Little league baseball is back

Kennard Dawson hit deep just inside the right hand foul line to score the winning runs and secure the Orioles' Little League Baseball Championship last season, with a 7-4 win in game 3 and they will, once again, prove the team to beat going into 2014.
Co-organiser, Milton McLean, took a few moments from his busy schedule to explain what the players, parents, family and friends can look forward to during the opening day 2014.
“It’s a big day as it marks the second season that we have organised. There will be five teams participating in the 9-12 age group. We are trying to make it enjoyable and exciting for the players and fans and realise that these kids need to be organised and doing something worthwhile,” said McLean.
The Opening Ceremony will be attended by various Ministers and McLean hopes that just like last year the Governor, His Excellency, William Boyd McCleary, will also be there.
“We have invited all the dignitaries and will give them all a chance to speak before we present the trophies from last season including the big one that goes to the Orioles. Participants from last year [will] also get certificates and afterwards we will have a game between the Orioles and Yankees,” McLean said.
The Ceremony starts at 2 pm and game time will be around 3 pm.

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