Leave the Statutory Bodies out of the Constitution- CRC Report
The Constitutional Review Commission (CRC) agrees with the one-man Commission of Inquiry Report which suggested that this be included as a default position in the recently developed Protocol for the Appointment and Removal of Statutory Board Members.
However, a provision for rolling or staggered board appointments appears to have been omitted from the Protocol and should be included in a revised version. There was an additional recommendation from the public for term limits to be placed on statutory board members, and for stakeholders and the Leader of the Opposition to have input in board membership. Whilst these matters are outside the remit of the constitutional review, according to the Report, it should be noted that these issues are addressed in either the Protocol or legislation.
Use policies to regulate, not the constitution
However, the Constitutional Commission recommended that (a) There should be no change to the Constitution to embed statutory bodies in the Constitution.
(b) Issues such as tardy reporting need to be addressed through enforcement mechanisms outside the Constitution including in the relevant governing laws and by legislative committees.
(c) Issues such as poor governance need to be addressed through appropriate selection of board members and other initiatives such as training for board members.
(d) The Protocol for the Appointment and Removal of Statutory Board Members issued in March 2023 should be reviewed to address guidance on rolling or staggered board appointments, tardy annual reporting, and good governance training.
Therefore Statutory Bodies were recommended to not be included or placed in the new constitution.
6 Responses to “Leave the Statutory Bodies out of the Constitution- CRC Report”
They have their eyes for take over of our ports, airports and the ministry of finance please stay awoke
Instead, appointments should be reviewed on an annual basis and positions advertised as necessary.
If not already in place, there should be a protocol to ensure the Boards actually meet and members paid only if present AND an active part of meetings.