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Local youth condemns discrimination against expats

- Jovan E. L. Cline said VI grows weaker when it uses words like down island' to describe expats
Former school teacher and entrepreneur Mr Jovan E. L. Cline used the opportunity to condemn discrimination against Caribbean expatriates and called for unity in the Virgin Islands during the Black Lives Matter march in Road Town, Tortola, on June 20, 2020. Photo: Russel Jones/Facebook
Hundreds of persons of all races and colour took to the streets of Road Town, Tortola, on June 20, 2020, in a peaceful demonstration against racial injustice and police brutality following the public killing of a black man, George P. Floyd Jr, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, on May 25, 2020. Photo: Russel Jones/Facebook
Hundreds of persons of all races and colour took to the streets of Road Town, Tortola, on June 20, 2020, in a peaceful demonstration against racial injustice and police brutality following the public killing of a black man, George P. Floyd Jr, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, on May 25, 2020. Photo: Russel Jones/Facebook
More than 1500 expats living and working in the VI for more than 20 years were given certificates of Residency and Belonger at a ceremony on December 16, 2019. the ‘Fast Track’ Regularisation Programme spearheaded by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1). Photo: Facebook
More than 1500 expats living and working in the VI for more than 20 years were given certificates of Residency and Belonger at a ceremony on December 16, 2019. the ‘Fast Track’ Regularisation Programme spearheaded by Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1). Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- As hundreds of persons of different races and colour took to the streets of Road Town, Tortola, on June 20, 2020, in a peaceful demonstration against racial injustice and police brutality following the public killing of a black man, George P. Floyd Jr, by a white police officer in Minneapolis, USA, on May 25, 2020, a young Virgin Islander used the opportunity to condemn discrimination against Caribbean expatriates and called fo

Former school counsellor and entrepreneur Mr Jovan E. L. Cline was making the point that there is strength in unity when he raised the issue of lost love between locals and expatriates in some quarters of society, and spoke against the use of the derogatory term “down island” to describe Caribbean expatriates, most of whom are of African ancestry and whose fore parents would have experienced slavery.

Discrimination against Caribbean expats

“We grow weaker when you use words like ‘down island’ to describe brothers and sisters who have lived among us and contributed to our society for years longer than some of us were even born.”

Wearing a black T-shirt with the words 'Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere', Mr Cline added: “We are weaker when we discriminate based on heritage and favours, we are weaker when we steal from each other and cheat each other just to get the upper hand for few moments of life that we have on this tiny planet.”

The young man also seemed to touch on the subject of persons being born in the Territory but is still discriminated against because their parents are not born Virgin Islanders or one of them may have been an expatriate.

“We are weaker when the Virgin Islands is all a man, a woman, a boy or a girl knows when he or she still can’t feel comfortable enough to call it home because of what they have to face every day when they step out into the street and face people who tell them that they are not from here because of how they look, because of how they speak or where their parents came from. That makes us weak,” Mr Cline stated.

Unity is strength

He was of the view that the Territory would not be able to “stand up” to anyone in any nation or any neighbour “as long as we entertain that behaviour.

“It is time we take a stand for what is right, so stop hiding, stop killing, stop discriminating against our own. We have to stop so we can be a true pillar, a true power and support for nations who find themselves in crisis,” Mr Cline said.

Mr Cline's words of unity echoed that of Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) late in 2019 when he led an initiative to regularise some 1500 expatriates who had been living and working in the Virgin Islands for 20, 30, 40 and even 50 years but were never granted status.

