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Less prize $$, no pageant & no mega Int'l artistes for VG Festival 2016

- VG Festival Committee finally receives $100K cheque
From left: Culture Minister Hon Myron V. Walwyn, VI Tourist Board's Events Manager Rhodni A. Skelton, Chairman of the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub-Committee Sasha D. A. Flax, Xavyrna Samuels and Romney A. Penn, CEO of CCT, platinum sponsors for the event. Photo: VINO
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn speaking at the press conference today February 26, 2016. Photo: VINO
Minister for Education and Culture Hon Myron V. Walwyn speaking at the press conference today February 26, 2016. Photo: VINO
The Minister, Chairman of the VG Festival Sub-Committee Sasha D. A. Flax, and Vice Chairman of the VI Festival and Fairs Committee Xavyrna Samuels. Photo: VINO
The Minister, Chairman of the VG Festival Sub-Committee Sasha D. A. Flax, and Vice Chairman of the VI Festival and Fairs Committee Xavyrna Samuels. Photo: VINO
The event flyer for the VG Festival showing the events line up and artists. Photo: VINO
The event flyer for the VG Festival showing the events line up and artists. Photo: VINO
Jamaican reggae singerman Tarrus Riley working the crowd at last year's VG Easter Fest. Photo: VINO/file
Jamaican reggae singerman Tarrus Riley working the crowd at last year's VG Easter Fest. Photo: VINO/file
A fan enjoying one of the concerts at last year's VG Easter Fest. Photo: VINO/file
A fan enjoying one of the concerts at last year's VG Easter Fest. Photo: VINO/file
VALLEY, Virgin Gorda, VI – At least it was not cancelled altogether like Farmers' Week 2016, however, this year's Virgin Gorda Easter Festival will be a scaled back event. This was revealed at a press conference today, February 26, 2016 at the Government Administration Building to launch the Festival.

Minister for Education and Culture Honourable Myron V. Walwyn also claimed that the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub Committee received a cheque for $100,000 just two weeks ago for the 49th VG Easter Festival which will be held between March 26 and 28, 2016.

This year's Virgin Gorda Easter Festival is themed 'Celebrating 2016 with Class; A Festival of Pure Mass!' The honouree this year is Franka Pickering, and thus the Festival Village will be called the Franka Pickering Festiville.

This news site stands by its first and accurate story published on February 24, 2016 which said that as at that date, the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub-Committee had not received its allocation for this year's Easter Festival. We have been reliably informed that the cheque was taken to Virgin Gorda on a ferry just yesterday February 25, 2016 and handed to the Sub-Committee.

$100K enough but cost cutting still necessary

Asked whether he thought $100,000 was enough, Minister Walwyn said the committee has been proving that $100,000 is enough.

“I met with them recently and we are discussing ways in making the Festival more cost efficient. Sasha D. A. Flax [the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub-Committee Chairman] came up with some very good ways of cutting costs and we are concentrating on that. So you will see that we will cut cost but still maintaining the good quality that you see from the line up that we have,” Hon Walwyn said.

Minister tries to insult VINO

Asked by this news site when it was that the committee received the money from the Government, the Minister said, “Based on the report that I read in your newspaper, you indicated that they did not receive any money. But it seems to be becoming commonplace for you to ill advise the public. The VI Festival and Fairs Committee received a cheque two weeks ago. They were working out budgetary issues with the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub-Committee and when that was completed then the cheque was given to the Virgin Gorda Festival Sub-Committee to carry out their work.”

Ministry of Finance holding up outstanding Festival payments!

With regards to Festival payments outstanding for 2015, the Minister said they have done all they were expected to do in the Ministry of Education. “We have given that information to the Ministry of Finance and we are waiting for them to pay the vendors. I have received an assurance from them that they are working assiduously on it. I apologise to the vendors that it is taking so long but I know that they will be paid very soon,” he said.

Asked to confirm whether her committee received Government's cheque of $100,000,” Ms Flax said "yes."

When asked if the money was late or whether it came in good time, she said, “It came in good time,” and that it will not affect her planning.

Ms Flax would not say when she actually got the cheque.

No pageant

Meanwhile, Ms Flax confirmed that this year there will be no Festival pageant, customary during the Virgin Gorda Easter Festival.

“Unfortunately this year there will be no pageant. We have decided to hold off on that,” she said, adding that a few of the girls who they were looking at to take part in the pageant are busy with studies and prefer to be a part of the 50th anniversary Festival and pageant next year.

