Let’s address our minds to this bill- Opposition Leader on Cybercrime bill
Piloting the proposed amendments, Premier Wheatley attempted to fast-track the bill, citing its importance and the logistical challenges of reconvening the Assembly.
His push, just like the Police (Amendment) Bill, 2024, now an act known as the Police (Amendment) Bill, 2025, was met with resistance from members, who stressed the need for thorough deliberation and more public engagement on the far-reaching proposed amendments to the substantive legislation.
Plea for Caution
Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) strongly advocated for more time to scrutinise the bill and involve the public in the legislative process, telling the house, “It is very important for us to do what is good and right.”
According to the Opposition Leader, “The extensive things that you (Premier) read out, it needs us to address our minds to all of this stuff. So we can inform the public in a much more educated way.”
He further suggested that the House reconvene early in the week to ensure comprehensive discussions, saying, “Madam Speaker, I will ask that the Premier consider. We come back tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday. Let’s address our minds to this bill.”
Premier Wheatley countered by emphasising the bill’s urgency and the logistical constraints surrounding its passage and proposed resuming discussions at the earliest possible opportunity, telling members, “I am willing to delay whatever is on my schedule. The House is the force. Call on members to come back tomorrow.”
The House was; however, placed on recess at the request of the Premier after it lost a quorum.
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