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‘Let’s face it, we need agencies like’ the RDA- Premier Wheatley

- said agencies like RDA will be able to deliver projects more efficiently & effectively than Central Government
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking at the opening of Farmers and Fishers Week 2023 at Paraquita Bay, Tortola on Saturday, May 18, 2023. Photo: Facebook
It was in October 2022, that the lifespan of the Virgin Islands Development Agency (RDA) was extended to December 31, 2025, by the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands, which also instructed that the RDA must develop and execute a plan to transfer its knowledge and skills to the Department of Public Works, and any other relevant agency in collaboration with the Premier's Office. Photo: Facebook
It was in October 2022, that the lifespan of the Virgin Islands Development Agency (RDA) was extended to December 31, 2025, by the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands, which also instructed that the RDA must develop and execute a plan to transfer its knowledge and skills to the Department of Public Works, and any other relevant agency in collaboration with the Premier's Office. Photo: Facebook
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI- It was in October 2022, that the lifespan of the Virgin Islands Development Agency (RDA) was extended to December 31, 2025, by the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands, which also instructed that the RDA must develop and execute a plan to transfer its knowledge and skills to the Department of Public Works, and any other relevant agency in collaboration with the Premier's Office.

There have since been public calls for Cabinet to reconsider that decision and now it seems that if the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) is voted into office on April 24, 2023, the RDA may not be disbanded after all.

‘We need agencies’ like the RDA

This was hinted by Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) at the opening of Farmers and Fishers Week 2023 at Paraquita Bay, Tortola on Saturday, May 18, 2023.

Dr Wheatley, who is credited for reviving Farmers and Fishers Week, was at the time informing that an Agricultural and Fisheries Complex has been designed and is presently being quantified, in terms of the cost.

He said the construction of the facility has been handed over to the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), “because let’s face it, we need agencies like the Recovery and Development Agency which will be able to deliver projects more efficiently and more effectively than Central Government.

“They have the people on staff, they have the rules, they have the processes to deliver projects. And I have confidence that the Recovery and Development Agency will deliver that complex for us in very short order.”

What is the RDA?

According to the RDA website, the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) was established in 2018 by the Government of the Virgin Islands as a transparent and accountable specialist project implementation agency to respond to the unique challenges faced by the Territory following the extreme weather events of 2017.

The RDA is a statutory body, set up under Virgin Island’s legislation, that works hand in hand with Ministries to deliver projects under the Recovery to Development Plan (RDP) – the Government’s ambitious plan for recovery and development that has been approved by the House of Assembly.

26 Responses to “‘Let’s face it, we need agencies like’ the RDA- Premier Wheatley”

  • Alien (20/03/2023, 11:01) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    RDA never lived up to its full potential and mandate. I say wrap it up and move on. Slowader the jig is up and so too is your time. This organization never really provided and VALUE other than a few jobs for the locals employed there (less than 8 locals). Boss go sit down!
    • please (21/03/2023, 09:07) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      RDA has delivered every project assigned to it by the Government of the Virgin Islands. If a project isn't assigned, that has nothing to do with the RDA.

      Give the agency what you need done and it will be done. RDA continues to out perform government at every turn especially when it comes to the delivery of projects. Let the agency work for you. Admit your shortcomings and give RDA the job!
  • District 8 voter (20/03/2023, 11:08) Like (17) Dislike (4) Reply
    Premier I agree with you 100%. The VIP utilized the RDA in the correct way and kept the politics out of major projects and got a lot done where the people of the BVI benefited in a transparent and accountable manner.
  • facts (20/03/2023, 11:10) Like (13) Dislike (4) Reply
    NDP failed to use the RDA and did no repairs from the damages from Irma & Maria as they wanted to dictate who got contracts so their friends and family alone could benefit but RDA blocked them from that behavior.
  • resident (20/03/2023, 11:12) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    Does that mean we can cut the public service then, to save money and avoid dupplication?
  • On Point (20/03/2023, 11:14) Like (25) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is one time I can fully say the Premier is talking sense. I commend his VIP team for allocating resources and funding to RDA and then prioritize the projects the government wanted done by RDA supervision and management and got them done like the new High School buildings/facilities, repairs to Virgin Gorda schools and administration buildings, repairs to many roads undermined by Irma, and much more. Kudos to all. These should have been done a long time before but politics got in the way by others.
    • VIslander (20/03/2023, 16:06) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      VIP Premiers did not secure all funding. Funding was secured in 2018/19 before VIP got in. THen further funding was provided. Why we does be so biaise and one sided. I will give VIP credit to the rolling out of the projects in an orderly manner, but High School still was to be first on the agenda.

      2017 IRMARIA
      2018/19 Preparing for elections
      2019 Elections
      2020 pandemic

      When and how projects were going to take place. We were hit back to back, both govts were dealt a blow.
  • Thank you Premier (20/03/2023, 11:28) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
    RDA is needed.
  • (20/03/2023, 11:45) Like (25) Dislike (4) Reply
    RDA was form because the international community never trusted the Ndp to give them the money
    • L**s (20/03/2023, 12:06) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
      not true
    • True That (20/03/2023, 13:16) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      The NDP government is what secured the CDB loan which the RDA was using for the recovery.

      Please get your facts straight. The VIP could not get that very said loan under Ralph last tenure as the VIP u know why the banks dont trust the VIP.