She said that next year there will be Miss Virgin Gorda, in addition to Miss Gorgeous, Mr GQ and a Prince and Princess pageant.

Decreases in prize monies

Flax said there should be increases for the parade prizes. But other events such as the Calypso competition, the prizes are either expected to stay the same or decrease.

“For the Calypso show we are still up in the air on that as to what we will be giving the monarch. As of now we are looking at between $4,000 and $5,000,” she said, adding that last year the Calypso monarch went home with $5,000.

Asked why it is that she wanted to reduce the Calypso prize money, she said that she met with the calypsonians some weeks ago and discussed a few areas where costs will be cut. “It is not set in stone but it would either remain the same or be reduced,” she said.

On board this year as a Platinum sponsor of the Festival is CCT, represented by CEO Romney A. Penn. When this news site asked him what was the level of CCT's support to the VG Festival, Minister Walwyn grabbed the microphone and said that platinum sponsorship starts at $10,000. “We are not going to reveal the exact amount that CCT has given to us,” he said.

No mega artists

While some foreign artists are billed for the Festival weekend, they can be by no stretch of the imagination considered mega artists. Among them are Ricardo Dru and Blaxx with Roy Cape and the All Stars of Trinidad, Cool Session Brass, Poizon Band and Kylo and Stylee Band all of the USVI.

Flax said there is a chance that there might be a wild-card artist who will be announced at a later date. “I am not giving any guarantees at this time.”

She said the reason for the scaling back on big international artists has to do with cost cutting. “We have to be responsible as it relates to spending. Not because it is Festival means that we have to go crazy with how we are bringing artists. I stand behind this line up fully [and believe] that it will be an entertaining weekend,” she said.

At this stage Honourable Walwyn chimed in to say that they don't want a situation again where local acts cannot be paid because the international artists gone home with the lion's share of the money.

“There has been a long discussion in Standing Finance Committee about the overall cost of Festival...whether we are putting enough money into it and whether we have too many Festivals. When we looked at the line items entertainment was where most of the money is spent. As it is now the overseas acts are the ones to take the bigger amount of monies but they also bring in the biggest amount of revenue,” he said.

Hoh Walwyn said, however, that the local entertainers end up as the ones who have to wait to be paid. He said the decision was then taken by his Ministry to reduce the number of overseas acts.

