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Layoff or cut civil servants' salaries?- NDP Gov't debates

- Decision looms in hard financial times & meeting with IMF & World Bank 
According to reports reaching this news site, the National Democratic Party (NDP) Government of Premier Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL) is at the crossroads regarding whether to lay off civil servants or cut their pay. Photo: VINO/File
Central Administration Complex. Government is in a quandry as it relates to finding money to pay civil servants, according to reports reaching this news site. Photo: VINO/File
Central Administration Complex. Government is in a quandry as it relates to finding money to pay civil servants, according to reports reaching this news site. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- For months and ever since the 2011 general elections, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith (AL) was claiming that the economy was 'robust' and that it was not his government’s reckless spending that had left the country broke.

In fact, some months after his National Democratic Party (NDP) swept to power in 2011, defeating the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) of Hon Ralph T. O’Neal OBE, he told the people that the VIP had left the country broke.

Truth Came To Light In HoA

However, he was left to tell the people the truth after a series of questions posed in the House of Assembly (HoA) between 2011-2015 by the Opposition spear-headed by now VIP boss, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) and Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), a former Opposition leader.

It was indeed revealed that the VIP had not left the country broke and it was under the NDP that millions and millions was going through the door.

In fact, former governor John S. Duncan OBE told the public that the NDP was engaged in "reckless spending, lack of priority” and that he was having difficulties representing their position to the foreign and commonwealth office. 

'It’s the hurricanes' 

Then came two category 5 hurricanes, Irma and Maria. After the 2015 snap election it was clear that the treasury was already broke; however, Minister of Finance, Dr Smith insisted that it had money. There was even an internal coup d'etat to remove him as Minister of Finance, spear-headed by party activist and spokeswomen former legislator Eileene L. Parsons OBE.

Her thoughts that former Finance Minister (2003-2007) Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) should become Minister of Finance, was unearthed in a scathing letter by our newsroom.

The NDP caucus is debating, as they struggle to pay civil servants and after the devastating effects of two category 5 hurricanes that have torpedoed the economy, what to do about the huge civil servant wage bill.

Cuts loom

Premier Smith has also met with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF), two global agencies that have forced other Caribbean countries in the 70s, 80s and 90s to sack public officers to balance their budget, in exchange for soft loans and technical assistance.

It remains unclear when a final decision will be made on letting go public officers. Opposition Leader Hon Fahie had called for Ministers of government to take a pay cut in these hard times; however, the administration has not budged.

Our newsroom will stay on this developing story.

28 Responses to “Layoff or cut civil servants' salaries?- NDP Gov't debates”

  • dog (20/10/2017, 13:18) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well saw
  • voter (20/10/2017, 14:26) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Vino ayo not easy but with no light democracy goes out
  • Well (20/10/2017, 14:30) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Fahie keep telling these lying NDP to tell the truth to the people now look the same thing we heard was going to happen is happening.
  • Miss uncle ralph (20/10/2017, 15:10) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
    The spindless ndp does not have the balls to lay off government workers them just dont have it
    • enough (22/10/2017, 09:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      @missuncleraph I must agree with you. A number of person have not gone to work since IRMA but these persons are still being paid. Still wasting money.
  • Time always Tell (20/10/2017, 15:39) Like (38) Dislike (3) Reply
    it will sure better to cut salaries than to lay off public servants as we all have to eat and pay bills and more. It is even preferable to cut the ministers and all highly paid officers especially at this time. Ministers of govt no going to want to hear this but that's the best way to go at this moment otherwise your crime rate might start escalating and that no one wants at this moment. Pls think wisely so all and not some can benefit.
    • wow (21/10/2017, 20:22) Like (13) Dislike (0) Reply
      I totally agree they can also cut all these special duty allowances that employees are getting as well as all those entertainment allowances that heads of dept receive who are they entertaining at this time. In additions, those heads of depts that has a cell phone and still receiving telephone allowance, traveling allowance can also be cut. The government needs to start there before they start cutting employees who are in need of their salaries to be able to provide for their families.
      • Caribbean Girl (22/10/2017, 14:17) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        Starting with the Ministers. They all have other sources of income. They should renounce to their perks and take 50% cut on their salaries. Good way to help the recovery & rebuilding of their country. But they won't. The voters, their constituents should be asking for this!
  • Fake News (20/10/2017, 15:45) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
    Isnt this?
  • Lord o (20/10/2017, 17:21) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
    Its always the small man. The big salary people decide which small people they are going to cut or lay off...WoW.. Weak leadership always take advantage of the poor and vanurable..
  • i said it (20/10/2017, 17:23) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    The whole NDP party should take a 85% pay cut. They can afford to do so. I'm just sitting back waiting to see how this unfolds. Pay Cut? Layoff? I have a feeling how this is going to play out.
  • Bad Leaders (20/10/2017, 17:27) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Good Leaders start from cutting at the top starting with themselves and others will be happy to follow..
  • good start (20/10/2017, 18:37) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
    Cut mark and myron subjects and put thoes subjects under malone and Archie
  • ... (20/10/2017, 19:12) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    There are plenty of slackers who hardly do anything that we can afford to lay off.
  • Kermit (20/10/2017, 19:13) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    So will the ministers be taking a pay cut as well?
  • Come and see (20/10/2017, 19:30) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    who are really heartless and lack compassion
  • judge (20/10/2017, 19:43) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    I been begging for years for d politricksters to take a pay cut

    Ut until it hits " home " dem
    Will not listen

    Becoming personal targets is next
    See wat was happening in Trinidad
    Barry sa " U wiil hear "
  • Archie Needed in Labour (21/10/2017, 07:24) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    I can bet My last penny if Archie was the Minister of labour lots of these cuts and layoff wont happen..Labour department only making excuses for these a result the government losing alot of revenew. .A company like. Road Town Road Town whole sale Rige way can afford to keep their staff they have been making millions upon millions over the years I was told Mr Harecraft left ten million un a reserve to pay off the staff that wanted out when the new company took over and though the staff wanted out the new company under influence from the Hate bvi people accountant rwfuse to pay... They hace money. They are trying evrrything to buy the government out... Archie for Minister of labour..
    • Wait (21/10/2017, 13:54) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Archie? Is that the guy who said he is the "clean up" minister and would clean up all those cars, boats and other stuff people dump on public property? Even before Irma?

      Did he keep that promise?
  • Over and over (21/10/2017, 07:46) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
    We still on this "left the country broke" crap! Stop bawling. Get over it! That was 2011. Geess SMFH!!!
  • Yes (21/10/2017, 07:49) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    It is just a shame because this is our government and they cannot self protect us is like every man for them self. And I does never get it, these ppl Think cutting from the bottom will save money it would not. Lawd help us because these statutory boards following the same pattern cutting the staff and all managers getting their full salaries. That's why I rather work for the white man because we own will just put you in the boat and make you sink
  • ABC (21/10/2017, 09:16) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Lay them all off
  • tola (21/10/2017, 22:43) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Them need cut ndp allowances etc
  • One question to Mr. Premier (22/10/2017, 08:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can you Mr Premier at your earliest convenience let us know how much revenue the government loss in cut backs and layoffs from businesses in operation and how much from businesses not in operation?
  • Curious (22/10/2017, 21:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well well. So it took major devastation for the people to finally hear the truth. Shame on all of you ministers wasting the tax payers money. The queen needs to step in about now because we dont have leaders who care about the people and the country but what they can get out of everything for their remainng time. If we should start cutting or even minimixing salaries than ndp it should start with tou.

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