79 Responses to “Local youth condemns discrimination against expats”

  • LCS (23/06/2020, 15:10) Like (68) Dislike (15) Reply
    Very brave. Applauding this young man. We are ALL created equal.
    • HMMM (23/06/2020, 15:51) Like (12) Dislike (65) Reply
      Cline be quiet. You on their side now
      • Utg (23/06/2020, 16:37) Like (12) Dislike (82) Reply
        He better don’t forget where he from he needs not to defend them island people
        • Nationalist (23/06/2020, 20:26) Like (11) Dislike (25) Reply
          Bvi is for those who born here remember that ,its not discrimination it's a fact
          • @ Nationalist (23/06/2020, 22:04) Like (8) Dislike (8) Reply
            Shut your trap and go do your toe nails
          • fact (24/06/2020, 07:08) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
            Even when they born here they still don't belong in CERTAIN locals eyes When most of the locals who judge and look down on the poor kids are US CITIZEN . So basically the outsiders US CITIZEN telling the born here child from Caribbean parents he/she is not from here. Sounds hilarious and stupid.
            • we are in trouble (24/06/2020, 09:53) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
              So now you calling the people from here children outsiders because they were not born here. That is the problem with you people, you are the problem not the locals If the locals do not stand up and represent themselves you all will be all over them like white on rice and still crying murder.
              • wow (24/06/2020, 12:49) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

                Agree with your comment 100% Also I am not against expatriats, but why We must condone their (those that do) insults, degrading and derogatory remarks and if we respond We are ignorant and don't like them! We'll be locked up or deported from their Nation (Caribbean) if We ever attempt to do such. So We were born in this Land and have a Right to defend it just like they would their Own. Don't start No sh** and there will be No sh**!

      • miss (23/06/2020, 16:38) Like (12) Dislike (13) Reply
        I like expat not island people lol
    • VI lander (23/06/2020, 15:55) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
      If you not from the bvi, USVI, US, UK, Puerto Rico or Canada bvi landers look down on you
    • @ LCS (23/06/2020, 16:17) Like (5) Dislike (34) Reply
      We are not all equals we are higher than y’all
      • Redstrom (24/06/2020, 12:44) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply

        @ LCS,

        No! you are not higher than anyone. Life does not depend on the number of things an individual possesses. It is about the characters an individual display when they are faced with perplexity. If any human being displays truth, honesty, love, purity, and self-control then I can truly say an individual is on a level of self-actualization. But no one is above each other. We should learn to live in peace and God will continue to bless this land.
      • Poor You (26/06/2020, 14:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Money do not make a man nor does status. What makes a man is his heart and if you don't have Jesus in it you are NOTHING. YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT JESUS. AND JESUS IS LOVE SO IF YOU DO NOT LOVE HIS CHILDREN, YOU ARE OF THE DEVIL.
    • Pissed (23/06/2020, 16:18) Like (8) Dislike (24) Reply
      Go home then we will be equal
    • Byeee (23/06/2020, 16:33) Like (8) Dislike (28) Reply
      Government need deport them
    • All equal (23/06/2020, 22:28) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
  • y (23/06/2020, 15:32) Like (33) Dislike (7) Reply
    My Cline I feel your pain but don't worry My God sees every thing
  • u (23/06/2020, 15:45) Like (18) Dislike (8) Reply
    Some time I wander where thay get this word from (down island) it's sound so discussting I never heard of a place like that but anyway I know there will be one to say I found no fault in them
    • Facts is Facts (23/06/2020, 15:53) Like (10) Dislike (36) Reply
      We don’t hate the Caucasian’s, we have a problem with the ones from down the island
      • @facts (23/06/2020, 17:28) Like (4) Dislike (20) Reply
        speak truth because dis island people thing is troubling.

        Leave our Caribbean People Alone. Send dem South AFricans and Europeans home.
      • Redstrom (24/06/2020, 12:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Facts is Facts,

        While we know talk is cheap, and action has value. Problems do have solutions, how we deal with the problem counts a million time more than talk. Parents teach their children how to solve problems when they get to adulthood it seemed that those principles of saying "I am sorry" fly away from our minds. Stating what is wrong and getting solutions together make this community a better place.
      • house slave (24/06/2020, 17:44) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        You don't hate Caucasians because they are white, but you hate your own black brother.
    • expats (23/06/2020, 16:01) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      This is the reality

