to say what we don’t mean, and as pretend-Philosophers we are quick to warn others about the Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing.
Better yet, we love to quote the Bible, and remind others not to call the Name of the Lord in vain, or give the Children Serpents as Fish... We brag about knowing these things by heart, but have no wish to use them as yet, so take it easy; don’t rush us; give us a little more time, and sooner or later we’ll get around to it… Meanwhile, as we make excuses, Time ticks by, the World moves on, and Opportunities are lost.
The Pressure of Taxes & the Loss of Lands:
Oppressors know what I say to be true, so they will never publicly agree… They would much rather silence me, or convince you not to listen and learn; not because of some love for you, but for the preservation of themselves… They see Truth as the Enemy, and fear that, if you believed me and started thinking for yourselves, you may realise what it means to be mentally free, and they could no longer fool you and rule you.
Fooling People is a Political Game, and in the absence of Slavery, it breeds Inflation, which undermines the Value of the Man and the Dollar, so that the harder you work the less you earn... We have seen the strikes and Economic Crises in the US, UK, Russia, Greece, and other Powerful Countries with Natural Resources, and although we may be a mere dot on a Map, we still and will face the same consequences.
Governments continue to fail in the mishandling of the Labour and Immigration Processes, and this is having a negative impact on the lives and destiny of BV-Islanders... However, similar Strikes like those happening in the UK and US will never happen here as a method for changes... Governments, made the local BV-Islanders a Minority Force, and the Non-Local Majority lives in constant fear of being deported.
As People suffer from the deductions of Taxes, Social Security and NHI, we are still seeing Billboards demands for a more direct passage into the Pockets of the Poor... No one explains the need for the Government’s Money thirst, that is already bleeding Work Permit Holders dry, and, any new Scam or Scheme could mean a direct hit, that would leave the rest of us scrambling for a means of escape.
When Leaders can no longer sell their People, they revert to selling off their lands, and because our Land is a limited commodity, the demand is high, and Banks and Agents escalate the price... This makes it impossible for young BV-Islanders to afford a simple Plot or simple Home, and without a stake in their own Country, they lose that Mother-land connection, and turn to Crime and Greener Pastures.
The Palmgrove Shopping Centre on Wickhams Cay remains a classic example of Government’s willingness to rob the local land owners on behalf of Non-local Speculators... This is irrefutable evidence of Bad or Fake Leadership, because, even if Government was unable to meet their Repairs obligations, there is no doubt that the combined local Owners of this Property could have replace those buildings, faster, bigger and better.
It is ironic, that Bible stories of ‘God’s chosen People’ are based on them claiming or fighting for Land, and what made BV-Islanders different, was our ability to own Land lawfully and peacefully... This kept us free... However, Today, our boast of Freedom, is hollow, for unless we own the Land, we are merely Modern Slaves on Open Plantations, and I fear, Government will return us to being a landless People.
The Impact of Religion on Our Inherint Worth & Dollar Value:
Year after year, we remain handicapped by the milestones of Ignorance and Self-hate, they fastened around our Necks… We see this, whenever Blacks proclaim their support for Donald J. Trump; a man whose main ambition is to destroy them… Rather than see him as the Demon he is, they see in him the White blond Jesus who was repeatedly fed to them at Sunday-school, by Slave Masters Descendants.
Contrary to beliefs, Africans had no Jesus, and they survived with their own tribal values long before the advent of Slavery... It was only as Slaves that they were given Religion and Jesus, in order to fool them and rule them, with fabricated Fantasies that would keep them non-rebellious and in bondage... It worked, for, Today, we are the most Docile and Religious People, forever in love with Jesus, and still in our chains.
We have refused to reason that in Biblical times, it would have been biologically impossible for Africans to be Blond or Blue-eyed, unless they were Albinos... In fact, our hair texture and skin colour are major discriminating factors, used in victimising us... We may claim Ignorance as innocence, but when we see wrongs, and we choose to say or do nothing, we then become part and parcel of the Evil and Corruption.
We have learnt that, those who fail to plan, plan to fail, and between the Climatic and Social Conditions, the Economies of many Countries will collapse as the coming years bring major challenges... The intense heat and African Dust have already shifted the Equilibrium to such a degree that, Trinidad and South America are beginning to see what Cuba and Jamaica experience by being in the Hurricane Belt.
Meanwhile, the Human aspect of Armageddon usually begins with a reduction in Goods and Services... Leaders safeguard themselves, while enforcing devious ways and means for taking more and more money from the pockets of the Poor... This may have already started, as Government Agencies increase their state-dependent workers, while continuing to block and owe all aspects of a productive Private Sector.
Furthermore, even as they owe you, they still seek to collect and use more of your money by any means possible, and, if they decide that you owe them a penny for over a minute, they will punish and pressure you with the most unreasonable penalties and fines... Meanwhile, the more we suffer, the more we are discouraged from speaking Truth to Power, on the claim that this makes us less attractive to investors.
We can easily ask, what investors, but we are conditioned to pretend that Bad Governments are good, so it doesn’t matter if they cripple our ambition and hinder our progress, since we were taught that God would never create more birds than berries... This sounds like another of UK’s ‘fool them to rule them’ Lessons, for no one in their right mind, would believe that a berry or two is enough to sustain an Eagle.
