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Large mortgages silencing VIslanders- Doug Wheatley

September 10th, 2016 | Tags: Doug Wheatley 3D Show bank loans mortgages foreclosure
Talk show host Doug Wheatley is of the opinion that VIslanders continue to remain silent on matters affecting them in the territory for fear of losing their jobs and ultimately risking foreclosure on their properties. Photo: Internet Source
The talk show host and retired civil servant pointed out that unless or until the people of the VI realise that they have power, governments present and future will continue to do the things which they want to do instead of the things that they should do for the people. Photo: VINO/File
The talk show host and retired civil servant pointed out that unless or until the people of the VI realise that they have power, governments present and future will continue to do the things which they want to do instead of the things that they should do for the people. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Host of the 3- D show on ZBVI 780 AM, Doug Wheatley has singled out large mortgages as the culprit preventing VIslanders from being vocal and taking action like they did in times past on matters of great importance affecting the territory.

Using his hour and a half show on Friday September 9, 2016 the host questioned whether “cat got our tongue?” since, in recent times, there has been a notable shift in the way locals deal with these matters.

“…apart from members of the public calling on these radio programmes and writing to the online media and so forth, no real action is being taken. And I am wondering why? What is the reason why we are so docile compared to what we were in the past?”

In response to his own question, he said he did an analysis and came to the conclusion that in the past VIslanders were a very independent people who were self-employed but with the advent of economics and development and the banking sector, things have changed.

Slaves to bank loans

He said now with loans available persons utilise the opportunity to upgrade their properties, however, they have become slaves somewhat to their jobs and don’t want to rock the boat too much since they do not want to risk the banks foreclosing their property.

“We have mortgaged our lives for a period of time to the banks and that means we can’t be as outspoken as we used to be, whether to our employers or to anyone else…so the fact that we are indebted to banks and perhaps to other financial institutions, that has taken away our independence. So when things are not going well we tend to swallow them and continue on our course,” he opined.

He continued, “I am saying that we have issues right now…but instead of taking the actions that we took over the many years we don’t take those actions anymore. We just hope for the best and until we feel that we have our independence back we will be very docile and if you have a government that tends to be authoritarian or dictatorial, undemocratic then that government will continue to do the things that they like to do, want to do, prefer to do and we the people will continue to be docile.”

People have the power

The talk show host and retired civil servant pointed out that unless or until the people of the VI realise that they have power, governments present and future will continue to do the things which they want to do instead of the things that they should do for the people.

Mr Wheatley said one such example of the people having the power is during a general election, but they seem to withdraw and leave the running of the country to those who have been elected, something that should never be.

7 Responses to “Large mortgages silencing VIslanders- Doug Wheatley”

  • sistah joyce (10/09/2016, 10:39) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    ''don't hang your hat where your hand cant reach it''
    • Girl, So true (10/09/2016, 21:00) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Sistah Joyce, that is one of the main reasons me and my husband and our two children live in a little two room board house on my grandparents property for 6 years so that we could save money to get a house. We had no intentions of getting a mortgage from any bank. Now we have a nice house that we paid for in full from 6 years of saving every penny and eating cup of soups, peanut butter and bread and drinking lime aide. The only thing we pay is the land tax. No bank can say we owe them or come seize our home for non payment.
    • weed (15/09/2016, 12:43) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
  • Xxx (10/09/2016, 10:51) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Talk is cheap money buy land
  • truth be told (10/09/2016, 11:40) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Doug -- People are scared of the instant and vicious victimization that this Government dishes out -- Mortgage is a joke !! These man go after everything !!
  • Todd (10/09/2016, 12:47) Like (7) Dislike (5) Reply
    Perhaps we have had enough of the little man trying to stir up s*#t all the time and get on with living our lives. There's more to life than hatred little man.
  • Customer (12/09/2016, 14:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    How could there be any problem with a bank in the BVI? This is after all a "Financial Mecca" with banks headquartered
    all over the world, plus those here. How could any of them do anything bad? That is crazy. You just have to show
    your underwear size and DNA sample to the bank manager and you are in, baby.

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