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Long Look youths cry for help

– feel neglected by District Rep
One of the lines, as it is extensively blocked, drains its contents on to the road and has formed a non-stop stream that runs past the entrance of the little play park which is frequented by children. Photo: VINO
'The CEO Leonard' supported by several others, expressed grave concern about the state of the sewer lines as they said they were forced to clean one of the lines as it was beyond what they could bear. The lines are in the heart of the Long Look area. Photo: VINO
'The CEO Leonard' supported by several others, expressed grave concern about the state of the sewer lines as they said they were forced to clean one of the lines as it was beyond what they could bear. The lines are in the heart of the Long Look area. Photo: VINO
One of the sewer lines sits at the direct entrance of a home which has a fast food shop to the front while the other is at a main intersection. Photo: VINO
One of the sewer lines sits at the direct entrance of a home which has a fast food shop to the front while the other is at a main intersection. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
The running sewer lines in the Long Look Community. Photo: VINO
EAST END/LONG LOOK, Tortola, VI – Several youths in the East End/Long Look Community have issued a call for their District Representative, Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr the Honourable Kedrick D. Pickering to pay some attention to their needs and the Long Look area.

“He from here but he ain’t showing that he from here, we on our own, straight talk,” said a young man

Valiant efforts were made yesterday March 25, 2014 to contact Dr Hon Pickering but these proved futile.

“You see this?” asked one youth referring to a sewer. “Is years it like this; they put it saying it was temporary now it’s years and nothing being done and people, children getting sick and this is the source,” said the young man who chose to use the name The CEO Leonard only.

Leonard, supported by several others, expressed grave concern about the state of the sewer lines as they said they were forced to clean one of the lines as it was beyond what they could bear.  The lines are in the heart of the Long Look area.

Adding fury to fire, one of the lines, as it is extensively blocked, drains its contents onto the road and has formed a non-stop stream that runs past the entrance of the little play park which is frequented by children.

“The children getting sick, for them to get into the park that is what they have to walk through and children are children you cannot stop that,” said Leonard.

One sewer line sits at the direct entrance of a home which has a fast food shop to the front while the other is at a main intersection. “We stop asking him (Hon Pickering) for anything because he has no time with us here anymore,” said one aggrieved youth.

“Now we decided to clean that one but they must pay us because we are not cleaning the other ones for nothing either,” claimed one who said that he is confident that the government with proper lobbying from Dr Hon Pickering can see them being given a small stipend to maintain the lines until the major project comes on stream.

“We need work, they putting money in the big boys pockets who not doing the jobs well, we are from here and we want the best for our community; we will fix it right.”

The men admitted that in times past when contacted, Perline Scatliffe-Leonard who has been confirmed to the post of Director of the Water and Sewerage Department (W&SD), sent workers on several occasions to address the problem. “They come do a little thing and they go and before they reach back to town the problem back. But she (Scatliffe-Leonard) cooperates but we lost contact, we not getting her anymore,” noted one man.

They said that while some were more fortunate to have an education that puts them off the bread line, the others for reasons too many to mention that do not have an education background still deserve a chance at earning a living.

“We willing to work but we just not getting anything to do; we want to work but we don’t have the papers, we ain’t got the books head but we can work… is less crime and violence like that,” insisted one.

The men said that the issue of the sewer line is just but one problem plaguing the Long Look Community and that they are tired of running after the people who are responsible for ensuring those are addressed.

51 Responses to “Long Look youths cry for help”

  • Fat Head (26/03/2014, 08:01) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    well saw the man busy on the cays
  • Outsider (26/03/2014, 08:12) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    This pains my stomach
    • Brenda (26/03/2014, 12:12) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply

      This is an outright disgrace to we the people. P.......g living in this area and he act as though we are not his family. He has proper sewerage, running water and he filled the potholes near his house. Other than that. why do you all keep voting him in??????????? He may be a son of the soil but he acting like an ex-pat and we all know they don't give a rats a.. about us.

