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Laurel L. Smith is new Acting Accountant General

- search still on for new Accountant General of the Virgin Islands
Long time civil servant and Virgin Islander Ms Laurel L. Smith has been appointed Acting Accountant General of the Virgin Islands, according to sources in the Human Resources Department of Government. Photo: Internet Source
After public outcry and intervention, the reassigned order was canceled by the Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith therefore Ms Smith remained at the Treasury Department acting as Deputy Accountant General. Photo: VINO/File
After public outcry and intervention, the reassigned order was canceled by the Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith therefore Ms Smith remained at the Treasury Department acting as Deputy Accountant General. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- After the June 8, 2015 General Elections that saw the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) Government returned to power in a landslide victory, the first casualty of victimisation was reported to be long time civil servant and Virgin Islander Ms Laurel L. Smith.

The Officer was advised by the Human Resources Department that she will be “reassigned” as from June 17, 2015, however, her new post and duties were not immediately known.

After public outcry and intervention, the reassigned order was cancelled by the Financial Secretary Neil M. Smith and Ms Smith remained at the Treasury Department acting as Deputy Accountant General.

New Appointment

Today Ms Smith, who has spent most of her public service career at the Treasury Department and by all reports has been an outstanding and knowledgeable civil servant, has been appointed to act in the post of Accountant General.

Our newsroom’s source in the Human Resources Department who wished not to go on record confirmed that Ms Smith was given her appointment letter last month (December 2015) and the appointment to act as Accountant General is until further notice.

However, the same source from the Department of Human Resources told our newsroom that the search is still active for a new Accountant General to fill the post on a permanent basis.

But until then Ms Smith will be in charge of all matters and duties, as it relates to the Accountant General’s post and she will be reporting directly to the Financial Secretary and indirectly to the Premier whose portfolio is the Treasury Department.

Both the new Acting Accountant General Ms Smith and the Financial Secretary Mr Smith could not be reached for a comment as of publication time.

4 different Accountant Generals under NDP

Since the NDP took office in 2011 there have been several changes of Accountant Generals. In fact, there have been four Accountant Generals in four years.

Mrs Kharid Fraser, wife of Third District Representative Honourable Julian Fraser RA, was removed from her post of Accountant General as soon as the NDP took office. Ms Anna Rabsatt was then named Acting Accountant General.

However, Ms Rabsatt was sent home under the Government programme of ‘take your vacation days or lose it’ and never returned to the post.

An Anguillan consultant assigned to the Treasury Department Kalleesha C. Mendie then became the new Acting Accountant General of the Virgin Islands.

In August 2013, however, Dr Sandra M. Beeson was confirmed in the post of Accountant General of the territory before tendering her resignation on December 2, 2014.

Prior to the recent 2015 election campaign, VIP senior member Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) blasted the administration for the many Accountant Generals who had fled or were removed from office for political reasons.

“In three years, this Administration has had four Accountant Generals and a fifth is yet to be named. In any business where the Head Accountant flies the coop so often then something is drastically wrong with the financial management of the company,” Hon Fahie had said on January 24, 2015, during his delivery of his First District Annual Report at the Capoons Bay Recreational Grounds.

26 Responses to “Laurel L. Smith is new Acting Accountant General”

  • west end (16/01/2016, 10:36) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    Well done Laurel its well deserving. Now hope they open up the place for 2016 payments
  • the rock (16/01/2016, 10:49) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    Mr smith, Ms smith is from our generation, she can handle the job, live and let live sir, give her the post permanently!
  • well saw (16/01/2016, 11:11) Like (49) Dislike (2) Reply
    The NDP's fifth Accountant General in 5 years. I don't know if to say congratulations because the NDP broke the country dry so that job is impossible to perform well.
  • tretretrete (16/01/2016, 11:15) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply

    Please make your motto Miss Smith to be the difficult you will do right away but the impossible will take a while. You need this because them dry the treasury.

