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Legislation passes to ban smoking in hotel rooms & cars with minors

- Tobacco Products Control (Amendment) Bill, 2025 passes in HoA
With the passing of the Tobacco Products Control (Amendment) Bill, 2025, smoking in a vehicle with a minor present will now carry a $500 fine. Photo: PA/File
According to the Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), previously 25% of rooms in hotels could be designated for smoking but the government is now 'closing that loophole'. Photo: YouTube
According to the Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), previously 25% of rooms in hotels could be designated for smoking but the government is now 'closing that loophole'. Photo: YouTube
Smoking will now be completely banned in hotel rooms in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source/File
Smoking will now be completely banned in hotel rooms in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Internet Source/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The Tobacco Products Control (Amendment) Bill, 2025, was passed at the Continuation of the 3rd Sitting of the 2nd Session of the 5th House of Assembly (HoA) on March 24, 2025.

The legislation seeks to, among other things, ban smoking in hotel rooms and raise the penalties for selling tobacco products to minors and smoking in public places.

No more designated smoking rooms in hotels

Smoking will now be completely banned in hotel rooms in the Virgin Islands (VI).

According to the Minister for Health and Social Development and sponsor of the bill, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9), previously 25% of rooms in hotels could be designated for smoking but the government is now “closing that loophole”.

The Health Minister said, however, that he was pleased to report that a recent review found that no hotels in the VI currently have designated smoking rooms, “and they must be commended for that. This shows that our hospitality sector is already ahead of the curve, and this amendment would simply formalise that positive shift".

Honourable Wheatley argued that second-hand smoke is just as dangerous as smoking itself, and it is important that nonsmokers, especially children and vulnerable adults, are protected from exposure.

He said the current laws provide some protection, but there are still gaps, and the government is taking steps to protect public places.

According to the amended legislation, smoking is prohibited within 50 feet of entrances, exits, and windows of public buildings.

“This should protect people from the harmful effects of second-hand smoking when they go about their daily lives.”
Perhaps most importantly, according to Hon Wheatley, the government is introducing stronger protections for children, the future.

No smoking in vehicles with minors present

Under the amendments, smoking in a vehicle with a minor present will now carry a $500 fine.

“No child should be forced to breathe in second-hand smoke in a confined space like a car. This measure sends a clear message that we are serious about protecting the health of our young people.”

Rules surrounding the sale of tobacco products to minors have also been strengthened.

Vendors are now required to ask for official government-issued photo identification before selling tobacco products.

“If they fail to do so, they will face a $500 fine, which is double the current penalty. Most smokers start young so keeping tobacco out of the hands of minors is one of the most effective ways to reduce smoking rates over time,” Hon Wheatley stated.

39 Responses to “Legislation passes to ban smoking in hotel rooms & cars with minors”

  • Really? (25/03/2025, 12:48) Like (46) Dislike (9) Reply
    Smoking is indeed bad but why is this a priority in the Territory? You could just ban the sale of cigarettes altogether in the Territory and only a few ex-pats would notice. Most people around here don’t smoke, well, not tobacco anyway.
    • smh (25/03/2025, 13:24) Like (19) Dislike (2) Reply
      They should ban those cancer sticks.
      • @SMH (25/03/2025, 14:57) Like (29) Dislike (5) Reply
        They should ban them yes, right after they ban all oily, sugary and salty foods from the Territory.
      • Fried (25/03/2025, 15:14) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
        Greasy fried Johnny cake and those vans selling dirty fried chicken are as harmful as smoking, but we dont ban unhealthy food. Just banning everything is not the answer, SMOKING KILLS so does a lot of processed foods.
    • Damed if you do damed if you dont (25/03/2025, 17:03) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      Who said it was a priority , the law was put forward and it was passed. Are we not able to walk and chew gum at the same time?? Arent people capable of doing the big projects while delegating the leaser one. Our mindset has got to change. Even if a good thing is done if we simply dont like the person its an issue. Its no wonder the more complex issues like NHI the benefactors are able to bamboozle the public and place the blame on everyone except themselves. SHM.
    • Qwomar (25/03/2025, 22:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Ban it for smokers as well who choose come out on their office porch to smoke when customers and tenants have to traverse the area of the building.
    • True Post (26/03/2025, 09:10) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      My nephew smoked marijuana all his life in close proximity to his mom. She died from second-hand smoke and he 2 years later he, from first-hand. She visited 3 different doctors, specialists included, and they all concluded that she was a chain smoker without knowing her story. Too much of anything is not good for human consumption. In Tola, it's alarming how much you smell marijuana these days. 9 / 10 its mixed with additives too, but, carry on!
  • Slim Jim (25/03/2025, 13:31) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
    Commendable effort.