      BVI & USVI vs Other Caribbean islands nationals ( except Puerto Rico)
    • Personally (23/06/2020, 16:05) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      i dont have no issues with the whites mines are with them from outside the entire britian and us virgin islands
    • hmm (23/06/2020, 18:55) Like (10) Dislike (4) Reply
      I think people take "down island" out of context. Obviously on the map the BVI is North of most of the islands in the Caribbean, therefore the term "down island". I guess over time, no matter whether you were north or south of the VI you were considered "down island". Some people may interpret it as below, lower than or beneath the BVI's "indigenous" population. It is quite interesting that many feel offended by the term because decades ago places like Jamaica, Guyana and Trinidad were doing much better than the smaller islands because of their minerals and size. They didn't give a **** about smaller Caribbean territories. Do the homework and you'll see. Regardless, it is clear that the interpretation has been taken out of context and because it is not said else where in the Caribbean it seems highly offensive. The problem is that the older persons will continue to say it because there is nothing that you can do to change their minds, but as for the younger ones, we need to educate them but never let them forget about our past/ history.
      • @LOL (24/06/2020, 06:31) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Trinidad has and still remain a friend, ally and helping hand to all caribbean countries for decades just so you know.
      • Really Now (24/06/2020, 17:51) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Language is more than a word. The tone, the context and the accompanying gestures all goes to make it a very derogatory term. In the early days it may have been use very innocently but not now a days when it is used with such venom.
  • @ cline (23/06/2020, 15:57) Like (5) Dislike (11) Reply
    He just trying to be relevant all then he family don’t like them
  • hmm (23/06/2020, 15:58) Like (11) Dislike (8) Reply
    I wouldn’t discriminate them if they would follow the rules and not come up here with them Disgusting ways
  • vip (23/06/2020, 16:02) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    Vip is for the locals that why they have to pay for them own quarantine spot a glad for them
  • I (23/06/2020, 16:04) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    I been living here for forty years contribute to the bvi I have a girl friend liveing in d USA asking me what is going on in tola it's a sham she says it have people from bvi liveing here a thay haven't been treated that way all I have to say friend to God be the Glory that's all
  • utter (23/06/2020, 16:08) Like (14) Dislike (15) Reply
    locals feel like 2nd class citizens in them own coutries because is too much of them island people here messing up our culture
  • Duhh (23/06/2020, 16:09) Like (14) Dislike (14) Reply
    They have no respect especially the ones from down the island
    • Redstrom (24/06/2020, 12:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Your statement is incorrect, as in no way should you generalized people, because of a few misbehavior. All throughout this world, there are good and bad people, positive and negative behavior. How do you suggest we change the behavior? since you know that respect is earned.
  • Stoutt (23/06/2020, 16:10) Like (11) Dislike (6) Reply
    Not all of them island people here bad but most a them is some alwyas got excuse when it comes to rent
  • yardine (23/06/2020, 16:11) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    lets leave them here man and lets terrorize them see how our government done taxing the money them sending out . Them going soon get tired and leave
  • irene (23/06/2020, 16:12) Like (9) Dislike (11) Reply
    Strupz we discriminate them cause they do it to us in our own country. Them rude pigs..
  • Connie (23/06/2020, 16:13) Like (3) Dislike (15) Reply
    Them down island and island people cat and dogs i cant stand
  • to outsiders (23/06/2020, 16:15) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
    TO outsiders particularly from down then caribbean sea respect us as the kings and queens we are first then you will get our respects
  • Otis (23/06/2020, 16:19) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
    We need protest next for the government to send them home
  • Chill (23/06/2020, 16:41) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    People coming under here that saying they born here and on cline and them expat sides not really from here they just lying.
  • well sa'h (23/06/2020, 16:42) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    mr. clyne...well said..every word of it..spoken from the heart and from a sensible mind.