42 Responses to “Less prize $$, no pageant & no mega Int'l artistes for VG Festival 2016”

  • Lol!! (26/02/2016, 16:59) Like (58) Dislike (1) Reply
    Of course not, that money went into the pier LOL!!!!
  • aya crazy (26/02/2016, 17:22) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
    All the committees sit around waiting on government to fund these events. What happen to having your fundraisers and let the government meet half the way. come we are to lazy and laid back. I'm from VG and I will be the President for next year cause this is B.S. People look forward to VG Festival. Especially my kids and I going home for the lil weekend lime
    • CANT STAND UNGRATEFUL PEOPLE (29/02/2016, 09:55) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      You Still Need Money To Plan events Hun. Sasha is Doing a Damn Good Job, Yall should Just be thankful there Is a festival This Year!
  • I must say (26/02/2016, 17:33) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    The garrut is doing better than the cuban,
  • vg massive (26/02/2016, 17:35) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    The A/C had a right to break down while the meeting was getting heated.
  • Well Sah (26/02/2016, 17:38) Like (56) Dislike (14) Reply
    A measly hundred thousand dollars? He must be think this is the teachers dinner?
  • the opposition (26/02/2016, 17:46) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Is that check any good??
  • billionaires club (26/02/2016, 17:52) Like (14) Dislike (3) Reply
    Johnson/bronson/page could do better for VG....Them need to step up to the plate because they get everything duty free.
  • VG (26/02/2016, 18:02) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    just like MV that ole food MW needs to step down
  • Lily Ann (26/02/2016, 19:35) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Do not force to keep no Festival this year ... save all the funds for the 50th Anniversary next year !!!! ...
  • Guest (26/02/2016, 20:04) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can that even rent the stage?
  • vex (26/02/2016, 20:16) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    What ah ting to tell the king
  • wize up (26/02/2016, 22:27) Like (11) Dislike (4) Reply
    elections is not till 2019 so until such time VI people will be getting the short end of the stick: only during an election year that VI people are showered with ginics( those running for office always by your doorstep, roads getting paved, white envelopes and the whole nine yards)
    • H (27/02/2016, 11:51) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hehehehe, a sucker is born every minute of the day.When will you people learn. LMAO. Perks, handshake, showing concern don't mean I'm for you.Biggest game in the book.
  • fish (26/02/2016, 23:23) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Who tf are those artist ain no bodii have time for that shidd.. FlopFest
  • Crystal (27/02/2016, 06:07) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Cancelled next year dis country broke and broke and broke. No one lend dem any $ no more.
  • BOO HOO (27/02/2016, 08:18) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
    You folks are forever miserable complaining criticizingungrateful lechers whether Gov give less or they geve more. Government should get out of the entertainment business is how I see this free for all.
  • zzzzz (27/02/2016, 11:55) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    Government should not be in the entertainment business just like principals should not be involved in the PTA.
  • Tired (27/02/2016, 12:39) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
    I have never seen so much ungrateful complainers. Stop depending and trying to mooch of the Government for everything. The only people the Government should look out for is the Senior citizens who work hard and never
    Complain and B.... To pave the way for all of us and the Educational system. Stop being a bunch of the Government should hand me everything on a silver platter moochers. The Government don't owe you a damn thing.
    • Man Bigness (28/02/2016, 19:34) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mooching on Govt. you say, then we should stop pay Taxes. We stop mooching and they do the same. I think its best to say we running on overdraft at the bank.
  • kk (27/02/2016, 16:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    music fest this year?
  • Just watch.... (27/02/2016, 21:54) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mark my words, Myron is going to be the next Premier of Tortola.
  • BS (27/02/2016, 22:42) Like (84) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ms Flax I don't understand how all of a sudden you became the YES woman after being stressed about the lack of funds and not getting the money on time. I bet Vibe will be at the club this year. Just wait!!! They talk about not having good acts because they keep their businesses in the forfront for making money. Last year Taurus came and by 2:30 the Village was over why? Plans were already put in place for Vibe at the Club Ecstacy! Let's be fair these establishments are here year round, the weekend if Easter Fest should be about the Village.
  • BVIslander (27/02/2016, 22:48) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Who the big one in the small blue dress is buddy.
  • big show (28/02/2016, 08:33) Like (44) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wanted to have a booth this year but $750.00 for 3 days thats to much ayo killin people in vg tola festival in town is almost 2 weeks and they only pay $1000.00
    • Hmmmm (28/02/2016, 13:23) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      I thought in Tola was $1,500? Well it's that price and there are so many rules and regulations. So much work, money spending plus the acts are BS and they end the Village early. It's not even worth it sometimes. You need to have at least $10,000 the first time you go into Booth.
  • change (28/02/2016, 09:23) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need to change the way we do things. Have the festival organization out to bid. Give the winner the 100.000.00. Let them deliver festival. Government stays out.
  • Ty (28/02/2016, 12:24) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    As long as people continue to not think for themselves, be mentally lazy and depend on the Government for everything,the Government will stay in their business.
  • Candi (29/02/2016, 10:51) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why depend on Government to get funds? Why not hold fundraisers such as fish fry, etc...? I personally hate to see people depending on the Government for every little thing. And we all know this little girl will make sure her father's establishment makes all the money, no if and's or but's. The best person for this committee is Mr Franklin Walters!! If he wasn't treated so badly he'd still be there and everything would run smoothly, as was done in the past.

    Oh, hii Hon Walwyn!! Loving the tie.
  • Oscar (29/02/2016, 12:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    $100,000 sheep stage and sound system goin with $40,000 of that y the govt dont buy a stage and sound system that could use for vg and tola. Just saying
  • W*F (01/03/2016, 10:40) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who is going to come out to see this lackluster, mediocre spectacle? Not many. Definitely, the boat loads from our neighboring islands is not going to come, because there is nothing to see, and no entertainment to enjoy. All the cultural events are suffering from lack of government's support. These events if supported and kept to a high standard bring visitors to our shores. The Music Fest. Festival, VG Festival and Agriculture Fair used to bring visitors from near and far. Now that government has done their best to squander money, and cut support for these important events, even the locals don't come out, and visitors have sharply dropped. These idiots think that just expanding the Cruise Pier and Airport is going to bring people here? People are not going to come for Sea and Sand, they have to be given other reasons to come. For example, August Festival in Tortola is the bomb. Boy you have to go VG for VG Festival. Easter Monday is the bomb. Men Son, the Agriculture Fair at Paraquta Bay is a must. That is what bring people to our shores. We have to build on our culture and traditions, making what we have bigger and better every year. Not cutting support and cancelling everything that is indigenous to us as a people. So to NDP and future governments please invest in our culture and traditions. We are our Culture and Traditions. If we neglect and relinquish these two important elements, we are an empty shell.

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