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Local businessman Lesmore Smith makes upgrades to VG Senior Home for free

The Senior Home in Virgin Gorda received some minor repairs including the repainting of the building, installation of an airconditioning unit and the extension of the deck. Photo: Hon Vincent O. Wheatley
Mr Joseph Smith aka 'Tattoo' also assisted by repairing the fence of the Senior Home in Virgin Gorda. Photo: Facebook/Hon Vincent O. Wheatley
Mr Joseph Smith aka 'Tattoo' also assisted by repairing the fence of the Senior Home in Virgin Gorda. Photo: Facebook/Hon Vincent O. Wheatley
SPANISH TOWN, Virgin Gorda, VI- The Senior Home in Virgin Gorda has received some minor upgrades that will have major impacts on its residents.

The works were undertaken by Mr Lesmore Smith who is doing it voluntarily and involves repainting the building, installing an airconditioning unit and the extension of the deck. 

District Nine Representative and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley, told our new centre that these improvements will “make the place more attractive when you have to look at it, it makes inside more comfortable because it’s now airconditioned and a la Happy seniors! rger deck allows for more functions there”. 

The larger deck will allow for more events to be held at the Senior Home, Hon Wheatley said as the last event there had to be held under a tent. 

Happy seniors!

The residents, he added, are “very happy” to have had these improvements done. 

The small project which began about a week ago is expected to be completed by tomorrow, Monday, March 24, 2025. 

Mr Joseph Smith aka 'Tatoo'  also repaired the home's fence. 

21 Responses to “Local businessman Lesmore Smith makes upgrades to VG Senior Home for free”

  • Great Guy (23/03/2025, 10:26) Like (9) Dislike (26) Reply
    Glad to see him and his wife who works for the government do so much good.

    Not the miserable one from the trust company, glad he left her.
  • (23/03/2025, 10:38) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Much needed
  • WOW (23/03/2025, 10:51) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    Awesome stuff I like to see bvislanders doing things like this. Identify a need and go do something about it. Who knows how long it would have taken our government to do it. Them only got money for travel and concerts sometimes bush cutting.
  • NezRez (23/03/2025, 10:59) Like (31) Dislike (6) Reply
    THIS MAN! What a good heart he has to make such a difference in the appearance of working air conditioners, extending the deck, and painting for the seniors. The government should be ASHAMED not to have done this a long time ago since Minister Wheatly claims is a small amount of money, that Mr. Smith took out of his OWN pocket. GOOD JOB Mr. Smith and we thank you for your caring and doing a good job. Personally, I think the government should reimburse Mr. Smith since it was "A SMALL AMOUNT of MONEY".
  • okay (23/03/2025, 11:08) Like (40) Dislike (4) Reply
    Vincent should feel ashamed.
    • Why ashamed? (23/03/2025, 13:24) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
      If the people keeps voting for the sane crap over and over again, what does he have to be ashamed of?
  • Really? (23/03/2025, 13:26) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply
    He starting his campaign early.
  • bad news (23/03/2025, 13:27) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
    One thing with les more he will get the job done all the rest is joker in the government we need to put Les more in gover ment
  • bvibuzz (23/03/2025, 15:20) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Local (23/03/2025, 15:20) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lesmore, Top Priority, thanks me boy. Dem had need it
  • laughable (23/03/2025, 17:26) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    You build a million dollar home behind the senior citizen home. The dilapidated state of the seniors’ home was decreasing the value of your new mansion so what do you do? Fix it up for your own good while those who don’t better heap you with praise. Shame on you!
    • thank you (24/03/2025, 10:53) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      It’s always more to a story and most people are so gullible, they don’t think!
    • @laughable (24/03/2025, 15:19) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      If that is true, at least he did it. There some in the same financial position as him who would not spend any of their own money. to do that.
  • Izervay (23/03/2025, 18:54) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    That senior home has been there since Noah built the ark. It needs a bigger facility, upgraded from the ground up. All over the place building social homes here and there, take care of our senior gems.
  • Ruth (23/03/2025, 18:56) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The money spent on that "welcome centre" at Trellis could have been put into the senior home!
  • Daya (23/03/2025, 22:08) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    When a clinic has more security guard than doctors . Anything is possible… #freemoney #aliittleputback …. People don’t be fooled by these rapist of government treasury…
    • Poor You (24/03/2025, 08:23) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      We're sorry you didn't get what you asked for when requested. Please beg again and we will review your request in a timely manner! #youaintwe #weaintyou
  • bless (24/03/2025, 08:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Good looking Uncle Lesmore, action speaks!

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