    when you think about it...none of us are " from here". we are very hipocritical when you think about minute we say..." they not really from here because their parents not from herr". minute everyone proud to be " from Africa"...... so really..where are we all from? certainly not BVI.
  • T (23/06/2020, 16:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @@lol u just did
  • Dejavous (23/06/2020, 17:10) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    Mr Jovan you absolutely right. 100/100 I share the same feeling .I think the same .this people is very hypocrite .the not treat people with dignity no love for our Caribbean national brothers and sisters .most of us has been served them well .work very hard .
  • Courage (23/06/2020, 17:53) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cant get better than this....This the kind of courage and Godliness thats missing in people of power and Enfluence...Young man, God is very please with you....
  • guy hill (23/06/2020, 18:29) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    There is a cynical attitude towards expats, caribbean people in particular. All my life living in the Virgin Islands, I have seen caribbean people here working, residing, visiting, passing through or just being themselves here. They have integrated, created relationships, created families with Virgin Islanders and the like. They are teachers, lawyers, labourers, engineers, doctors, electricians, domestic workers and they can be found in any profession basically.
    Some have children born here, born in Amerika or born elsewhere. BUT.....
    There is a parasitic and Symbiotic relationship that has developed over the years. There is an interdependence that it vibrant. Seeing these relationships developed over the years I have lived in my native virgin Islands and the constant venom that is being spewed via electronic media a d elsewhere is unbecoming. As a career immigration agent, I have seen a lot of things, I know a lot of things and I have heard a lot of things when it comes to foreign persons (expats) and their rationships with "local" persons. But like the socalled drug war in the United States over the years and the relationship between suppliers and demanders, there is a similar dependency or interdependency on foreign nationals (expats) in the Virgin Islands. Like in the drug war, the big question in the parasitic/symbiotic relationship, a former DEA Agent I went to school with in Texas asked the question in our knock down drag out conversations we used to have in school and I will ask the question here, who IS the Parasite? The supplier or the demander, the expat or the local? I'll just rest this here
  • when (23/06/2020, 19:11) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Reading some of the comments here you cannot tell me that racism is as rampant here as any place in the world. Be honest with yourselves. Its the first step in fixing it.
  • Joanna Paulette Jackson (23/06/2020, 19:46) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Send them home you said?
  • uh (23/06/2020, 20:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr Cline u speak from a conscious mind me son we all need to take a look at the cemetery do d dead take d island with them no so what is the fussing and fighting it's God who is in control
  • B (23/06/2020, 20:21) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @@ yardine any how u put it we still come out d winner u want to know why we have an exchange so u just have vain thought ok
  • Nice (23/06/2020, 20:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @@@ jardine what have been done it's out of greed and wickedness but what goes around must come around and what's go up must come down don't worry your self pay back is like a mother
  • little rose (23/06/2020, 21:01) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thank you Jovan Cline for speaking truth! BVI needs expats no matter where there from. In reality the population of indigenous persons could not run the country. Look at your police for, educators, medical doctors...they are all from somewhere else! There needs to be some appreciation for their contribution in building ùp the BVI!
    • @ little rose (23/06/2020, 22:07) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      When y’all leave then we will be the judge if that if we really need ayoo down Islanders
  • hut (23/06/2020, 21:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fear and envy breeds hate.Caribbean folks are feisty..yes bvi too.Y'all act the same.Always performing.The whites,Asians..others ..buisness as usual. Walkandchew.
  • David (23/06/2020, 21:08) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    You call it racism discrimination against Caribbean expats when you use words like down island to describe brothers and sisters well being to every Caribbean islands they dont receive you with open arms they call you fforeigner example about racism Mrs vanterpool from virgin Gorda was a clerk in the house of assembly in tortola for years she married a police officer from ST kitts the couple migrate to st kitts ware mrs vanterpool land a job I'm the house of assembly as a clerk after a year the government told her this job belong to some one from st kitts she could not find work so she had to return to tortola but we have over 50 thousand live here give them all the opportunity but they want the whole country
  • Sahara (23/06/2020, 21:43) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    You see that dust outside? All ah we got to breathe it in no matter where our navel strings are. All of us. Let's be kind to one another regardless of nationality. The same down island nurse got to swab you for corona. Let's stop it. The path of the Sahara dust is he same path hurricane going take. Let's work this stuff out on our knees and stop making God fed up
  • @David (23/06/2020, 22:25) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
    I am fed up reading expats complaining. I wonder if they will be happy if they get the country. I am sure if they get the country they will still not be satisfied. What is gping on in the BVI is some expats are greedy check and see how much properties that have been stolen from locals by expat. Everytime there is a disaster expats get the most assistance because they tell lies and cry pauper and when they donot get their way their omplain is because they are from the Island. If BVIslanders go any place in the world with that behaviour they will not be appreciated. Some expat just making it bad for other expats.
    • Hmm (26/06/2020, 15:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Have you ever thought that they heard how their own are being treated here so that is why they told her so? Read 1 Samuel cap15
  • Ghost (23/06/2020, 23:40) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Jovan I applaud you for your effort in speaking a child I grew up hearing negative connotations in referring to persons from other Caribbean islands but these days the hatred for each other had become so overt..yes we are a minority in our own country but part of this is due to the fact that we don’t have the work force needed and also when persons come to our country they also bring their families as well.. but wait; isn’t it the right of anyone to want their family with them.. my dear Jovan I have gotten to the place where I just keep praying that God instill love in our hearts one to another/ and for God’s Mercy towards our home for we are dealing with very stiffed-necked people (locals and expats alike for there’s hatred on both sides)..This hatred on both sides is causing us to blind and not see the sin we are bringing to our land so I leave them to God.. Prayer changes things and more of us need to be praying for God to intervene.. if the haters don’t want to listen- their blood will be in their own shoulders.. God made us all and We are one and One Race of people.. a house divided unto itself will never stand.. we are hated merely because of the color of our skin and we are too foolish to understand as a Caribbean “Black” people together We should be living in more unity and love ..
  • Proud Trini (24/06/2020, 00:00) Like (0) Dislike (9) Reply
    Well if down the Island is where I was born I’m a trini proud