      • Gentilly (26/03/2014, 14:39) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        You hit the nail right on the head Brenda
      • tretretrete (26/03/2014, 18:51) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
        Son of the soil u say? Really check his history please and u will realize different.
        • Greg (27/03/2014, 06:59) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
          He is a son of the soil on his mother's side which is Frett, but on his father's side he is not just like so many of us here. Also he was born here, so you need to check your info.
    • Airrion (28/03/2014, 16:48) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Anyone who has eyes and a conscience can see this is inhumane. I cry for us and resent the people who have the power to fix this. When will they start caring for us like they do the tourists and the others who own islands here and have a lot of money. Shame Shame Shame on you politicians who run and live in our community. You have sold us OUT!
  • VIlander (26/03/2014, 08:18) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
    hope he is not tuning out to be another dancia getting carried away with the post of DP
  • I live east (26/03/2014, 08:24) Like (26) Dislike (3) Reply
    Let us not make any mistakes, both Kedrick and Myron have turned out to be disappointments
  • On the look (26/03/2014, 08:36) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    Come on NDP let we do this thing.
  • 1 (26/03/2014, 08:47) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    If you can't flush then the ndp must be voted out
  • ooooo (26/03/2014, 08:57) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    homeboy spends more time out eustacia, guana, oil nut and mosquito..i guess thats who he represents
  • deputy chief (26/03/2014, 09:00) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    My god!!!! What a shame!!!!
  • Well Sah (26/03/2014, 09:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Disgusting.. In nature little secret. What a ting to tell the king.
  • qc (26/03/2014, 09:29) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well after two years why is anyone surprise nothing has changed
  • Just Sayin' (26/03/2014, 09:29) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are tired of being overlooked. Maybe it's time for a change, just sayin'
  • tell the truth (26/03/2014, 09:29) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    see i told you VIP & NDP all the same i going with PEP
    • Fairness (26/03/2014, 09:55) Like (1) Dislike (18) Reply
      The Minister is a good man. I went to him with a problem and he was very helpful. Just busy. Now you will see action.
  • speak out (26/03/2014, 09:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well, only some are heard the rest are not being heard. Cried for help the NDP government better do something and help them find work. The community and the BVI in whole need to pray for the youths of this land
  • bay yute (26/03/2014, 09:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Look at my bvi tears
  • Observer (26/03/2014, 11:01) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why is it do we complain an yet still on election day we still vote back in the same useless candidates. Doc has been in their long enough to get his district up to par an he hasn't done much since the late TB Lettsome so why are u guys keep putting him in power when he's keeping u back in power,time for doc an the NDP to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Long Look Resident (26/03/2014, 11:31) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    I did not vote for Pickering, and who voted for him is responsible for the mess we are in. You can't get an appointment to see Pickering, you can't meet him on the street and try to talk to him, and you dare not go to his house. Who hears about a Representative being inaccessible to his constituents?. Well that is Kedrick Pickering. He is totally inaccessible to the Long Look Community. Pickering knows that raw sewerage run on our roads, but he built a gazebo that is used as a hang out spot. My fellow Long Lookians Pickering don't give a flying f$$%ck about the people in Long Look.
  • vex (26/03/2014, 11:56) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Same old same thing year after year all of dem need to go including Ralph
    • fast (27/03/2014, 01:46) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The people in the know need to give the government an ultimatum to put two ministers before a tribunal
  • Clyde (26/03/2014, 12:17) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ Fairness...WTF??? Because he helped you with a small personal problem then all is well in Long Look? Haul your stupid self out of here. That is the problem. As long as people get what they personally want they think that person is the best. Ask anyone who live here how they feel living in literally SH-T and see if he still the best. IDIOT!!!!
    • Fed Up (26/03/2014, 13:25) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
      But the water and sewage director grow up right around the area i guess she living high up in heaven now,we need Willock back to save us from this disgraceful bull sh...t....
      • wow (27/03/2014, 17:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        You sound so stupid, find more people to point blame at. Let mr. Pickering put pressure on the director of Water and Sewerage, to try and fix the area. HE'S NOT DOING ANYTHING. HE CAN DO IT FOR HIS PART OF LONG LOOK BUT NOT THE GENERAL SCOPE. The department can only try and produce what the current government wants them to obtain.
