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Layoffs have started following Hurricane Irma

Businesses that have been hard hit by Hurricane Irma have started to lay off staff. Photo: VINO
Many hotels and restaurants have been destroyed by Hurricane Irma. Photo: VINO
Many hotels and restaurants have been destroyed by Hurricane Irma. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The biggest political joke over the past five years was Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable D. Orlando Smith (AL) claiming that the Virgin Islands (VI) economy was 'robust' even in the face of statistics that showed otherwise and many of his own backbenchers vigorously disputing the notion in private and public via the House of Assembly (HoA).

However, following Category 5 Hurricane Irma that ravaged the VI on Wednesday September 6, 2017 leaving death, massive homelessness, some 90 percent of all buildings and boats, and 50 percent of all automobiles damaged or destroyed and panic in the streets for food and gas, many businesses have started to layoff workers.

Layoffs & more layoffs

CCT Global Communications had a meeting with employees a few days ago and laid off many of its workers. However, a spokesman for the company who identified himself as the store manager said the layoffs were only "temporary".

It is also our understanding that two major resorts, one on Virgin Gorda and the other on Scrub Island, have also met with their staff and indicated layoffs will take place until further notice because the two resorts were severely damaged by Hurricane Irma.

In addition, a major food chain in the VI is to announced shortly it could layoff up to 100 persons, according to a senior employee of the company.

Some of the Offshore/Trust companies have also done some layoffs, relocated employees and flew out others to their headquarters or other islands.

The economical fallout from Hurricane Irma is still to be determined on the Territory; however, there is expected to be a construction and office cleaning boom once financing and cash aid become available, and easy to access.

16 Responses to “Layoffs have started following Hurricane Irma”

  • my 3 cents (26/09/2017, 16:07) Like (11) Dislike (20) Reply
    Yes they seem too only be laying off locals
    • i from here (27/09/2017, 06:11) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
      Well whats new? Locals are nothing in the bvi
    • Jill (27/09/2017, 07:51) Like (10) Dislike (6) Reply
      Government officials are responsible for that. They seem to have no concern whatsoever for locals. Check the headlines on the different news sites and you will see the focus is on "expats".
  • The governor (27/09/2017, 06:25) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    These people geh hold o this country the writing is there on ths eall free my virgin islands people.first the the islanders are still being dominated in their own country.have we not learned anything yet.
  • Preschool Teacher (27/09/2017, 08:53) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I am a local preschool teacher. Nothing is wrong what the government are implementing for the education system. My question is, when you are catering from 3-8 years old, what option is giving to the early child hood centers that are up and running, ain't for them to lay off the teachers for this section especially we the locals in our own country. Please think about us too
    • are you serious (30/09/2017, 07:45) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
      Can those that are up and running accomodate the all those who are displaced? And please bear in mind some if those are also damaged too. If government didnt do anything is woild be the talk of the town. They are trying and it is still aproblem. How can you all be pleased?
  • question? (27/09/2017, 09:17) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Will TEMPORARY reduction in pay instead of complete layoffs work?
  • Labour Code (27/09/2017, 12:48) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    If they don't rehire you within 3 months from the date of your layoff then they have to pay you severance pay. But these businesses have a right under the Labour Code to lay you off up to 3 months WITHOUT pay. How these people going to feed their families? What about those who on work permits. Are they just suppose to stay home (if they still have a home) for 3 months doing nothing? Is Labour and Immigration going to relax the laws to all these people to work elsewhere for the 3 months without problems???
    • . (27/09/2017, 14:11) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
      I certainly hope not! Won't those same people on work permits be competing for jobs with laid-off BVIslanders? How is that supposed to rebuild the country?
  • Guess (27/09/2017, 20:54) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Guess it boils down to every man for himself.
  • Hmm (28/09/2017, 07:34) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let's see if the Goverment will take care of us
  • Help (28/09/2017, 10:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The cruise lines are making mercy trips from the USVI to Florida for anyone who wants to leave the islands and make it to relatives and friends on the mainland. When is the mercy trip leaving Road Town?
    • lovelylou (30/09/2017, 08:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Most of the comments r about people taking away u all jobs u people dont want to help nobody but u all looking for help from somebody does not work like that do unto others as u would have done to u !!!!!!
  • Street reporter...Why now? (28/09/2017, 10:30) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    No time for thiz kind of talk...No time for politics. Politucal Jokes or Political cheap shot...Thiz is real suffering brother affecting 97% of the people.. We need solutions and suggestions and conversations to make things better fast...Premier please take Mr Frett advi e and call an wmergency meeting with employers with over 15 emoyees and figure away to save some of these Jobs.. some compromise. The only thing that worst than bad health is whwn a person want to work willing to work or lose their work and cant get a work. It dont matter where a person from..
  • new one (29/09/2017, 06:02) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well BVIPA have just join the crew.
  • (30/09/2017, 10:52) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    A Company who sees you as an asset will keep and take care of you, it doesn't matter if you are a local or not. Being a local doesn't give you the privilege to keep your job, especially if your are lazy and incompetent. It is hard times right now, it is survival of the fittest.

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