    My country is beautiful I’ve seen many locals eyes open when they enter trini.

    I don’t hate my country not cause I reside here
    I love to be called down island cause u still c Trinidad on d map .....

    I Love all my neighboring islanders
    Sick part is half of u go church with nothing but hate in y’all hearts .

    Don’t even have time with the ones like u so stay under ur funky a$$ grandma clock caps puff ur mouths already soo beautiful :)
    No wonder u hate us especially the Hispanics y’all can’t stand them cause Y?
  • The black race (24/06/2020, 03:05) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    With an open mind I want to say this. I am an African and I am proud of this young man. let us tell ourselves the Truth. For bvi economy to get to were it was before 2017 hurricane it took the hardwork and labour of everybody. Local and non locals. This same islands people some people talk down on are your brother's and sisters. This mentality I see is evil even those who are born here can't call this place their home they feel rejected by some people. This is modern slavery. Meanwhile there are locals who have more than one passport from other Caribbean islands. Us Passport, Canada passport. We invite doctors from Caribbean island to assist in the medical field here. Some of the Caribbean islands gave scholarship to locals students to study in this island. After the devastation we went through in 2017 Puerto rico, Dominica republic, st Lucia, Canada, st Vincent, , st Martin and other Caribbean islands sent large containers of food supply to us and they assisted to restore electricity , Network and water. We cried out for help from this island people and they came but now we reject them because of greed , pride, jealousy, insecurity, and thinking they will take over this place. The fact is that this place needs island people the economy can't survive without them. Almost 80 percent of the food supply here comes from other islands or country. Why do some locals go to other islands or country give birth to children and they becomes citizens but here we reject those who are born here. This is so wrong. Also 60% of married locals are married to those who are not locals . The government biggest revenue come from tourism , financial institution and health. This revenue increasing because of the input of everybody. No one is exempted. I look at those locals who talk down on island people and I wonder what planet they came from. We call ourselves the Black race yet we are divided because of the mindset of some of us. So we're do we go from here
  • Hmmm 1 + 1 (24/06/2020, 06:16) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The problem is not to much individual expat vs local cause we all get alone integrate and f.....each other make children and such the problem with expat complaining about so call racism and discrimination steam from them feel the laws there have to abide with is injustice to them.but like other Caribbean countries other have to abide by there too wen u speak about racism and discrimination like it is a like others not be more specific and educated ur self ...but some is instigating it for that sole purpose ...that youngers in article Johnny come lately go sit down ...and it them recently come expat that feels that way ..there not like them wat from here for so much year who work hard and honestly for there s and family...but let them kno we are more than a people we are a country with laws weather u like it or not ..u know where the door u just came in is ...........
  • Ghost (24/06/2020, 06:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another earthquake again yesterday north of PR ; this one bigger- 4.9 as per DDM .. this is 2 earthquakes in 2 days..Please!!! I am begging all of us “To Listen” and STOP all the hating and disdain regardless of the reasons we feel we need to do so..It’s time for Us to seek God’s face Praying for His forgiveness And Mercy..all these earthquakes are not good..if We continue on this path of wickedness it will go up in the nostrils of God.. We don’t want His Wrath Upon Us and our land.. He Has shown us Great Mercies already.. Again, Please I implore All of Us in the Name of Jesus to Listen and turn away from our wrath and other wrong-doings ..
  • think about it (24/06/2020, 06:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    After reading all these comments only thing I can say is "I can't breathe!!!!"
  • Equal (24/06/2020, 08:04) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    As humans, we are all equal; however, all individuals must be given preference in their country, wherever that may be.
  • Really (24/06/2020, 08:08) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Is this what the BVI has come to now? Im a 5th generation pure BVIslander. I love yiu all. Dont matter what island, peninsula or continent yiur from.

