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Local bar owner claims Gov’t ignoring his flooding plight

- PS McMaster said Gov’t will resolve the issue but ‘there is a process’
Local bar owner Mr Allward A. Forbes aka Tonic has claimed that Government is ignoring his cries for help to address flooding at his place of business in Duffs Bottom. Photo: VINO
The covered drain on the right abruptly ends at the bar's signboard, without a runoff. Photo: VINO
The covered drain on the right abruptly ends at the bar's signboard, without a runoff. Photo: VINO
Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill in Duffs Bottom. Photo: VINO
Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill in Duffs Bottom. Photo: VINO
Watermark on this table indicating the level of flooding that takes place at Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill in Duffs Bottom. Photo: VINO
Watermark on this table indicating the level of flooding that takes place at Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill in Duffs Bottom. Photo: VINO
The area that was initially dug for a runoff but now needs a pipe to complete the work. Photo: VINO
The area that was initially dug for a runoff but now needs a pipe to complete the work. Photo: VINO
The Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill has taken on a damp appearance due to the frequent flooding. Photo: VINO
The Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill has taken on a damp appearance due to the frequent flooding. Photo: VINO
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works Mr Anthony S. McMaster has assured Mr Allward A. Forbes aka Tonic that the flooding situation at his bar in Duffs Bottom will be alleviated. Photo: VINO/File
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works Mr Anthony S. McMaster has assured Mr Allward A. Forbes aka Tonic that the flooding situation at his bar in Duffs Bottom will be alleviated. Photo: VINO/File
DUFFS BOTTOM, Tortola, VI- A bar owner in Duffs Bottom is alleging that his cries for help to Government over his business place being prone to flooding are being ignored.

“I called everybody in Public Works and now they just ignore my calls,” said the owner of Birdwatch Tonic's Bar and Grill, which is located adjacent to Island Department Store, Mr Allward A. Forbes aka Tonic.

According to Mr Forbes, he has been in business for some 26 years but some 10 years ago his place of business became susceptible to flooding after Public Works Department built a drain along the roadway and ended it without a runoff close to the entrance of his business place.

“So with no place for the water to run off it comes into my land and my place flood quick time every time it rains,” Mr Forbes told this news site today, January 20, 2017, as he pointed our reporter to an outdoor table showing evidence of nearly a foot of flood waters.

“Just help me fix the drain by my bar because I getting flood out every time it rains. It affects my business quite a bit. When it flood out people can’t come in or can’t get out,” Mr Forbes added, noting that tourists frequent his bar not only for a drink but also for bird watching.

He said he began to dig a drain himself for the water to run off but requested of Public Works Department a piece of plastic pipe to put it in the drain. “I could put it in myself, but nobody talking to me. They stop listening to me, they stop paying attention to me so I don’t know what happening.”

‘You can’t just throw in any pipe’

But according to Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works Mr Anthony S. McMaster, he is aware of Mr Forbes’ situation as Public Works Department had made available a backhoe to Mr Forbes on his request to dig a drain.

“We have been working with Mr Forbes to help him alleviate his situation. Public Works was actually going to take care of the matter and Mr Forbes said all he wanted us to do was to give him access to a backhoe and he would deal with it himself…I think they began to do the work but ended up in some problems that they did not anticipate, and they did make contact with us asking for some further assistance with the placement of some drain pipes.”

According to Mr McMaster, he further assured Mr Forbes that they would resolve the matter for him by supplying the pipe.

“Unfortunately, members of the public do not understand that there is a process that has to be followed within the public sector. The pipes required for that area, we have to actually obtain them. We have to make sure it’s the correcting sizing and everything. You can’t just go and throw in any pipe in there, because what may start out trying to complete as a proper fix may actually turn into a hindrance.”

