Late & untimely gov't funding caused missed opportunities - BVITB 2015 Report

However, due to limited resources and late Government funding (subventions), the BVITB, a statutory body, was faced with many challenges.
According to the Report, the BVITB’s budget "remained basically flat 2014 to 2015" but the entity “continued its thrust” at positioning the Virgin Islands in the marketplace as well as improving the tourism product by concentrating on customer service training and infrastructure development in conjunction with the Ministries and Departments responsible.
It said too it was able to take advantage of a supplementary grant at the end of 2014 and refreshed the brand image and messaging for “destination BVI.”
Changing paradigm & mindset challenging
According to the Report, “changing the paradigm and changing a mindset in a time of challenge is not easy but we have no choice. BVITB has delivered and could deliver more had additional resources been given. We have been able to deliver a cumulative increase in overnight arrivals from 2012 to 2015 close to 10%. Cruise arrivals and day trippers were also seeing an upsurge.”
One of the other challenges faced by the BVITB in 2015 was that of late and untimely subventions “which caused us to miss the window of opportunities and not be able to take advantage of certain tactical marketing campaigns and to execute product development initiatives in particular, initiatives that were particularly dependent on financing from other government agencies.
At times, in order to ensure completion of some initiatives, the BVITB said it was forced to fund the initiatives themselves or work harder to secure assistance from the private sector as well as service groups.
“We will continue to be vocal about matters that affect tourism in the British Virgin Islands and will continue to work strategically and professionally to ensure the sustainability of this vibrant and often unappreciated economic pillar,” the Report stated.

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