Health Care & NHI:
By confusing Quantity with Quality, Factories become Junk Yards, and Life becomes a revolving door where you are pushed out as soon as you step in... We may acknowledge that Persons or Things are malfunctioning, but, rather than repair or replace them with functional replicas, we simply add more of the same, so that the internal costs and fees escalate, even as the productive returns further diminish.
With one of the highest Doctor to Patient Ratios, we should be the Healthiest People in the World... This may worry Governments Pensions, but Leaders never anticipated this when they saw NHI, as another Money Stream, and coverage for a mismanaged Hospital... So often we forget and confuse fact and fiction, that it’s surprising when persons recall my warnings of how and why NHI was destined to be problematic.
NHI was a good idea, until it became another Political Game, and with limited foresight, it has landed us in far more trouble than UK’s NHS... While, Various sections of UK’s Services are still on strike, for more Pay and better Conditions, we are forced to grin and bear it, as our own People are not being served in accordance with the Agreement, and, our Providers are not being paid for the Services rendered.
Again, like the UK, Government blames everyone but itself... However, you have been misled, and the fact is that every NHI’s Operational Decision have always been made by Government and a Select Few – This includes the Management and Pricing of Goods and Services... Therefore, NHI does not pay a Cent over the amount they decide to pay, and when they decide to pay it, which may be 4 – 5 months late.
Furthermore, this means that these Patients are receiving large portions of their Health Care on Forced Credit, or even Free... Meanwhile, Government’s Hospital and Public Health Care are being regularly and promptly, compensated... Again, you ask, Why not strike? And, the answer is simple… Persons are being fooled, and Government/ NHI feel that they can do as they wish and hold the Providers Hostage.
Some may see this as a non-matter, but, think about it, and remember that Government and NHI are paying themselves big Salaries with our Money… They do nothing to aid or assist us, and should they declare Bankruptcy Today, then these Providers will be left holding an empty Sack with the legal obligation to pay their Suppliers and Staff with Monies technically, confiscated by Government and NHI.
From Communication & Roads, to Education & Scholarships:
On the matter of Roads, we must first appreciate the fact that Communication is the means of reaching out beyond ourselves and back; whether by land, Sea, Air or Radio Waves... Roads are a big part of our communication, and are crucial to our development, so the conditions of our Roads act as indicators and measures of social progress... Just like the Homeless, Potholes are not representative of prosperity.
Most things can be prevented, corrected, or replaced, but when things go bad, or wrong, nothing will fix itself, and procrastination is no solution... Even Jesus didn’t save himself, so we must do whatever is necessary to correct the wrong and nurture the good for the benefit of present and future Children... We begin by first, acknowledging and assessing situations, before trying to implement the necessary actions.
No one likes going through Bathrooms to reach Kitchens, and the number of Potholes we dodge from the Airport to the West End Dock, is embarrassing... These are no longer small or discrete, and Driving has become a risk... Just outside the High School; close to the House of Parliament; and in one of the many areas so urgently in need of Crossing Lanes and Speed Bumps, there is another major Pothole.
We live and learn, and another prime evaluator of a Nation is the Education of its People... In modern times that ranges from Basic to Advance, and while we can boast of well-educated Persons within our Society, these are from seeds that were planted long ago... Today, the value of Education appears headed back before my time, when, only Children of the privileged had access to higher Education.
We corrected that, so it’s unfortunate to hear of so many Scholarship rejections without a given cause... This intellectual handicapping would suggest that, instead of our Youth aspiring to becoming Owners and Employers in their Country, they will be relegated to being perpetual Servants... No wonder Civil Servants are disgruntled, and, if they are pissed off, they may see no problem in pissing off the Public.
This Drama fits the Curriculum of a Colonial Agenda, where we are programmed to follow, but never to lead… They preach Democracy, practice Hypocrisy, and, Equality is just a word of convenience, which must never hinder our Obedience... They tell us to walk proudly with our heads held high as if aiming for the stars; in this way, we fail to see the Traps, Potholes and Stumbling Blocks they set to break our necks.
Governments may think they can ignore these problems or allow them to grow some more... However, Good Governance is a continuous process, and in the absence, there is much to be said and done... The time and space will not permit us to continue our dialogue so we will have to do so at a later date... In the meantime, be wise, and prepare yourselves for both, that which you can see, and that which you don’t.
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

13 Responses to “Losing a country & turning bread into stone”
Moreover, our altruistic attitude of putting the interests of others before our own/locals shows low self esteem, lack of pride, lack of worth, etc. believing that the people who lied to you and commit you to servitude, believing that is best you are, will take you to the promise land, is foolish and foolhardy. The BVI needs a self-empowerment plan but that plan must entail group effort, something we have failed at thus far. If we continue with our individualism, the road ahead will be rough and tough. Unity is strength and unity is a powerful elixir. The BVI has much to do and will require all hands on deck. Our health system, education, economic, physical infrastructure, social infrastructure, governing structure, etc needs work.