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Legal rep. for alleged killer McKelly remains uncertain

Jessroy McKelly at a previous court appearance. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – From all appearances, it seems the preliminary inquiry into the shooting death of Kareem ‘Bingy’ Sebastian will be delayed further by the continued lack of representation of the accused, Jessroy McKelly.

This was revealed before Magistrate Tamia Richards on November 6, 2012 as Crown Counsel Leslie-Ann Faulkner explained that there had been a miscommunication when she contacted the legal aid representative for the accused recently.

Ms Faulkner told the court that she was initially informed by legal aid that the accused would be defended by an attorney from the law firm of Simonette-Lewis but was subsequently told that the defendant is instead actually being represented in another matter by the attorney who is currently overseas.

She told the court that the prosecution would not object to a short reporting date in the matter while the defendant is able to clarify whether he will be represented by the firm or another legal aid appointed representative.

McKelly allegedly shot Sebastian multiple times at Crabbe Lot aka the Ghetto in an August 24, 2008 attack. Sebastian later died at Peebles Hospital on May 27, 2009. McKelly was not required to plea to the indictable charge of murder when he appeared previously before Magistrate Valerie Stephens on June 25, 2012.

Senior Crown Counsel Valston Graham had then related that McKelly allegedly watched a DVD with someone else of his initial interrogation done by the police and boasted about being able to trick them.

After the shooting, which saw the American citizen being fingered as the triggerman who shot Sebastian multiple times while he was hanging out with his friends, an anonymous call was made to Road Town Police Station notifying officers of four gunshots being heard in the Crabbe Lot area. When they arrived on the scene four spent shells and a fragment were allegedly recovered.

Following investigations, McKelly was the prime suspect for the shooting and on August 25, 2008, he was arrested but was released without being charged.

McKelly, who also has British status, will now return to court on December 6, 2012 to explain the status of his representation to the court.

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