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Local Politics

May 5th, 2015
Elections gimmick talks are foolish- Premier Smith

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Honourable D. Orlando Smith, in a public broadcast on radio and television last night May 4, 2015, sought to give an outline of his National Democratic Party (NDP) Government’s performance since taking office in November 2011, claiming that his Government has re-established the Virgin Islands economy on a firm footing and for that reason should be given another four year term.

May 4th, 2015
Why snap elections are never in the people’s best interest

By Alred C. Frett

The Tricks of Slavery are still with us

As Corruption consumes Leaders and Police Officers kill unarmed Black Men, we find mothers publicly beating their Sons to prevent them from resisting the wrongness of Authority for fear they too may be killed… Mothers do what comes naturally without understanding the effects but this is the same technique used by Slave Masters to prolong Slavery and keep the Youth in shackles.

May 4th, 2015
Gloria A. Fahie considering At Large run under VIP

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Our reliable sources within the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) have confirmed that cancer survivor and campaigner Gloria A. Fahie is considering running as an At Large candidate under the Virgin Islands Party banner in the upcoming general elections.

May 4th, 2015
'Govt called early elections to escape HOA scrutiny' – Hon Fahie

CARROT BAY, Tortola, VI – Senior member of the Virgin Islands Party and Representative for the First District Honourable Andrew A. Fahie said over-budgeting and unaccountability regarding the Cruise Pier Development Project are but some of the reasons Government has opted for early elections.

May 3rd, 2015
JoAnn ‘Roxie’ Romney expected to run for office!

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Information just reaching our news room from sources close to the main Opposition Virgin Islands Party (VIP) is that the second eldest daughter of the late Chief Minister, Cyril B. Romney, will be a candidate on the VIP ticket for the upcoming general elections.

May 1st, 2015
Albert O. Wheatley contesting 9th District

ROAD TOWN Tortola, VI- Virgin Gordian Albert O. Wheatley has announced he will be contesting the next general election for the Ninth District seat as an Independent Candidate.

May 1st, 2015
‘Stop silencing Gov’t employees for their views!’ – Sharie B. de Castro

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Young educator, businesswoman and political aspirant Sharie B. de Castro said the silencing of persons for their political views must stop and that people should be free to express their opinion with a view to seeking what’s best for the territory.

April 30th, 2015
‘We’re ready for early elections! – Hon Julian Fraser RA

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Julian Fraser RA (R3) said the party is ready for early elections, the announcement of which came to him as no surprise as there has been a flurry of activities lately that pointed to that possibility.

April 30th, 2015
‘There will be no favouritism under a VIP Admin’- Hon Julian Fraser RA

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Saying that District Representatives who are in the Opposition are constantly being overlooked when it comes to infrastructural developments in their districts and that whatever contracts executed are usually given to friends of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) government, Chairman of the Virgin Islands Party Hon Julian Fraser RA has assured there will be no such disrespect and cronyism under a Virgin Islands Party (VIP) if it wins the upcoming General Elections.

April 30th, 2015
‘Don’t be deceived by fancy talkers’ – Hon Vanterpool

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) continued in his campaign mode yesterday April 29, 2015 when he extolled the National Democratic Party (NDP) government not only for the cruise pier development project but for a number of other projects, including the Peebles Hospital and the National Sewerage Project.

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