  • People (16/01/2016, 11:18) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    The NDP put so many persons to work during last year elections knowing full well the treasury didn't have the money to pay. Now the people can't find them to get their money. This is wicked.
  • Excellent (16/01/2016, 11:21) Like (16) Dislike (5) Reply
    Excellent time to be in this job. The NDP gone with all the money so other than writing memos to say there is no money then she wouldn't have much to do.
    • @ excellent (16/01/2016, 13:29) Like (21) Dislike (1) Reply

      But they just found 7 Million to give a broke r@$$ set of people for an airline that is to fly to Miami without even approval yet!

  • wize up (16/01/2016, 12:35) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    good thing!!
  • Financier (16/01/2016, 12:44) Like (11) Dislike (17) Reply

    Surely this post requires a suitably qualified and experienced accountant. Public funds are at stake here. 

    • @financier (17/01/2016, 14:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      Treasury already that qualified person already in the last accountant general. And she could not handle the job
  • faith (16/01/2016, 13:11) Like (22) Dislike (6) Reply
    Why not Laurel? She was the one doing all the work while the "janes come lately" were collecting the fat checks and getting the credit for work done. Congrats and continue to do what you have always been doing, Ms. Smith.
  • The Nerve (16/01/2016, 13:30) Like (31) Dislike (4) Reply
    She would not last long once NDP can’t get her to break the rules you watch
  • W*F (16/01/2016, 13:41) Like (34) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is so obvious that the NDP is a corrupt and vindictive government. Why was Ms. Smith being reassigned in the first place? They had no legitimate or fair reason for that decision, or they would not have rescinded their evil plan to reassign Ms. Smith. She would have just been in limbo, coming to work with no portfolio and nothing to do. How can humans who are supposed to be civilized treat another human the way this government is doing? My God, where is their sense of fairness, humility, decency and integrity? I voted for this bunch of depraved bandits. They are the worse. I thought we would have fared better than under a VIP government headed by Ralph O'Neal, but the VIP government pale in comparison to NDP. I am shocked , surprised and humiliated by the behaviour of the people who comprises the NDP government. My God people (NDP) you all have children, neices and nephews, aunts and uncles, mother's and fathers. You all are in power now, but this pit of evil that you all are operating, victimizing and taking advantage of people, might very well be the same pit where your families and croonies, including yourselves will fall. May God have mercy on you All.
  • qc (16/01/2016, 15:28) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
    Kudos to ms smith at least she can hit the ground running
  • mf (16/01/2016, 19:33) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    They still searching for an ndp trust i
  • Hmmmm (16/01/2016, 23:06) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    If she was doing all the work when Dr. Besson was there were are the Government's financial Statements for the last four years? That's is a function of the Treasury Department that is grossly neglected. Why is the Opposition sitting back and not making this an greater issue in the HOA?
    • dem say (17/01/2016, 05:55) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply

      Askh*le. She was doing the work but B***ie was the puppet on the string rresponsible!

    • @ Hmmmm (17/01/2016, 07:18) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply

      dead. just loves power and title

    • to hmmm (17/01/2016, 10:19) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      The Opposition beat this to death & the sweet talking NDP tell you don't study the Opposition just put back the NDP & you did in greater numbers so stop talking piddle.
  • butg (16/01/2016, 23:45) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Congrats laurel can't keep a good woman down
  • B Savage (17/01/2016, 11:29) Like (47) Dislike (2) Reply
    We need people in the post so we can have access to government funds on the books and OFF THE BOOKS. We someone who can manipulate the balance sheet to keep "certain things" from coming to light. This us how my government operates gangsters in suits. NDP4LIFE!
  • zoe (18/01/2016, 06:18) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    She will do well bottom line
  • MissT (18/01/2016, 15:09) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Congratulations Laurel...Good luck in your new post and continue doing an awesome job. Gods blessings

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