      • To True that - Here are the facts (20/03/2023, 14:32) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        You are correct. The NDP secured the CDB loan but they could not access it because they could not prioritize the projects that needed to be done with the money. They had more projects listed than money. They also did not want the money and projects to be managed by the RDA so they could have controlled who got the projects. When the VIP took office in 2019, they made a priority list and accessed the money and had the RDA manage the projects and they got a lot done while local contractors benefited whether they were VIP supporters or not based on the policy VIP put into place. These are the FACTS!!! RDA is needed. The VIP MUST BE COMMENDED!!!
        • VI person (20/03/2023, 16:16) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
          when RDA started it was headed I think by someone from UK. about a year or so after VIP got in, the man resigned. VIP now I think fight down to get one of our people there who they could have controlled. However, all the work of setting things up was done by NDP. NDP had the vision. VIP only had to prioritise the projects to get them executed.

          Give both teams credit...stop trying to down each other. both NDP and VIP was caught in difficult times. had little to do much.
  • Political analyst (20/03/2023, 12:08) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fully agree with Premier Natalio Wheatley that an agency like the RDA is needed to manage construction projects that have been authorized and appropriated by the HOA. The RDA or similar agency can be a separate entity or it can part of a fully functional Public Works Department(PWD). Specifically, within a functional PWD, it could be a) either a separate construction and inspection division or b) part of the Engineering Division within PWD. Nevertheless, for an RDA type agency to function effectively within PWD, PWD needs to be revamped and repurposed. PWD writ large should have been able to and should be able to effectively execute the task being performed by the RDA. However, PWD is poorly structured and staffed. For example, PWD should preferably be led by an experienced, knowledgeable, civil engineer or other related skill engineer, etc. That is not currently the case. Would an HR specialist be appointed as Financial Secretary? No. The Public Work is too important a function to sub - optimized its operation. IMHO, the BVI has not effectively trained locals to assumed its personnel staffing needs. The Public sector should staff to its needs, not individual preferences. If the need is for engineers, we should not be publicly funding business majors. As noted in another blog, government cannot be wholes-ably be operated like a business, for they have different missions.
    • ?? (20/03/2023, 13:22) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      PWD needs to function as:

      - - maintenance agency for projects $50K and under
      - - petty contracts projects for amounts over $50K and up to 100K - no variations!!

      RDA continues to be the agency for projects in the amounts over 100K
    • @Political analyst (20/03/2023, 14:19) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Political Analyst, you were on a roll until you want PWD to be an effectively functional organization. Ever since some genius came up with the lame brain idea that non-engineers can lead public works, it has become an underperforming department and that is generous descript. The PWD director should be the government technical expert on a variety of issues,, ie, roads, bridges, environmental, water, sewage, ocean/harbor, buildings, etc. At least, the last two directors have been non-engineers. They are good, well-intentioned people but they are not technical experts who had the training and confidence to answer technical questions in high level situations, requiring immediate advice. The PWD Director must have the technical skill set to review plans, and specs, technical contract proposals, and provide thumbs up or down, etc Fixing PWD, Water and Sewage (had also lacked the leadership technical expertise) , etc needs an urgent fix by the next government, ie, proper leadership technical staffing, etc.
    • CCorrection and change (20/03/2023, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      In your blog or commentary, you noted that the RDA or similarly related agency should manage construction projects authorized and appropriated by the HOA. I have to quiver with you a bit; it is not a criticism. True, the HoA approves the budget which includes funding for capital projects outlay. But for the most part, Cabinet does not have to go back for HOA approval to fund capital projects; it should. If this process was in place perhaps the former MoF could not probably have single-handedly spend $7.2M on a fictious plane. This process needs to be in place. Not for every project but say for projects equal to or greater than a $100K. The legislation should guard against projects deliberately being split up to avoid the $100K.
    • Disinterested (21/03/2023, 06:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, Public Works is broken, like a broke down mule. A properly staffed , structured and led Public Work should be effectively performing the work being done by the RDA. The current Public Works situation resulted from poor leadership and structuring by successive governments. The inexperience of successive governments contributed to the demise of Public Works. You cannot just put a body to lead public works and expect it to work. Even in the early days public works was led by an engineer, ie, Clarence Christian, Bennett Smith, etc. The current system (Westminister) brings ‘green’ hands to run government. Just getting elected to office through a popularity process does not make people experts in leadership and technical matters/skills. There is no short cut to leadership and management, technicsl prowess, etc. Nonetheless, Public Works can be fixed; it just needs effective staffing and restructuring and leadership. Continued staffing with non-technical people at the top is insanity. It is good for the personal resume of the people, not the BVI. Put the right people in the right jobs to do things right. Cronies no.
  • Much Respect (20/03/2023, 12:32) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    Much respect to the VIP Government in getting a lot done for the country and people through the RDA even while dealing with the worse pandemic in the last 100 years which some persons conveniently want us to ommit and forget.
  • Hush (20/03/2023, 15:53) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    All we need is for each department to do their work and the public service will be functioning properly. If public works was allowed to do what it should be doing, we would not need RDA
    • OnPoint (20/03/2023, 19:25) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      The RDA is not doing anything 9at double the salaries) which a properly functioning public works and project management office can not do. It is a sham and a testament to failed leadership.
  • Rubber Duck (20/03/2023, 16:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply

    The NDA only exists because the government is too useless, ineffective and too corrupt to be trusted with large sums of money.

    We need Lorna to kick @$%.

  • Not a real place (20/03/2023, 16:56) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    still cant fix the roads
    • Fish Bay, Ballast Bay (21/03/2023, 09:13) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Did you drive on Fish Bay during the last heavy shower of rain? I think not because if you did, it would be clear to see, RDA can fix the roads.
  • HMMM (20/03/2023, 18:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Skelton ain’t the Chairman? You praising the RDA work so you praising Ronnie too?
  • smh (24/03/2023, 14:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does the BVI know what RDA really is and what they actually do??? Monopoly is the name of the game and nobody enters to lose, RDA is a laundromat..

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