    Now extend that same "courtesy" to those forced to breathe second-hand smoke from cannabis users. I am assaulted with that smell much more often and it's users similarly put the young and vulnerable at considerable exposure to its effects.

    Do ban tobacco smoking and ignore cannabis smoking would be a great irony and most hypocritical.

    Or did I just touch a "sacred cow"?
  • @Really (25/03/2025, 13:37) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    It seems to me you don't go out often to see the amount of people that smoke,especially Marijuana,there are different ways you could protect our children from certain environment is to ban cigarettes and vape.
    • @@Really (25/03/2025, 14:58) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      Who will protect the kids from diabetes, kidney failure and hypertension? Or those are fine?
  • ?? (25/03/2025, 13:41) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    No Lifeguards on Beaches
    Schools close when there's no water
    Most people without cisterns are out of water daily
    Government Offices filled with mold
    Restaurants and Supermarkets legally selling poison

    How many people are affected by tobacco at our health facilities vs how many are on dialysis or medication for eating the legal poison being sold to us? Local people do not smoke cigarettes and the percentage of expats/tourists that do is very minimal from an overall health perspective. All this hoopla in the HOA meanwhile rum shops, pharmacies, restaurants and supermarkets are free to sell poison to one and all to be a bigger burden on our health facilities and finances. PROGRESS!
  • Hmnn (25/03/2025, 14:49) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Norris Turnbull (25/03/2025, 14:56) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply

    Cigarette smoking in public should be a $1000 fine. Cut the smoke Bill sh**

  • Interested (25/03/2025, 15:01) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    I rather no smoking anywhere
  • Nonsense... (25/03/2025, 15:25) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    Should be any where children assemble, gather , live. If I chose to smoke in my hotel room, any room with me alone in it, that's on me, not affecting anyone. .Come on. Cut smokers some slack....
    • Really Now? (25/03/2025, 16:57) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
      And when I end up in the same hotel room, I have to smell the fumes. No way!
      • @Really Now. Think.. (26/03/2025, 04:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Hotel Room should be cleaned and detox when a person leaves and before another person move in...There are other bactdriar in hotwl Fooms worse than smoking....This law is an over reach.. a distraction, Peoole can't get water for weeks including me. Every week electeicity going off aren't those priority
  • D6 VOTER (25/03/2025, 15:34) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The law was always their same as gun laws i can’t see why someone with a gun they get out on bail
  • who (25/03/2025, 15:43) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    When is legislation going to be passed to protect us from raw sewerage running in our streets? From the open burning at the incinerator? From the dust from the quarries at Pock Wood Pond and Fish Bay? These are not important for our health? Instead you are here targeting people that are smoking cigarettes at their leisure, people who will smoke their tar sticks regardless of legislation while the people really do not benefit? What impact is this legislation making really?
  • Registry (25/03/2025, 16:20) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    And yet the Sexual Offenders Registry is dying slowly in the vine! I mean c’mon man! What about rum shops within 50’ of schools, churches etc? The predators are running around free to abuse people children and this was more important to the Ministry of Health?!?!
  • Just A Thought (25/03/2025, 16:51) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    what about weed?
  • Stouty (25/03/2025, 18:06) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The government needs to address the negative impact on our health when businesses run diesel generators in places which are also considered as residential.
  • Listen (25/03/2025, 18:09) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ppl still smoking in public especially the Caucasians
  • J (25/03/2025, 19:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    There are businesses that still allow tourists to smoke at their establishments. We need to be serious about health and take a no nonsense approach with offenders.
  • Opinion (25/03/2025, 21:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    A few restaurants don’t enforce no smoking at the bar.. NC is the worst! Everyone sits at their bar and smoke like there is no ban or distance rule in place. Recently it’s like every restaurant allows vaping.. even indoors.. what’s up with that? We need to see more enforcement and fines for the laws already on the books!
  • BuzzBvi (25/03/2025, 22:54) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    But you can still smoke at the pier park?????!!!
  • wiseman (25/03/2025, 23:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    While you're at it Vincent. You should increase the fine for littering from $1000 to $10,000, install cameras around the garbage bans and other hotspots, hire little wardens, life Guarda, charge commercial businesses and others to dump their waste at the dumpster, train those nurses, orderliness and doctors at the hospital to save lives instead of killing people.
    • and i am sure... (26/03/2025, 09:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That when that happens you are someone else will find a problem with will always be something
  • The Law we need.. (26/03/2025, 04:59) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Politicians IN power the Govt is liable to compensate residents who is without water for more than 5 consecutive days, those residents must be compensated $15,000, fof their inconvenience and suffering. .Those are laws that improve people's life and the country hold govt aaccountable... So they can stoo playing games..and get serious.
  • Perspective (26/03/2025, 06:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You can tell the majority of people leaving comments never work in hospitality. When someone smokes in a hotel room after they leave it takes a considerable amount of time and effort to get that room to not smell like cigarette smoke again sometimes days. Especially if it got carpet in there. You cant rent a room to someone that still smell like the previous guest's smoke so that room unavailable for days. As for smoking in the car with minors do we really have to argue that that is not good!? You cant wait until your kids not with you in a confined space to smoke your ciggarette!?
    • @ Perspectives (26/03/2025, 07:35) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      It’s not difficult and does not require legislation. Rental cars in US are non-smoking. If you do smoke in them, there is a hefty cleanup fee. Same thing can be done in a hotel. Just let guests know upon arrival of the policy, and put a sign in each room. Perpetrators get to pay for clean up and lost revenue. Plenty of AirBnB’s have same policy.

