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Local Politics

June 23rd, 2015
Shaina M. Smith mum on political future

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Defeated National Democratic Party (NDP) candidate in the First District Shaina M. Smith has refused to speak about her political journey in the June 8, 2015 general elections saying that she wished to leave all that in the past.

June 23rd, 2015
Elections loss not reason for Ralph T. O’Neal’s 'gala event' postponement- VIP

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Virgin Islands Party (VIP) President Carvin Malone has made it clear that the recent decision to postpone the gala dinner in tribute to former legislator Ralph T. O’Neal OBE has absolutely nothing to do with the party being unsuccessful at the June 8, 2015 general elections.

June 22nd, 2015
VINO lashes back at Hon Andrew A. Fahie!

Statement by Advance Marketing & Professional Services to Hon Andrew A. Fahie’s accusations against the media

June 21st, 2015
EXCLUSIVE: Ralph T. O'Neal OBE weighs-in on Opposition Leader appointment deadlock!

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Former Leader of the Opposition Ralph T. O’Neal OBE has added his views on the deadlock between Hon Julian Fraser RA (D3) and Hon Andrew A. Fahie (D1) over the post of Opposition Leader following the 2015 general elections where the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) got hammered in an 11 to 2 defeat.

June 19th, 2015
Gov Duncan gives VIP 1 month & a day to come up with Opposition Leader

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A statement from Governor John S. Duncan, which was obtained by this news site today, June 19, 2015, has advised the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) that it has one month and a day to sort out the impasse over the selection of an Opposition Leader before he makes his decision.

June 19th, 2015
Can anyone spell in the NDP? 'Queen’s English' maybe?

SEA COWS BAY, Tortola, VI- It seems like the highly paid National Democratic Party (NDP) consultants and those who are claiming to speak the “Queen’s English” like no one else can may need to start editing and proofreading their work before it reaches the public domain.

June 19th, 2015
VINO stands by Hispanic ‘vote buying’ story, plays tape with evidence!

Statement by Advance Marketing & Professional Services to Article Published by BVI Platinum News on June 18, 2015 titled: Hispanics say they were Fooled; Denies Money was offered by NDP for Votes

June 19th, 2015
Edmund G. Maduro blasts new gun law

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Radio talk show host Edmund G. Maduro said illiteracy is running the country since laws are being passed with no proper guidance as to the overreach effects that they may have.

June 18th, 2015
VIP internal 'coup' against Chairman Fraser: Letter signed & sent to Governor

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- In an unprecedented move, there is a nasty fight developing between Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) over the post of Opposition Leader following the elections where the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) only obtained 2 out of 13 seats, placing them in the Opposition in the House of Assembly.

June 18th, 2015
'Thanks for opening your homes & hearts to me’ – Zoe J. Walcott-McMillan

ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Virgin Islands Party (VIP) candidate for the Fifth District Zoe J. Walcott McMillan has expressed thanks to her committee members and strong supporters of the district whose work saw her gaining 399 votes or 39 percent.

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