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‘Legislative changes’ needed for same-sex referendum- Premier Wheatley

Speaking during a press conference on July 25, 202, Premier Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) said legislative changes to the Elections Act may need to be done to facilitate the process of having the referendum on same-sex marriages. Photo: VINO/File
The referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage that was promised by the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has appeared to have suffered a delay. Photo: Facebook
The referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage that was promised by the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has appeared to have suffered a delay. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage that was promised by the Government led by Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) has appeared to have suffered a delay.

While a date was never announced for the referendum there were indications that Government was initially hoping to have it before the end of June 2023.

“As you know, we would be having… I think there’s a case that is slated for June. So we wanted to be able to have the referendum ahead of that. So that’s one thing, of course, that is [a matter] persons are going to be hearing about very very soon,” Premier Wheatley had said at a press conference on May 2, 2023.

The court case in reference concerns the validity of the marriage between two women — Kinisha Forbes and Kirsten Lettsome – and whether any prohibition against same-sex marriage in the VI is contrary to the constitution of the Virgin Islands.

Dr Wheatley had also said the referendum is expected to also consider the question of whether new legislation should be introduced to provide persons in a domestic partnership with certain legal rights such as the ability to pass on one’s estate to their partner regardless of sex in intestacy.

The planned referendum on same-sex marriage was gazetted on Friday, June 30, 2023, and Premier Wheatley had said this “resolution will go to the House of Assembly for debate at least 28 days following publication in The Gazette. If the resolution is successful, a date will then be fixed for the referendum,” Premier Wheatley had said on June 30, 2023.

‘Legislative challenge’

Speaking during a press conference on July 25, 2023; however, Premier Wheatley said legislative changes to the Elections Act may need to be done to facilitate the process of having the referendum.

“We are committed to the referendum moving forward,” Dr Wheatley said.

He explained that there was a “legislative challenge” as it pertains to the voting machines, in terms of the length of time the ballots have to remain in the machines before they can be removed.

“And we are going to have to solve that challenge to be able to have use of the machines and there may be one or two legislative amendments that we would accommodate to make the referendum smoother.

“Referendums are basically like having another election, so we may have to contemplate some amendments just to allow for it to go much more smoothly, but I will be able to update about that in the coming months. The Referendum Act was before we had electronic voting,” Premier Wheatley stated.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Christian Concern and UK lawyer Mrs Andrea M. Williams had said in March that the VI, being a nation based on a belief in God as stated in its constitution, should not even consider a referendum on same-sex marriage.

23 Responses to “‘Legislative changes’ needed for same-sex referendum- Premier Wheatley”

  • Important (26/07/2023, 11:32) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    No need to rush this. Get it right protect future generations please.
    • Ho (26/07/2023, 12:40) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
      And what do you mean by that ?
    • Endtimes (27/07/2023, 09:45) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      @Important future generations??? Obviously, you can't see the signs of the times. This is the final generation on this wicked planet. Go study the Word of God with your nonsense!
    • Eldread (28/07/2023, 13:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      What you mean no rush when colonial Satan give slowandie an order reduce population by same sex demon relationship
  • Forbidden Truth (26/07/2023, 11:56) Like (22) Dislike (11) Reply
    This should not even be a discussion in this so-called Christian society. This is just about disgusting as it gets.
    • Endtimes (27/07/2023, 09:46) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @Forbidden Truth my dear you must realise that these are the end times, so these things have to happen before Jesus puts in His appearance.
  • bvi (26/07/2023, 12:53) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    The looks this dude face speaks volumes.Not in connection so sorry for the BVI out of wack
  • Real Macoy (26/07/2023, 13:05) Like (17) Dislike (6) Reply
    All those countries that agreed on same sex marriage will answer to God sooner or later.
    In the beginning God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve, nor Mary and Eve. What a wonderful thing indeed when a man and a woman get married and produce a child together. With same sex that cannot work.
    • @Real Macoy (26/07/2023, 21:16) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      Were you there in the beginning when God made Adam and Eve? Who told you that? Ayo so gullible
    • hypocrites (27/07/2023, 09:34) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      So many men cheat and leave their wives in BVI. What is sacred in that? If two people, regardless of sex, respect and care for each other, that's all that matters.
      • god is watching (27/07/2023, 09:48) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
        @hypocrites you are a real hypocrite and sick in your mind! If God did not give Eve to Adam to live together and procreate you think that any of us would have been here today? You are all so sick and nasty!
  • name (26/07/2023, 13:17) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    But why would the primier even want to rechange anything in this pure madness why can't you just say No not in here we people's in the bvi don't need that here this place too small for that period
    • @name (26/07/2023, 13:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      He can’t just say no. He agreed to push this through as part of the deal to not have the constitution suspended.
      • @name (26/07/2023, 15:47) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        Wow really the primier look like he's willing to do any and everything just to sit in the primier chir lol he better rethink this madness over
    • To no “name” (27/07/2023, 08:16) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
      homosexuality exists in humankind, all over the world. If you believe God made humankind, and everything else in the world, then you better believe God made the people who are homosexual also. And God loves all of us, who ever we may be. And who ever we love and are loved by.
  • Stealth (26/07/2023, 13:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Simple question, was not this known before it was gazettes?
  • LEVITICUS (26/07/2023, 16:07) Like (12) Dislike (4) Reply
    Leviticus teaches us that same-sex marriage is a sin punishable by death! But, Leviticus bans you from mixing fabrics in clothing, trimming your beard, letting your hair become unkempt and selling land. So I guess we just pick and chose which parts of the scripture we BVIslanders want to adhere to. We're not much betting at avoiding other parts of Leviticus either. Namely, lying, stealing and mistreating foreigners. All punishable according to Leviticus but all a part of daily life in our beautiful Virgin Islands.
  • wellwell (26/07/2023, 16:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    To me this focus is same sex marriage and this entertainment tourism talk. All I have to say is WOW.
  • Real Talk (26/07/2023, 17:57) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Why is this dude even acknowledging this type of behavior in the BVI at all. Watch this leader carefully he going to bring this place down to what the same uk wants it to be in there favor
  • VG (26/07/2023, 17:59) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    What case are you talking about? Where were they married? and why should it be a case here if by law it is not recognized here? Plain and simple if it is not recognized here they are not legally married.
  • No (26/07/2023, 18:50) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    And no
    Don’t spoil my evening
    Woman and man was created diff
    For a reason
    Go forth and multiply
    Man and man can’t
    Woman and woman can’t
    Please stop this non sense now kids going to think they can or they should
    U all trying to get more ppl to become skittles
    These ridiculous books now being sold for kids
    I am a rainbow

    Last week I saw a young man nails well polished it was disgusting disgusting
    Please stop it
    The walk
    The head spins and snapping of fingers
    The makeup
    Even with surgery still look Masculine
    Please stop this and accept how God made u
    • god is watching (27/07/2023, 09:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @No these are the end of days, my dear. The worst is yet to come.
  • Sell out (27/07/2023, 10:01) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Sowande, you need to get into the Word of God. Ooops!! I forgot you want to be a man-pleaser instead of a God-pleaser so that you can hold the prestigious Premier title. That Premier title cannot take you to Heaven. Remember that. I am so glad that I did not vote!

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