26 Responses to “Local bar owner claims Gov’t ignoring his flooding plight”

  • R U local ? (20/01/2017, 18:54) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
    Good Engeeneering work... Hahahaha... Tonic they forget your business...
    • the rock (21/01/2017, 01:58) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
      Anthony u talking piss, pwd should of been doing the darn work not tonic, u all give him no choice than for him to try and fix the problem himself, matter fact the gov. should compensate the man for his loss that u all created!
      • Cold Cathode... (23/01/2017, 14:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        This one's for you "the rock". BIG DEAL!!! WHO TO HELL CARES??
  • zoe (20/01/2017, 19:01) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Election coming up they will find you tonic
  • pat (20/01/2017, 19:03) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    He he he he funny man and penn waz there a few weeks ago did he tell them?
  • Tonic (20/01/2017, 19:18) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    send them your bill for lost business and damages, while they workout their process (and hope you get paid before they leave office).

    This is just becoming ridiculous now in our country. This gov't just don't care about the common man. We live in a 2x4 little island - and how they have managed to create soo much bureaucracy and redtape is beyond anything common we called - Sense. They need to get the Fire Department to run the show; they seem to know how to get things done these days.

    Come on now! We know ayo broke (Gov't) but don't allow everything to fall apart. This Gov't talking about helping the small business this and that, and here is a small business in need of assistance and this Gov't is already Failing the small business owners. NDP, you'll really becoming a Joke now. Why don't you'll just pack-it-in and leave public office and give a new set the opportunity to do better.

    You'll just not cutting it any longer. Give it up!

  • VIlander (20/01/2017, 19:32) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mcmaster always running he face and know not of what he speaks
    • Sigh (21/01/2017, 09:08) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

      Come on! Government created it and needs to fix it! A pipe? A pipe couple feet long we cant source up to yet???? BS!

  • Daniel (20/01/2017, 19:41) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    TONIC matter must be evaluated with rigour!!!.
  • Yes (20/01/2017, 19:56) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tonic like he on the other side of things
    • ------------------ (21/01/2017, 19:58) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      I'm sure some of the facts and truths are already lost, never to return.
  • NEW PARTY NEEDED (20/01/2017, 20:08) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    he Government continues to fail citizens and chooses to use public relations and misdirection to mask their incompetence
  • ball head (20/01/2017, 21:01) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Put your moneyback into your business
  • Sqatter (20/01/2017, 21:21) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    McMaster better do he home work before he get the government sued for doing works on property that is not in Tonic's name.
  • Really (20/01/2017, 22:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Keep fillings up the ponds and suffer the consequence look at cane garden bay same problem government please give commonsense a chance.
  • Myo (21/01/2017, 01:43) Like (8) Dislike (10) Reply
    He build in a swamp so what he expects? Your deeds big man..they come back on us in strange ways.
  • ON the bay (21/01/2017, 09:05) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Foolishness (21/01/2017, 10:45) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply

    To all the retards who cant read. The drain is on the public road, the water running into his business. Tourist go birdwatching( something additional for them to do besides up our beaches. Its a popular business place for locals and guest. Tonic is one if the most respected captains at sea who is highly requested by tourist to take them safely through the BVI an ambassador to our country. Thus is how the mam makes his living in addition to sailing.

    What offices are the top 10 worse in this administration
    1. Trade
    2. Tourist board
    3. Finance
    5. WATER and sewage
    Finish the rest

  • Johnny Forbes (21/01/2017, 12:17) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tonic's issue has been lingering long enough they should fix it with high priority. We like big buildings and concrete not nature but when tourists come to nature's little secret they flock to Tonic's spot. It's one of the best spots in the BVI and for the gov to ruin it is terrible and against our tourism objective. He is also not a night bar so they need to fix it quick because he only operates during day hours. Tony you need to find the time the energy & the funds
  • SCB (21/01/2017, 17:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We got your back tonic
  • ))) (21/01/2017, 21:36) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    It was a lousy place for a business anyway in the middle of old mangroves and nature reserve. you probably didn't engineer things right either. takes two.
    • pat (22/01/2017, 12:18) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      he doesn't own the land and has just moved in over the years.... from day one he wanted to compete with Bomba.
      • P (23/01/2017, 10:24) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Jones (22/01/2017, 06:51) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    I am six and tired of this "small man " crap. Government Government can't do everything.

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