    There are BVI people and expats who are awesome and for some disgusting. Who is to judge? ONLY GOD!!
  • RA (24/06/2020, 09:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I do applaud Mr. Cline for his bravery in addressing the matter concerning discrimination against expats. However I must mention first of all-Its not right...but persons have meaningful concerns! This is happening in EVERY caribbean island! I'm quite sure many expats have done the same before migrating and still happening whilst abroad.
    As a BVI lander married to a Trinidadian , my spouse disclosed his dislikes against the Venezuellans, Indian race etc..and the list goes on! One of the key reasons is the lost of jobs to many of these Caribbeans Islands and the BVI is not excluded...

    Furthermore, I must add that the blogs on news sites in other Caribbean islands are more terrifying by far!

  • down2earth (24/06/2020, 11:48) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Once there was a gentle and kind man who invited a guest into his house. When the home owner was asleep, the guest tried to bind him to take away his possessions... What should the gentle man do?
  • Concerned (24/06/2020, 14:38) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    I feel it is time that the Bvi send home the following persons
    1 teachers
    2 nurses
    3 skilled workers
    4 doctors
    6 security guards
    7 police
    8street cleaners
    8 caretakers of the elderly
    9 house keepers and day care workers
    10 bar maids cooks and waitress
    And others who are to numerous to mention then every thing will be fine
    • @Concerned (26/06/2020, 19:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

  • Global (25/06/2020, 08:38) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVIslanders want to have our cake and eat it.
    We are very happy to profit from the globalization of capital as if it is an entirely natural phenomenon, like the weather or the sea. No restrictions whatsoever, we say, and we’ll help whoever, from where ever to do whatever they want with their money. It is, we marched for this two years ago, our ‘right’.
    And yet we want a world where human capital is heavily restricted, controlled, judged and mistrusted.
    Few people seem to acknowledge that globalization and all its ‘benefits’ (for us, tourism, financial services, importation of goods, internet etc), come with a concurrent rise is globalization of peoples’ movements (for us, going to US to give birth, Caribbean and US and other people coming here to work, as well as play).
    All this focus on the small-minded stuff misses the glaring big picture. We need to get a handle on this aspect because our outlook is inconsistent, hypocritical and can end up being cruel.
    To make it easier, try just being decent to fellow humans, where ever they come from. Globalize goodness!
  • Hmm (25/06/2020, 13:47) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Right from the top the expats are being victimized they are paying equal tax in the BVI but its only them who have to pay quarantine fees.
    • Norris Turnbull (28/06/2020, 11:57) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Hmm. When you are not settled in a country you pay to stay. Thats workdwide sucker.
  • all smiles (26/06/2020, 19:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well sah!
    It is quite something to witness so many people who are not living for Christ here in this small country. I am a happy God fearing ""down island"" expat and I am not going anywhere until my God says he is ready for me to leave. While my cheeks hurt with my smiles, the ignorant BVIlanders can suck salt and remain in your hateful ways. O and by the way, I do know many lovely BVIlanders whose ancestors were 'barn yah' , but they do not act like the fools who come on these news site to rant....

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