      In the end, if the legislation is an effort at improving public health, just ban cigarettes. While you’re at it, also ban junk food and sugary drinks, and underwrite imported fresh fruit and veg. Make a basic course in nutrition in high school mandatory, and find ways to get people to exercise regularly.
  • pbs (26/03/2025, 06:43) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the parents / are not responsible enough to take care of their children who would? Who will enforced this registration? Will the Police go knocking on hotels room ????
  • hmm (26/03/2025, 07:02) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    My bosses wife smoke around us but we are afraid to talk because he give her unqualified self a position position and if we were to talk it's fired we getting. And with all evidence labour does nothing, nothing at all some workers went there and they did nothing but makes the boss feel more powerful than before.
  • Scooters (26/03/2025, 07:22) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now enforce the laws (that I presume hahaha) are on the books regarding having young children on scooters (with an adult), without helmets!
  • Enforcement? (26/03/2025, 07:33) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Everyone up here blogging this and blogging that reality this law just every other one on the books here won’t be enforced. There is no law in this place. Everyone just does as they please from parking where they want to carrying guns and openly consuming illegal drugs. GTFOH talking about some legislation. This place is a joke.
    • brad boynes. (27/03/2025, 06:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Enforcement.....and when you enforce the rules people call the head of departments, ministers of government, influential business people and even the deputy governor, governor and the freaking premier. Joke place indeed.
  • Scientist (26/03/2025, 07:42) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Smoking provides a curious insight into human risk tolerance. Basically, only about 10% of lifetime smokers develop lung cancer. So basically only 1 in 10 smokers. For reference, about 25% of new cancer diagnosis in US are lung cancer, though not necessarily smoking related, since about 10% of those diagnoses are in never smokers. Most people diagnosed with lung cancer die from it. Cigarette packaging these days is quite graphic in their warnings, but people still take it up. That said, it is true that nicotine is addictive and once started, many smokers struggle to give up, even knowing the risks. Also worth pointing out that smoking a handful of cigarettes as a teenager experimenting, or walking past smokers is not likely to present much of a risk since smoking’s ill effects require long term (years).
  • The Usurper (26/03/2025, 08:21) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Muslim community not liking this at all.

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