  • mvw (26/03/2014, 13:13) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    Ndp all the way for vip dead
  • Questioner (26/03/2014, 13:43) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    I didnt know that long Look had a public sewer system. If we are talking about people running their sewage into the street then that is a different matter and they need to stop doing that.
  • GoodSquad (26/03/2014, 16:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino ready
  • NICK (26/03/2014, 16:17) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    All of them is sewer so what you all expect, how can sewer fix sewer, that's what makes the environment hospitable to them, you see people in their every day personal life and know that there are no good, know that their character is bad and vote them in power and expect a miracle, these people are not interested in the effective utilization of power, the are only interested in abuse of power.
  • Fed Up (26/03/2014, 16:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come on Doc clean that mess up man, it's about time.
    • one eye roster (27/03/2014, 00:36) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      For all of the NDP's rhetoric and paid spin doctors it remains clear that after two years they did NOTING for the people
  • I Live Here. (26/03/2014, 18:16) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    I lived in the Long Look area, not long ago. I know where that sewer hole is and is; always over flowing and running along the street down towards "Fine Food Superette". I tried 2 years ago to take a picture of that Sewer hole, wanting to get a picture for VINO or Platinum, but with the sun shining on the black sewage water, the picture never came out right. That was around the same time his Kenyian politician friends were here on a visit and attended the "Prayer Breakfast" at Maria's by the Sea. I wondered then, as I do still now, how come they don't proudly take their visiting friends on a tour of their districts to show them how wonderful a job they are doing as Representatives; But those things Never happen. Instead, they invite their friends in, host them in some of the nicest places in Road Town, then taxi them back to TB Lettsome, totally bypassing their districts, the place they grew up, went to school, and now Cherish and Represent. Like Minister Oma Hodge, he deserves the surprise of his life, come next X-marking time (~/\~)
  • greenland (26/03/2014, 22:46) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    But everyone is busy talking about Long Look now. I remember when Greenland residents complained no other community gave a rats ..... Please join the line because they haven't touched Greenland Crater YET!!!!
  • Shara Parlin (27/03/2014, 00:32) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It is never a dull day in politics.
  • GoonSquad (27/03/2014, 00:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Strength and conviction are measured by the willingness of a nation or group of people to suffer or endure, in some form, on behalf of a cause. At the moment, it appears that strength lies with just waitng on the next elections
  • voter from long look (27/03/2014, 01:58) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    After all the hoop law but you all still cannot beat doc come next elections
  • VIFISHER (27/03/2014, 05:26) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    I have been trying to see the DOC for a month now with no success so far . And when you see him on the street he looks at you as it you are a peace of $#I+. I don't know why the people in Long Look keep voting for him because a blind man can see that he is only approachable during election time . If you are not rich or have a big family with a lot of votes you are not worth his time . " Make an appointment with my secretary" is all you will get out of him and when you do make an appointment he is never in just wasting your time .
  • vip (27/03/2014, 07:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Yes (27/03/2014, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayo don't wanna see or go Green Land lol the smell alone kill people
  • Real (27/03/2014, 07:30) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wounder sometimes if these politicians care at all both who is in and who wss before. This s#&t water has been running for years in the streets where school children has to cross and they can't bring no penalty to force them to shop r pay someone to pump it. I believe its becuz none of them have to drive tru it to get home.
  • long look (27/03/2014, 09:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come next elections we will see
  • Online Now (27/03/2014, 12:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    See dem up day now full speed ahead doing thing just because they were put on blast…well saw a government reacting not doing
  • All the best (28/03/2014, 07:39) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well done to the youth who protest. Keep it up. the sewage situation in East End is a major health hazard and I encourage the youth in the area to keep protesting. Go as a group to the Admin building, block the streets by the Docs home - get highly visible and vocal and keep up the protest. Good work -

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