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Local preacher Carlton O'Neal fined $1000 for assaulting wife

- request for conviction to not be recorded denied
Local preacher Carlton O'Neal, who was found guilty of assaulting his wife, was fined $1,000, which he has to pay by January 31, 2020 or spend two months at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) in Balsam Ghut. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Magistrate Ayanna O. Baptiste-DaBreo fined local preacher Carlton O'Neal $1,000, which he has to pay by January 31, 2020 or spend two months at Her Majesty’s Prison (HMP) in Balsam Ghut.

Mr O'Neal was found guilty of assaulting his wife and the mother of his son, Jamaican national Shakesha O'Neal on March 22, 2019.

During the sentencing on Monday, January 20, 2020, at John’s Hole, Mr O’Neal’s attorney Stacy Abel made a request to the court for the conviction to not be recorded against her client.

Prosecutor Kael London objected; however, stating that there were no exceptional circumstances that would justify not recording the conviction against Mr O’Neal.

Magistrate Baptiste-DaBreo agreed with the Prosecution that indeed there were no exceptional circumstances in the matter, which means the man of the cloth now has a conviction.

O’Neal found guilty

It was on Monday, December 9, 2019, that Mr O’Neal was found guilty of the offence against his spouse.

The Magistrate said she could not believe his side of the story as it was not making logical sense.

Baptiste-DaBreo remarked that Mr O'Neal kept repeating simple questions while he was being cross-examined as if he was trying to buy time to figure out his response.

The Magistrate then said she believed the Crown's version of events of what the Virtual Complainant, his wife, testified to during the trial.

During the closing arguments, Prosecutor London asked the court to "accept the VC as a witness of truth" because her evidence was coherent and consistent, especially during cross-examination.

He said the swollen wrist in the medical report and the photos, "lends to the consistency of the VC's testimony," as opposed to the now-convicted man's testimony to the court that was riddled with inconsistencies.

"His demeanour was quite evasive," Mr London pointed out and beseeched Magistrate Baptiste-DaBreo to reject Mr O'Neal's testimony.

"The Crown has discharged its burden, find him guilty," he surmised.

It was all about the $$- O'Neal's attorney

Ms Abel, Mr O'Neal’s lawyer, in turn, sought to discredit the VC's testimony, telling the court that the wife packed seven suitcases and never said she was in pain or took medication for pain on the day of the alleged incident.

She said the VC endangered the life of occupants of the vehicle and other road users when she tried to exit the car during traffic and her husband "did grab her hand and had reason to grab her hand."

The Defense Attorney then attacked the work of the investigating officer, who she felt did not do a good job while investigating the matter.

Attorney Abel said the photos of the VC's wrist were taken four days after the alleged incident and the officer did not even visit the scene of the alleged crime in Sea Cows Bay.

"We are only here because she didn't get her $15,000 to leave. If she had gotten the $15,000 we would not be here. There are too many holes in this story; it doesn't make sense," Ms Abel argued.

In response, Mr London said the VC packing suitcases after the incident was irrelevant and the Investigating Officer could testify to the VC's appearance on that day.

He said bringing the VC to the crime scene was "neither here nor there", and the Magistrate should instead look at the evidence before the court.

The VC said her husband offered her $15,000 after he abused her in the presence of their young son.

According to the VC, she left her husband and returned to Jamaica with their son and was 'doing well.' She; however, decided to return and give her marriage another chance, but the alleged domestic abuse continued.

But, the defendant said his wife had kidnapped his child and wanted to extort him.

36 Responses to “Local preacher Carlton O'Neal fined $1000 for assaulting wife”

  • jah (21/01/2020, 10:24) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Local preacher?
  • atheist (21/01/2020, 10:24) Like (25) Dislike (65) Reply
    Wives, be subordinate to your husbands, as is proper in the Lord. (Colossians 3:18 NAB)

    The bible is full of wickedness, violence, sexism, revenge etc, he was just following what this evil book says. make the book illegal and the world will be better place
  • Well Mai Boy (21/01/2020, 11:40) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    If ONLY the skeletons of these VCs should come out. Time longer than twine. Twine bust but not time. Many who complain are the very same instigators and the Devil knows how to use them. People the best thing to do with any sick or evil person is to leave them hang themselves
  • Really (21/01/2020, 11:42) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is news.
  • Biasness (21/01/2020, 11:46) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
    I do not understand why the other aspects of the case are being ignored. This news site is making a woman who admitted to doing her actions because she did not receive money. God don't sleep though.
  • tretretrete (21/01/2020, 11:59) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply

    These JA men and women are excessively agressive, especially the women. like it's in their genes to be agressive and controlling... Still they are the sweetest people.... Why she didn't drop the charger and give the man a chance save him from the embarrassment.... I'm sure ha has given her many chances.... He knows he has to leave that behind. Put that in the history books.. Move on.

  • Well Sah Sah (21/01/2020, 12:33) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply

    Hold your head up my boy. Facts, why would he offer her money and then go to the High Court to get an injunction to keep his son here? If he assaulted her and wanted her to leave why did he not give her the money? Thank God he divorced her before she get any status here.

    • Jojo (21/01/2020, 17:16) Like (6) Dislike (7) Reply
      So it is her fault that she got a beating?
      • @jojo (21/01/2020, 18:46) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
        What beating? Ayo just on hear talking @#$%. The woman admit to trying to get out the man car while it was moving.with no reasoning. What beating are you taking about? This woman got ayo bewitched saw, get the complete notes from the case from reading parts of story that the news site choose to report. Where do you see anything about a beating? Ayo friend bloggers trying to spread lies ain't going work. Chuhhhh
  • Hmm (21/01/2020, 13:01) Like (15) Dislike (3) Reply
    he gained too much weight. keep yourself looking good for your mate. These jamaicans got tricks. tolians be warned.
  • Eagle Eye (21/01/2020, 13:02) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply

    not saying everyone is perfect but he is a very decent young man

  • GG (21/01/2020, 14:16) Like (14) Dislike (17) Reply
    This is all this man gets for his conduct? He can pay this small sum on his lunch brake. The legal system is ridiculous.
    • The x (21/01/2020, 19:00) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      Fair is fair, and some of us get what we deserves. If it was me, I’ll probably end up serving six to 12 months in Bali.
      • @The x (23/01/2020, 06:09) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
        There are too many bitter people hiding behind blogs who have not taken the time to examine the case. Why don't you go and look at the similar cases that come before the court and compare the facts of those cases with this one from spreading your bitterness. He was fined the maximum, which case with actual gruesome details do you know where someone was fined the maximum. How many cases do you know where there were people who actually served jail time for similar circumstances. If it was you, the judge would have to look at the circumstances surrounding the case just like she did this one, so stop trying to play a judge when you simply want to imply that there was injustice with no facts. I agree fair is fair and everyone can see from your blog name what your agenda would be and this comment is far from fair. Leave the man alone and learn to spell Balo. I hope one day you get what you deserve since you seem to know what everybody else deserves.
  • Be Careful Tolan Men (21/01/2020, 14:53) Like (33) Dislike (3) Reply
    These Jamaican women only here for one thing..... Your money and property. Whatever they can get from Tolan Men/Women. They are here to destroy marriages, relationships, homes etc. Men don't eat from them.... Wise up men. Very dangerous set of controlling women coming into the Territory, be on your guard men. All that glitters is not Gold.
    • Ok but ... (21/01/2020, 15:29) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
      Not only them alone. It has from down the island that lie down with them very father in order to get land
    • jah (21/01/2020, 15:49) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      Oh pls am a Jamaican and a professional women and tola women two of us pregnant for the same person and guess what we had a long relationship.
    • Be careful jamaican men (24/01/2020, 00:53) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

      these women of tola only wants to use and dump you...have you clean their dirty hohouses.wash their dirty clothes build nice houses marry you then take you to court and drain you. They are not in it for love just for you to build them up. Dont eat from them they will poison you then get away scotch free cause "they from here". Wise up...they are a set of vultures looking to feed off you all. Dont bark up their tree...let them ugly sc@#t go one side

      • You sick (24/01/2020, 09:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Then keep your @#$%! in Jamaica then. Do not come to the BVI then.
  • Yup (21/01/2020, 15:07) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
    Know who aint attending that church! Yup me!
    • @Yup (21/01/2020, 16:07) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      You sound like a very foolish person. I am sure you have been lied on before so what is your point. Did you read the story? This island have how many people? You as one person not attending a church means what exactly? I hope wherever you go hypocrite, there are all perfect people. Read your bible, this is nothing new for a man of God to be going through. Yup!
  • Observer (21/01/2020, 17:42) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    to Brother Carlton O'Neal. a few words of encouragement my brother. God still loves you. Whatever sin you committed against the lady, ask her for forgiveness and let the Lord heal your heart from any bitterness or shamefulness you may be feeling. it is still a good day as both you and the young lady are still alive to praise the almighty. seek first the righteousness of God, and all other things shall be added onto you. and also remember, lean not on your own understanding. let Jesus Christ of Nazareth purify you for His honor and glory as there is much work to be done in the Lord. allow yourself to be redeemed, and commit yourself to the Lord again. God bless you my brother.
  • BJ (21/01/2020, 19:13) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    My wife from tortola she did me wicked stop talk about jam alone
  • Fran (21/01/2020, 20:03) Like (22) Dislike (1) Reply
    This should have never gotten to court. You are only making the Lawyers rich because you cannot use common sense. The both of them have brains...use them and stop this foolishness. This has nothing to do with church, or whatever religion you are. All they have to do is go their separate ways if they cannot get along. Stop cussing each other and grow the hell up! Court should be for hard criminals and thieves only. You have allowed this to go too far and should have solved this yourselves. Now you must pay monies that you could have used for your child and yourselves. SMDH!
  • Gimmes (21/01/2020, 22:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What's TOLAN?
  • onlooker (22/01/2020, 13:11) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Men now-a-days can’t talk to women,so they let their money talk for them as a way of winning the woman before another guy could get a chance. They stared spending big, making big promises and such. Ayer the woman falls the that because yes she came here to seek a better life yes, so when he gets her and she get stale, the money stop coming and no sight of the good promises, then trouble started because she felt used and so on. Some women take the loss and move on while others seek revenge and tries to get him Back for that. I can’t blame the women. By now the whole of the BVI knows or feels that every woman that comes here is here for their money so they jump at the first opportunity to approach them with that by letting them know their pockets deep and they holding. Stop this nonsense and learn to rap to a woman without having to bribe/buy into a relationship.
    • @onlooker (22/01/2020, 15:48) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      Which man you talking about? You really don't know he. She thought she could use him. It is never ok for somebody to be your plan for a better life. I don't believe what I reading. The man need to learn how to woman need to learn how to be a good woman and stop being a jezebel. Lol!
  • Your favaorite mate (22/01/2020, 18:04) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Carlton boy....just know that there are more for you than they that are against you. Both physically and spiritually. God bless you my brother.
  • Put clothes pon yah argument (23/01/2020, 06:20) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

    Nah judge we jamaican woman as the same for this woman. Not all ah we dat ah cum on the bvi seen cum for money. Some ah we does wuk for what we want and nah botha nobody.

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